fix ATA disk and controller detection
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,3 +18,10 @@ static inline uint8_t inb(uint16_t port)
asm volatile("inb %1, %0" : "=a"(ret) : "Nd"(port));
return ret;
static inline uint16_t inw(uint16_t port)
uint16_t ret;
asm volatile("inw %w1, %0" : "=a"(ret) : "Nd"(port));
return ret;
@ -2,70 +2,487 @@
#include "io.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "klibc.h"
#include "kthread.h"
static struct ata_drive drives[4];
// from
struct {
uint16_t Reserved1 : 1;
uint16_t Retired3 : 1;
uint16_t ResponseIncomplete : 1;
uint16_t Retired2 : 3;
uint16_t FixedDevice : 1;
uint16_t RemovableMedia : 1;
uint16_t Retired1 : 7;
uint16_t DeviceType : 1;
} GeneralConfiguration;
uint16_t NumCylinders;
uint16_t SpecificConfiguration;
uint16_t NumHeads;
uint16_t Retired1[2];
uint16_t NumSectorsPerTrack;
uint16_t VendorUnique1[3];
uint8_t SerialNumber[20];
uint16_t Retired2[2];
uint16_t Obsolete1;
uint8_t FirmwareRevision[8];
uint8_t ModelNumber[40];
uint8_t MaximumBlockTransfer;
uint8_t VendorUnique2;
struct {
uint16_t FeatureSupported : 1;
uint16_t Reserved : 15;
} TrustedComputing;
struct {
uint8_t CurrentLongPhysicalSectorAlignment : 2;
uint8_t ReservedByte49 : 6;
uint8_t DmaSupported : 1;
uint8_t LbaSupported : 1;
uint8_t IordyDisable : 1;
uint8_t IordySupported : 1;
uint8_t Reserved1 : 1;
uint8_t StandybyTimerSupport : 1;
uint8_t Reserved2 : 2;
uint16_t ReservedWord50;
} Capabilities;
uint16_t ObsoleteWords51[2];
uint16_t TranslationFieldsValid : 3;
uint16_t Reserved3 : 5;
uint16_t FreeFallControlSensitivity : 8;
uint16_t NumberOfCurrentCylinders;
uint16_t NumberOfCurrentHeads;
uint16_t CurrentSectorsPerTrack;
uint32_t CurrentSectorCapacity;
uint8_t CurrentMultiSectorSetting;
uint8_t MultiSectorSettingValid : 1;
uint8_t ReservedByte59 : 3;
uint8_t SanitizeFeatureSupported : 1;
uint8_t CryptoScrambleExtCommandSupported : 1;
uint8_t OverwriteExtCommandSupported : 1;
uint8_t BlockEraseExtCommandSupported : 1;
uint32_t UserAddressableSectors;
uint16_t ObsoleteWord62;
uint16_t MultiWordDMASupport : 8;
uint16_t MultiWordDMAActive : 8;
uint16_t AdvancedPIOModes : 8;
uint16_t ReservedByte64 : 8;
uint16_t MinimumMWXferCycleTime;
uint16_t RecommendedMWXferCycleTime;
uint16_t MinimumPIOCycleTime;
uint16_t MinimumPIOCycleTimeIORDY;
struct {
uint16_t ZonedCapabilities : 2;
uint16_t NonVolatileWriteCache : 1;
uint16_t ExtendedUserAddressableSectorsSupported : 1;
uint16_t DeviceEncryptsAllUserData : 1;
uint16_t ReadZeroAfterTrimSupported : 1;
uint16_t Optional28BitCommandsSupported : 1;
uint16_t IEEE1667 : 1;
uint16_t DownloadMicrocodeDmaSupported : 1;
uint16_t SetMaxSetPasswordUnlockDmaSupported : 1;
uint16_t WriteBufferDmaSupported : 1;
uint16_t ReadBufferDmaSupported : 1;
uint16_t DeviceConfigIdentifySetDmaSupported : 1;
uint16_t LPSAERCSupported : 1;
uint16_t DeterministicReadAfterTrimSupported : 1;
uint16_t CFastSpecSupported : 1;
} AdditionalSupported;
uint16_t ReservedWords70[5];
uint16_t QueueDepth : 5;
uint16_t ReservedWord75 : 11;
struct {
uint16_t Reserved0 : 1;
uint16_t SataGen1 : 1;
uint16_t SataGen2 : 1;
uint16_t SataGen3 : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 4;
uint16_t NCQ : 1;
uint16_t HIPM : 1;
uint16_t PhyEvents : 1;
uint16_t NcqUnload : 1;
uint16_t NcqPriority : 1;
uint16_t HostAutoPS : 1;
uint16_t DeviceAutoPS : 1;
uint16_t ReadLogDMA : 1;
uint16_t Reserved2 : 1;
uint16_t CurrentSpeed : 3;
uint16_t NcqStreaming : 1;
uint16_t NcqQueueMgmt : 1;
