# Instruction Build with `nasm -f bin mbr.asm -o mbr` Run with `qemu-system-x86_64 -boot a -fda mbr` Debug with `qemu-system-x86_64 -boot a -fda mbr -s -S` then `gdb` ``` target remote localhost:1234 layout asm b *0x7c00 c ``` # ASM reg ## In 16 bits There is 4 main 16bits reg: AX, BX, CX, DX. You can access the 8 MSB from AX with AH and the 8 LSB with AL.( BH,BL, CH, CL) SI and DI are 16bits index register often used for pointer but can contains data. SP is stack pointer, BP is base pointer AX(AH, AL), BX(BH, BL), CX(CH, CL), DX(DH, DL), SI, DI, SP, BP ## In 32bits Main register are "Extended" to 32bits but 16bits of 8bits direct access is not possible anymore. EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, ESP, EBP ## In 64bits Prefixed by R RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RSI, RDI, RSP, RBP # Bios Memory Address range | Description ----------------------- | ----------------------- 0x0 - 0x03FF |IVT 0x400 - 0x4FF |BIOS Data 0x500 - 0x7BFF |Unused 0x7C00 - 0x7D77 |Bootloader 0x7E00 - 0x9FFFF |Unused 0xA0000 - 0xBFFFF |Video memory 0xB0000 - 0xB7777 |Video memory monochrome 0xB8000 - 0xBFFFF |Video memory color 0xC0000 - 0xC7FFF |BIOS ROM 0x80000 - 0xEFFFF |BIOS shadow memory 0xF0000 - 0xFFFFF |BIOS System # Interrupt Vector Table INT_NUM | Short Description PM ----------- | ---------------------- 0x00 | Division by zero 0x01 | Debugger 0x02 | NMI 0x03 | Breakpoint 0x04 | Overflow 0x05 | Bounds 0x06 | Invalid Opcode 0x07 | Coprocessor not available 0x08 | Double fault 0x09 | Coprocessor Segment Overrun (386 or earlier only) 0x0A | Invalid Task State Segment 0x0B | Segment not present 0x0C | Stack Fault 0x0D | General protection fault 0x0E | Page fault 0x0F | reserved 0x10 | Math Fault 0x11 | Alignment Check 0x12 | Machine Check 0x13 | SIMD Floating-Point Exception 0x14 | Virtualisation Exception 0x15 | Control Protection Exception # BIOS IRQ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS_interrupt_call