#include "alloc.h" #include "allocArea.h" #include "ata.h" #include "exception.h" #include "gdt.h" #include "idt.h" #include "interrupt.h" #include "io.h" #include "irq.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "klibc.h" #include "kthread.h" #include "mem.h" #include "multiboot.h" #include "paging.h" #include "pit.h" #include "serial.h" #include "stack.h" #include "stdarg.h" #ifdef RUN_TEST #include "test.h" #endif #include "time.h" #include "types.h" #include "vga.h" #define CHECK_FLAG(flags, bit) ((flags) & (1 << (bit))) void idleThread(void *arg) { (void)arg; while (1) { VGAPrintf(GREEN, BLACK, 0, VGA_HEIGHT - 1, "%d", (jiffies / HZ)); kthreadYield(); } } // Multiboot information available here : // https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/multiboot/multiboot.html#kernel_002ec // https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/multiboot/html_node/Boot-information-format.html#Boot%20information%20format void kmain(unsigned long magic, unsigned long addr) { unsigned long upperMemKB = 0; int memMapAvailable = 0; paddr_t lastUsedByMem; paddr_t firstUsedByMem; VGASetup(BLACK, GREEN); printf("[Setup] Interruptions\n"); gdtSetup(); idtSetup(); irqSetup(); pitSetup(HZ); // https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/multiboot/multiboot.html#Boot-information-format if (magic == MULTIBOOT_BOOTLOADER_MAGIC) { // Get loaded by Grub with mutliboot version 1 multiboot_info_t *mbi = (multiboot_info_t *)addr; /* Are mem_* valid? */ if (CHECK_FLAG(mbi->flags, 0)) { printf("mem_lower = %dKiB, mem_upper %dKiB\n", mbi->mem_lower, mbi->mem_upper); upperMemKB = mbi->mem_upper; } /* Is boot_device valid? */ if (CHECK_FLAG(mbi->flags, 1)) { int disk = mbi->boot_device >> 24 & 0xff; int part1 = mbi->boot_device >> 16 & 0xff; int part2 = mbi->boot_device >> 8 & 0xff; int part3 = mbi->boot_device & 0xff; printf("boot_device = 0x%x (0x0 for floppy 0x80 for disk) part %d %d %d\n", disk, part1, part2, part3); } if (CHECK_FLAG(mbi->flags, 3)) { if (mbi->mods_count > 0) { multiboot_module_t *mod; uint32_t i; printf("mods_count = %d, mods_addr = 0x%x\n", (int)mbi->mods_count, (int)mbi->mods_addr); for (i = 0, mod = (multiboot_module_t *)mbi->mods_addr; i < mbi->mods_count; i++, mod++) printf(" mod_start = 0x%x, mod_end = 0x%x, cmdline = %s\n", (unsigned)mod->mod_start, (unsigned)mod->mod_end, (char *)mod->cmdline); } } if (CHECK_FLAG(mbi->flags, 6)) { memMapAvailable = 1; } if (CHECK_FLAG(mbi->flags, 9)) { printf("Loaded by %s. ", mbi->boot_loader_name); } /* Is the command line passed? */ if (CHECK_FLAG(mbi->flags, 2)) { printf("cmdline = %s\n", (char *)mbi->cmdline); } if (CHECK_FLAG(mbi->flags, 12)) { printf("Re configure Framebuffer from 0x%llx size (%dx%d) pitch %d bpp %d\n", mbi->framebuffer_addr, mbi->framebuffer_width, mbi->framebuffer_height, mbi->framebuffer_pitch, mbi->framebuffer_bpp); VGAConfigure(mbi->framebuffer_addr, mbi->framebuffer_width, mbi->framebuffer_height); } } if (upperMemKB == 0) { printf("Cannot get upper phy mem bound. Using default value 32MB\n"); upperMemKB = 32 * 1024; } printf("[Setup] Mem\n"); memSetup(upperMemKB, &firstUsedByMem, &lastUsedByMem); if (memMapAvailable) { multiboot_info_t *mbi = (multiboot_info_t *)addr; struct multiboot_mmap_entry *mmap = (struct multiboot_mmap_entry *)mbi->mmap_addr; uint size = mbi->mmap_length / sizeof(struct multiboot_mmap_entry); pr_devel("mmap buffer at 0x%x with %d entries\n", mbi->mmap_addr, size); for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf(" base_addr 0x%llx, length = 0x%llx, type = 0x%x\n", mmap[i].addr, mmap[i].len, (uint32_t)mmap[i].type); // Consider low memory taken (https://wiki.osdev.org/Detecting_Memory_(x86). For // example by VGA // Turns out linux and windows do the same ! // https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/MWHPR21MB159330952629D36EEDE706B3D7379@MWHPR21MB1593.namprd21.prod.outlook.com/ if (mmap[i].addr < 0x100000) { printf(" -> skipping\n"); continue; } memAddBank(max(mmap[i].addr, (multiboot_uint64_t)lastUsedByMem), mmap[i].addr + mmap[i].len, mmap[i].type == MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_AVAILABLE); } } else { printf("Cannot get memory Mapping information, using default value\n"); memAddBank(lastUsedByMem, upperMemKB * 1024, 1); } printf("%d pages used by kernel(0x%x->0x%x))", (lastUsedByMem - firstUsedByMem)/PAGE_SIZE, firstUsedByMem, lastUsedByMem); printf(" (%d pages for MM)\n", (lastUsedByMem - (paddr_t)&__ld_kernel_end)/PAGE_SIZE); #ifdef RUN_TEST testPhymem(); #endif printf("[Setup] Pagination\n"); pagingSetup(firstUsedByMem, lastUsedByMem); VGAMap(); printf("[Setup] IRQ handlers\n"); irqSetRoutineWrapped(IRQ_KEYBOARD, keyboard_do_irq); printf("[Setup] HW interrupts\n"); // Enabling the HW interrupts exceptionSetup(); asm volatile("sti\n"); printf("[Setup] Serial link (115200)\n"); serialSetup(115200); printf("[Setup] allocation system\n"); areaInit(firstUsedByMem, lastUsedByMem, _stack_bottom, _stack_top); cpu_context_subsystem_setup(); printf("[Setup] thread system\n"); kthreadSetup(_stack_bottom, (_stack_top - _stack_bottom + 1)); kthreadCreate("idle ", idleThread, NULL); irqSetRoutine(IRQ_TIMER, pit_handler); ATAInit(); #ifdef RUN_TEST run_test(); #endif printf("\nSystem init done: "); { uint free, used; memGetStat(&free, &used); printf("%dKB free %dKB Used\n", free * (PAGE_SIZE / 1024), used * (PAGE_SIZE / 1024)); } // There is no real caller behind this point // So finish this by ourself kthreadExit(); }