
209 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2004 David Decotigny
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
#include <sos/errno.h>
#include <sos/klibc.h>
#include <sos/assert.h>
#include <sos/list.h>
#include "sched.h"
* The definition of the scheduler queue. We could have used a normal
* kwaitq here, it would have had the same properties (regarding
* priority ordering mainly). But we don't bother with size
* considerations here (in kwaitq, we had better make the kwaitq
* structure as small as possible because there are a lot of kwaitq in
* the system: at least 1 per opened file), so that we can implement a
* much faster way of handling the prioritized jobs.
struct sos_sched_queue
unsigned int nr_threads;
struct sos_thread *thread_list[SOS_SCHED_NUM_PRIO];
* We manage 2 queues: a queue being scanned for ready threads
* (active_queue) and a queue to store the threads the threads having
* expired their time quantuum.
static struct sos_sched_queue *active_queue, *expired_queue;
* The instances for the active/expired queues
static struct sos_sched_queue sched_queue[2];
sos_ret_t sos_sched_subsystem_setup()
memset(sched_queue, 0x0, sizeof(sched_queue));
active_queue = & sched_queue[0];
expired_queue = & sched_queue[1];
return SOS_OK;
* Helper function to add a thread in a ready queue AND to change the
* state of the given thread to "READY".
* @param insert_at_tail TRUE to tell to add the thread at the end of
* the ready list. Otherwise it is added at the head of it.
static sos_ret_t add_in_ready_queue(struct sos_sched_queue *q,
struct sos_thread *thr,
sos_bool_t insert_at_tail)
sos_sched_priority_t prio;
|| (SOS_THR_RUNNING == thr->state) /* Yield */
|| (SOS_THR_BLOCKED == thr->state) );
/* Add the thread to the CPU queue */
prio = sos_thread_get_priority(thr);
if (insert_at_tail)
list_add_tail_named(q->thread_list[prio], thr,
ready.rdy_prev, ready.rdy_next);
list_add_head_named(q->thread_list[prio], thr,
ready.rdy_prev, ready.rdy_next);
thr->ready.rdy_queue = q;
q->nr_threads ++;
/* Ok, thread is now really ready to be (re)started */
thr->state = SOS_THR_READY;
return SOS_OK;
sos_ret_t sos_sched_set_ready(struct sos_thread *thr)
sos_ret_t retval;
/* Don't do anything for already ready threads */
if (SOS_THR_READY == thr->state)
return SOS_OK;
if (SOS_SCHED_PRIO_IS_RT(sos_thread_get_priority(thr)))
/* Real-time thread: schedule it for the present turn */
retval = add_in_ready_queue(active_queue, thr, TRUE);
/* Non real-time thread: schedule it for next turn */
retval = add_in_ready_queue(expired_queue, thr, TRUE);
return retval;
sos_ret_t sos_sched_change_priority(struct sos_thread *thr,
sos_sched_priority_t priority)
struct sos_thread *thread_list;
/* Temp variable */
= thr->ready.rdy_queue->thread_list[sos_thread_get_priority(thr)];
list_delete_named(thread_list, thr, ready.rdy_prev, ready.rdy_next);
/* Update lists */
thread_list = thr->ready.rdy_queue->thread_list[priority];
list_add_tail_named(thread_list, thr, ready.rdy_prev, ready.rdy_next);
thr->ready.rdy_queue->thread_list[priority] = thread_list;
return SOS_OK;
struct sos_thread * sos_reschedule(struct sos_thread *current_thread,
sos_bool_t do_yield)
sos_sched_priority_t prio;
if (SOS_THR_ZOMBIE == current_thread->state)
/* Don't think of returning to this thread since it is
terminated */
/* Nop */
else if (SOS_THR_BLOCKED != current_thread->state)
/* Take into account the current executing thread unless it is
marked blocked */
if (do_yield)
/* Ok, reserve it for next turn */
if (SOS_SCHED_PRIO_IS_RT(sos_thread_get_priority(current_thread)))
add_in_ready_queue(active_queue, current_thread, TRUE);
add_in_ready_queue(expired_queue, current_thread, TRUE);
/* Put it at the head of the active list */
add_in_ready_queue(active_queue, current_thread, FALSE);
/* Active queue is empty ? */
if (active_queue->nr_threads <= 0)
/* Yes: Exchange it with the expired queue */
struct sos_sched_queue *q;
q = active_queue;
active_queue = expired_queue;
expired_queue = q;
/* Now loop over the priorities in the active queue, looking for a
non-empty queue */
for (prio = SOS_SCHED_PRIO_HIGHEST ; prio <= SOS_SCHED_PRIO_LOWEST ; prio ++)
struct sos_thread *next_thr;
if (list_is_empty_named(active_queue->thread_list[prio],
ready.rdy_prev, ready.rdy_next))
/* Queue is not empty: take the thread at its head */
next_thr = list_pop_head_named(active_queue->thread_list[prio],
ready.rdy_prev, ready.rdy_next);
active_queue->nr_threads --;
return next_thr;
SOS_FATAL_ERROR("No kernel thread ready ?!");
return NULL;