uint16_t NcqReceiveSend : 1;
uint16_t DEVSLPtoReducedPwrState : 1;
uint16_t Reserved3 : 8;
} SerialAtaCapabilities;
struct {
uint16_t Reserved0 : 1;
uint16_t NonZeroOffsets : 1;
uint16_t DmaSetupAutoActivate : 1;
uint16_t DIPM : 1;
uint16_t InOrderData : 1;
uint16_t HardwareFeatureControl : 1;
uint16_t SoftwareSettingsPreservation : 1;
uint16_t NCQAutosense : 1;
uint16_t DEVSLP : 1;
uint16_t HybridInformation : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 6;
} SerialAtaFeaturesSupported;
struct {
uint16_t Reserved0 : 1;
uint16_t NonZeroOffsets : 1;
uint16_t DmaSetupAutoActivate : 1;
uint16_t DIPM : 1;
uint16_t InOrderData : 1;
uint16_t HardwareFeatureControl : 1;
uint16_t SoftwareSettingsPreservation : 1;
uint16_t DeviceAutoPS : 1;
uint16_t DEVSLP : 1;
uint16_t HybridInformation : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 6;
} SerialAtaFeaturesEnabled;
uint16_t MajorRevision;
uint16_t MinorRevision;
struct {
uint16_t SmartCommands : 1;
uint16_t SecurityMode : 1;
uint16_t RemovableMediaFeature : 1;
uint16_t PowerManagement : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 1;
uint16_t WriteCache : 1;
uint16_t LookAhead : 1;
uint16_t ReleaseInterrupt : 1;
uint16_t ServiceInterrupt : 1;
uint16_t DeviceReset : 1;
uint16_t HostProtectedArea : 1;
uint16_t Obsolete1 : 1;
uint16_t WriteBuffer : 1;
uint16_t ReadBuffer : 1;
uint16_t Nop : 1;
uint16_t Obsolete2 : 1;
uint16_t DownloadMicrocode : 1;
uint16_t DmaQueued : 1;
uint16_t Cfa : 1;
uint16_t AdvancedPm : 1;
uint16_t Msn : 1;
uint16_t PowerUpInStandby : 1;
uint16_t ManualPowerUp : 1;
uint16_t Reserved2 : 1;
uint16_t SetMax : 1;
uint16_t Acoustics : 1;
uint16_t BigLba : 1;
uint16_t DeviceConfigOverlay : 1;
uint16_t FlushCache : 1;
uint16_t FlushCacheExt : 1;
uint16_t WordValid83 : 2;
uint16_t SmartErrorLog : 1;
uint16_t SmartSelfTest : 1;
uint16_t MediaSerialNumber : 1;
uint16_t MediaCardPassThrough : 1;
uint16_t StreamingFeature : 1;
uint16_t GpLogging : 1;
uint16_t WriteFua : 1;
uint16_t WriteQueuedFua : 1;
uint16_t WWN64Bit : 1;
uint16_t URGReadStream : 1;
uint16_t URGWriteStream : 1;
uint16_t ReservedForTechReport : 2;
uint16_t IdleWithUnloadFeature : 1;
uint16_t WordValid : 2;
} CommandSetSupport;
struct {
uint16_t SmartCommands : 1;
uint16_t SecurityMode : 1;
uint16_t RemovableMediaFeature : 1;
uint16_t PowerManagement : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 1;
uint16_t WriteCache : 1;
uint16_t LookAhead : 1;
uint16_t ReleaseInterrupt : 1;
uint16_t ServiceInterrupt : 1;
uint16_t DeviceReset : 1;
uint16_t HostProtectedArea : 1;
uint16_t Obsolete1 : 1;
uint16_t WriteBuffer : 1;
uint16_t ReadBuffer : 1;
uint16_t Nop : 1;
uint16_t Obsolete2 : 1;
uint16_t DownloadMicrocode : 1;
uint16_t DmaQueued : 1;
uint16_t Cfa : 1;
uint16_t AdvancedPm : 1;
uint16_t Msn : 1;
uint16_t PowerUpInStandby : 1;
uint16_t ManualPowerUp : 1;
uint16_t Reserved2 : 1;
uint16_t SetMax : 1;
uint16_t Acoustics : 1;
uint16_t BigLba : 1;
uint16_t DeviceConfigOverlay : 1;
uint16_t FlushCache : 1;
uint16_t FlushCacheExt : 1;
uint16_t Resrved3 : 1;
uint16_t Words119_120Valid : 1;
uint16_t SmartErrorLog : 1;
uint16_t SmartSelfTest : 1;
uint16_t MediaSerialNumber : 1;
uint16_t MediaCardPassThrough : 1;
uint16_t StreamingFeature : 1;
uint16_t GpLogging : 1;
uint16_t WriteFua : 1;
uint16_t WriteQueuedFua : 1;
uint16_t WWN64Bit : 1;
uint16_t URGReadStream : 1;
uint16_t URGWriteStream : 1;
uint16_t ReservedForTechReport : 2;
uint16_t IdleWithUnloadFeature : 1;
