Mathieu Maret 48fadbacfa [zsh/screen/tmux] force zsh to use emacs bindings for home/end/... keys 2010-04-22 16:26:09 +02:00
host:AresNomade Add instruction for tranparancy in OpenBox 2010-02-17 20:37:30 +01:00
host:archAres [zsh] Keybindings for non Ubuntu/Debian distrib in archAres/basic.zsh 2010-04-21 01:01:04 +02:00
host:kirkwood [Vim/Cscope] CSCOPE_DB 2010-03-04 10:10:31 +01:00
00_basic.zsh [zsh/screen/tmux] force zsh to use emacs bindings for home/end/... keys 2010-04-22 16:26:09 +02:00
10_Environment.zsh correctly set .zsh files 2009-11-13 16:22:30 +01:00
20_fancy.zsh [zsh/screen/tmux] force zsh to use emacs bindings for home/end/... keys 2010-04-22 16:26:09 +02:00