2022-03-15 23:09:55 +01:00
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "mmio.h"
#define MBOX_READ ((volatile unsigned int*)(VCORE_MBOX+0x0))
#define MBOX_POLL ((volatile unsigned int*)(VCORE_MBOX+0x10))
#define MBOX_SENDER ((volatile unsigned int*)(VCORE_MBOX+0x14))
#define MBOX_STATUS ((volatile unsigned int*)(VCORE_MBOX+0x18))
#define MBOX_CONFIG ((volatile unsigned int*)(VCORE_MBOX+0x1C))
#define MBOX_WRITE ((volatile unsigned int*)(VCORE_MBOX+0x20))
#define MBOX_RESPONSE 0x80000000
#define MBOX_FULL 0x80000000
#define MBOX_EMPTY 0x40000000
#define MBOX_REQUEST 0
/* channels */
#define MBOX_CH_POWER 0
#define MBOX_CH_FB 1
#define MBOX_CH_VUART 2
#define MBOX_CH_VCHIQ 3
#define MBOX_CH_LEDS 4
#define MBOX_CH_BTNS 5
#define MBOX_CH_TOUCH 6
#define MBOX_CH_COUNT 7
#define MBOX_CH_PROP 8 // Used for ARM to GPU
/* tags */
2022-03-17 22:35:47 +01:00
#define MBOX_TAG_GETSERIAL 0x00010004
#define MBOX_TAG_GETARMMEM 0x00010005
#define MBOX_TAG_GETVCOREMEM 0x00010006
#define MBOX_TAG_GETCORETEMP 0x00030006
#define MBOX_TAG_GETMAXCLK 0x00030004
#define MBOX_TAG_GETCLK 0x00030047
#define MBOX_TAG_SETCLK 0x00038002
#define MBOX_TAG_LAST 0
2022-03-15 23:09:55 +01:00
extern volatile unsigned int mbox[36];
//box should be 16 aligned.
//mbox could be used for this.
int mbox_call(uint8_t ch, volatile uint32_t *box);