uint16_t Reserved4 : 2;
} CommandSetActive;
uint16_t UltraDMASupport : 8;
uint16_t UltraDMAActive : 8;
struct {
uint16_t TimeRequired : 15;
uint16_t ExtendedTimeReported : 1;
} NormalSecurityEraseUnit;
struct {
uint16_t TimeRequired : 15;
uint16_t ExtendedTimeReported : 1;
} EnhancedSecurityEraseUnit;
uint16_t CurrentAPMLevel : 8;
uint16_t ReservedWord91 : 8;
uint16_t MasterPasswordID;
uint16_t HardwareResetResult;
uint16_t CurrentAcousticValue : 8;
uint16_t RecommendedAcousticValue : 8;
uint16_t StreamMinRequestSize;
uint16_t StreamingTransferTimeDMA;
uint16_t StreamingAccessLatencyDMAPIO;
uint32_t StreamingPerfGranularity;
uint32_t Max48BitLBA[2];
uint16_t StreamingTransferTime;
uint16_t DsmCap;
struct {
uint16_t LogicalSectorsPerPhysicalSector : 4;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 8;
uint16_t LogicalSectorLongerThan256Words : 1;
uint16_t MultipleLogicalSectorsPerPhysicalSector : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 2;
} PhysicalLogicalSectorSize;
uint16_t InterSeekDelay;
uint16_t WorldWideName[4];
uint16_t ReservedForWorldWideName128[4];
uint16_t ReservedForTlcTechnicalReport;
uint16_t WordsPerLogicalSector[2];
struct {
uint16_t ReservedForDrqTechnicalReport : 1;
uint16_t WriteReadVerify : 1;
uint16_t WriteUncorrectableExt : 1;
uint16_t ReadWriteLogDmaExt : 1;
uint16_t DownloadMicrocodeMode3 : 1;
uint16_t FreefallControl : 1;
uint16_t SenseDataReporting : 1;
uint16_t ExtendedPowerConditions : 1;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 6;
uint16_t WordValid : 2;
} CommandSetSupportExt;
struct {
uint16_t ReservedForDrqTechnicalReport : 1;
uint16_t WriteReadVerify : 1;
uint16_t WriteUncorrectableExt : 1;
uint16_t ReadWriteLogDmaExt : 1;
uint16_t DownloadMicrocodeMode3 : 1;
uint16_t FreefallControl : 1;
uint16_t SenseDataReporting : 1;
uint16_t ExtendedPowerConditions : 1;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 6;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 2;
} CommandSetActiveExt;
uint16_t ReservedForExpandedSupportandActive[6];
uint16_t MsnSupport : 2;
uint16_t ReservedWord127 : 14;
struct {
uint16_t SecuritySupported : 1;
uint16_t SecurityEnabled : 1;
uint16_t SecurityLocked : 1;
uint16_t SecurityFrozen : 1;
uint16_t SecurityCountExpired : 1;
uint16_t EnhancedSecurityEraseSupported : 1;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 2;
uint16_t SecurityLevel : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 7;
} SecurityStatus;
uint16_t ReservedWord129[31];
struct {
uint16_t MaximumCurrentInMA : 12;
uint16_t CfaPowerMode1Disabled : 1;
uint16_t CfaPowerMode1Required : 1;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 1;
uint16_t Word160Supported : 1;
} CfaPowerMode1;
uint16_t ReservedForCfaWord161[7];
uint16_t NominalFormFactor : 4;
uint16_t ReservedWord168 : 12;
struct {
uint16_t SupportsTrim : 1;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 15;
} DataSetManagementFeature;
uint16_t AdditionalProductID[4];
uint16_t ReservedForCfaWord174[2];
uint16_t CurrentMediaSerialNumber[30];
struct {
uint16_t Supported : 1;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 1;
uint16_t WriteSameSuported : 1;
uint16_t ErrorRecoveryControlSupported : 1;
uint16_t FeatureControlSuported : 1;
uint16_t DataTablesSuported : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 6;
uint16_t VendorSpecific : 4;
} SCTCommandTransport;
uint16_t ReservedWord207[2];
struct {
uint16_t AlignmentOfLogicalWithinPhysical : 14;
