2024-05-23 16:27:20 +02:00

184 lines
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#pragma once
#include "fs.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "stddef.h"
* Those structures aimes to represent VFS directory entries in memory.
* It's the equivalent of the Linux dentry or SimpleOs sos_fs_nscache_node.
* Path or Pascal String
* */
struct pstr {
size_t len;
const char *name;
#define PSTR_INIT(n, l) \
{ \
.len = l, .name = n \
#define PSTR_STATIC_INIT(n) \
{ \
.len = sizeof(n) - 1, .name = n \
* @brief Structure representing a file system entry.
* This structure holds information about a file system entry,
* including its name, associated inode, relationships within
* the file system hierarchy, and reference count.
struct fs_entry {
struct pstr name;
struct inode *node;
struct fs_entry *parent; // parent directory
struct fs_entry *mountpoint; // if this is a mounted fs, point to mountpoint
struct fs_entry *mountedFs; // Fs possibly mounted on this fsEntry
struct fs_entry *childs; // point to the list of children
struct fs_entry *nextSiblings, *prevSiblings; // Sibling at the same level
uint ref; // reference counter
* @brief Splits a pstr path into upper and lower components.
* This function takes a path and splits it into an upper component
* (the first segment of the path) and a lower component (the rest of the path).
* @param path Pointer to the input pstr structure representing the path.
* @param upper Pointer to the pstr structure to store the upper component.
* @param lower Pointer to the pstr structure to store the lower component.
* @return bool_t Returns true if there is a lower component, false otherwise.
bool_t pstringSplipPath(struct pstr *path, struct pstr *upper, struct pstr *lower);
* @brief Compares two pstr structures to check if they are equal.
* This function compares the length and the content of the strings
* in the two provided pstr structures.
* @param a Pointer to the first pstr structure.
* @param b Pointer to the second pstr structure.
* @return int Returns 1 if the structures are equal, 0 otherwise.
bool_t pstringIsEq(const struct pstr *p1, const struct pstr *p2);
* @brief Checks if a pstr structure matches a given C string.
* @param s Pointer to the null-terminated C string to compare.
* @return bool_t Returns true if the pstr matches the C string, false otherwise.
bool_t pstringIsStr(const struct pstr *p, char *s);
* @brief Increments the reference count of a file system entry.
* This function increments the reference count of the given file system
* entry. It is typically used to manage the lifecycle of file system
* entries, ensuring that they are not prematurely deallocated.
* @param entry Pointer to the fsEntry structure whose reference count will be incremented.
* @return int Returns 0 on success.
int fsEntryRef(struct fs_entry *entry);
* @brief Decrements the reference count of a file system entry.
* This function decrements the reference count of the given file system
* entry. It is typically used to manage the lifecycle of file system
* entries, ensuring that they are not prematurely deallocated.
* @param entry Pointer to the fsEntry structure whose reference count will be decremented.
* @return int Returns 0 on success.
int fsEntryUnref(struct fs_entry **entry);
* @brief Allocates and initializes a new fsEntry.
* This function allocates memory for a new `fsEntry` structure, initializes
* it with the provided name and inode, and adds it to the parent's list of children.
* @param parent Pointer to the parent `fsEntry` structure. Can be NULL if the new entry has no parent.
* @param name Pointer to the `pstr` structure representing the name of the new entry. Can be NULL.
* @param inode Pointer to the `inode` structure associated with the new entry.
* @return struct fsEntry* Pointer to the newly allocated `fsEntry` structure, or NULL if allocation fails.
* @note The reference count of the new entry is set to 1.
* @note If a parent is provided, the new entry is added to the parent's list of children and the parent's reference count is incremented.
* @note The inode's reference count is incremented.
struct fs_entry *fsEntryAlloc(struct fs_entry *parent, const struct pstr *name, struct inode *inode);
* @brief Looks up an entry in the file system.
* This function searches for a specified entry within the children
* of a given directory entry. The search is limited to the entries
* that are already in memory. If the entry is not found, it indicates
* that the entry must be resolved using disk accesses.
* @param entry The node in which we are looking for the entry.
* @param name The name of the entry we are looking for.
* @param root The base node beyond which lookup must not go (to
* support chroot): a kind of "barrier".
* @param result The fsEntry for the given entry (set only when
* the return value is 0).
* @return int Returns 0 if the entry is found, otherwise returns a non-zero error code.
* -ENOENT if the entry could not be found in the entry directory.
* @note The mountpoints are followed.
* @note result is a NEW reference to the node. It should be unreferenced when unused.
int fsEntryLookup(struct fs_entry *entry, const struct pstr *name,
const struct fs_entry *root, struct fs_entry **result);
* @brief Setup the fsEntry subsystem
int fsEntrySetup(void);
* @brief Mounts a file system entry at a specified mount point.
* This function mounts a file system entry (`mounted`) at a specified mount point (`mountpoint`).
* It updates the `mountedFs` field of the mount point and the `mountpoint` field of the mounted entry.
* @param mountpoint Pointer to the `fsEntry` structure representing the mount point.
* @param mounted Pointer to the `fsEntry` structure representing the file system entry to be mounted.
* @return int Returns 0 on success, or -EBUSY if either the mount point is already occupied or the mounted entry is already mounted.
* @note The reference counts of both the mount point and the mounted entry are incremented.
int fsEntryMount(struct fs_entry *mountpoint, struct fs_entry *mounted);
* @brief Unmounts a file system entry.
* This function unmounts a file system entry (`mounted`) from its mount point.
* It updates the `mountedFs` field of the mount point and the `mountpoint` field of the mounted entry.
* @param mounted Pointer to the `fsEntry` structure representing the file system entry to be unmounted.
* @return int Returns 0 on success, -ENOENT if the entry is not mounted, or -EBUSY if the entry is busy.
* @note The unmount operation fails if the mounted entry has children or other references.
* @note The reference counts of both the mount point and the mounted entry are decremented.
int fsEntryUmount(struct fs_entry *mounted);