uint16_t Word209Supported : 1;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 1;
} BlockAlignment;
uint16_t WriteReadVerifySectorCountMode3Only[2];
uint16_t WriteReadVerifySectorCountMode2Only[2];
struct {
uint16_t NVCachePowerModeEnabled : 1;
uint16_t Reserved0 : 3;
uint16_t NVCacheFeatureSetEnabled : 1;
uint16_t Reserved1 : 3;
uint16_t NVCachePowerModeVersion : 4;
uint16_t NVCacheFeatureSetVersion : 4;
} NVCacheCapabilities;
uint16_t NVCacheSizeLSW;
uint16_t NVCacheSizeMSW;
uint16_t NominalMediaRotationRate;
uint16_t ReservedWord218;
struct {
uint8_t NVCacheEstimatedTimeToSpinUpInSeconds;
uint8_t Reserved;
} NVCacheOptions;
uint16_t WriteReadVerifySectorCountMode : 8;
uint16_t ReservedWord220 : 8;
uint16_t ReservedWord221;
struct {
uint16_t MajorVersion : 12;
uint16_t TransportType : 4;
} TransportMajorVersion;
uint16_t TransportMinorVersion;
uint16_t ReservedWord224[6];
uint32_t ExtendedNumberOfUserAddressableSectors[2];
uint16_t MinBlocksPerDownloadMicrocodeMode03;
uint16_t MaxBlocksPerDownloadMicrocodeMode03;
uint16_t ReservedWord236[19];
uint16_t Signature : 8;
uint16_t CheckSum : 8;
} __attribute__((packed));
int ATADectectType(struct ata_drive *drive)
static struct ata_controller controllers[MAX_ATA_CONTROLLER] = {{
.id = 0,
.base = 0x1F0,
.dev_ctl = 0x3F6,
.present = 0,
.id = 1,
.base = 0x170,
.dev_ctl = 0x376,
.present = 0,
int ATADetectDevice(struct ata_device *dev)
outb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_DRIVE, 0xA0 | drive->isSlave << 4);
outb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_SEC_COUNT, 0x0);
outb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_LBALO, 0x0);
outb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_LBAMID, 0x0);
outb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_LBAHI, 0x0);
outb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_CMD, ATA_PIO_CMD_IDENTIFY);
unsigned st = inb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_STATUS);
struct ata_controller *ctl = dev->ctl;
outb(ctl->base + ATA_PIO_DRIVE, 0xA0 | dev->isSlave << 4);
unsigned st = inb(ctl->base + ATA_PIO_STATUS);
goto no_disk;
inb(drive->dev_ctl); /* Drop the next 4 read to wait */
unsigned cl = inb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_LBAMID); /* get the "signature bytes" */
unsigned ch = inb(drive->base + ATA_PIO_LBAHI);
unsigned cl = inb(ctl->base + ATA_PIO_LBAMID); /* get the "signature bytes" */
unsigned ch = inb(ctl->base + ATA_PIO_LBAHI);
/* differentiate ATA, ATAPI, SATA and SATAPI */
if (cl == 0x14 && ch == 0xEB) {
drive->status = ATA_DEV_PATAPI;
return 0;
if (cl == 0x69 && ch == 0x96) {
drive->status = ATA_DEV_SATAPI;
return 0;
if (cl == 0 && ch == 0) {
drive->status = ATA_DEV_PATA;
return 0;
return ATA_DEV_PATA;
if (cl == 0x3c && ch == 0xc3) {
drive->status = ATA_DEV_SATA;
return 0;
return ATA_DEV_SATA;
drive->status = ATA_DEV_UNKNOWN;
return -1;
int ATAGetDeviceInfo(struct ata_device *dev)
int status;
int16_t buffer[256];
struct ata_controller *ctl = dev->ctl;
struct _IDENTIFY_DEVICE_DATA *deviceInfo;
outb(ctl->base + ATA_PIO_DRIVE, 0xA0 | dev->isSlave << 4);
outb(ctl->base + ATA_PIO_CMD, ATA_PIO_CMD_IDENTIFY);
/* Wait for command completion (wait while busy bit is set) */
for (int timeout = 0; timeout < 30000; timeout++) {
status = inb(ctl->base + ATA_PIO_STATUS);
if (!(status & ATA_PIO_STATUS_DRIVE_BUSY))
/* DRQ bit indicates that data is ready to be read. If it is not set
after an IDENTIFY command, there is a problem */
if (!(status & ATA_PIO_STATUS_DRQ)) {
return -1;
/* Read data from the controller buffer to a temporary buffer */
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
buffer[i] = inw(ctl->base + ATA_PIO_DATA);
deviceInfo = (struct _IDENTIFY_DEVICE_DATA *)buffer;
dev->heads = deviceInfo->NumHeads;
dev->cyls = deviceInfo->NumCylinders;
dev->sectors = deviceInfo->NumSectorsPerTrack;
printf("Disk Detected[%d][%d]: %d Ko\n", ctl->id, dev->id,
(dev->heads * dev->cyls * dev->sectors * DISK_SECTOR_SIZE) / 1024);
return 0;
int ATADetectController(struct ata_controller *controller)
controller->devices[0].id = 0;
controller->devices[0].isSlave = 0;
controller->devices[0].ctl = controller;
controller->devices[0].type = ATADetectDevice(&controllers->devices[0]);
if (controller->devices[0].type == ATA_DEV_PATA ||
controller->devices[0].type == ATA_DEV_SATA) {
controller->devices[1].id = 1;
controller->devices[1].isSlave = 1;
controller->devices[1].ctl = controller;
controller->devices[1].type = ATADetectDevice(&controllers->devices[1]);
if (controller->devices[1].type == ATA_DEV_PATA ||
controller->devices[1].type == ATA_DEV_SATA) {
return 0;
int ATAInit()
memset(drives, 0, sizeof(drives));
drives[0].base = 0x1F0;
drives[0].dev_ctl = 0x3F6;
drives[0].isSlave = 0;
drives[1].base = 0x1F0;
drives[1].dev_ctl = 0x3F6;
drives[1].isSlave = 1;
drives[1].base = 0x170;
drives[1].dev_ctl = 0x376;
drives[1].isSlave = 0;
drives[2].base = 0x170;
drives[2].dev_ctl = 0x376;
drives[2].isSlave = 1;
for(uint i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(drives); i++){
printf("Driver %d detected %d\n", i, drives[i].status);
for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_ATA_CONTROLLER; i++) {
return 0;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#pragma once
#include "stdarg.h"
#define ATA_PIO_REG_DATA 0
#define ATA_PIO_REG_ERR 1
#define ATA_PIO_REG_FEAT 1
#define ATA_PIO_DATA 0
#define ATA_PIO_ERR 1
#define ATA_PIO_FEAT 1
#define ATA_PIO_LBALO 3
#define ATA_PIO_LBAMID 4
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS 7
#define ATA_PIO_CMD 7
// cmd details
@ -25,28 +27,44 @@
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_REG_ERR (1<<0)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_IDX (1<<1)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_CORP (1<<2)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_DRQ (1<<3)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_SRV (1<<4)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_REG_ERR (1 << 0)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_IDX (1 << 1)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_CORP (1 << 2)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_DRQ (1 << 3)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_SRV (1 << 4)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_DRIVE_RDY (1 << 6)
#define ATA_PIO_STATUS_DRIVE_BUSY (1 << 7)
#define ATA_DEV_PATA 1
#define ATA_DEV_SATA 2
#define ATA_DEV_PATAPI 3
#define ATA_DEV_SATAPI 4
struct ata_drive {
int16_t base;
int16_t dev_ctl;
int status;
#define DISK_SECTOR_SIZE 512
typedef enum {
} ata_type;
struct ata_device {
int id;
ata_type type;
int isSlave;
struct ata_controller *ctl;
int heads;
int cyls;
int sectors;
struct ata_controller {
int id;
int16_t base;
int16_t dev_ctl;
int present;
struct ata_device devices[MAX_ATA_DEVICES];
int ATADectectType(struct ata_drive* drive);
int ATAInit();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user