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Utility Commands
The following is a list of utility commands provided by eclim. These
are general purpose commands that are useful in and outside the scope
of eclim.
- :LocateFile [file_pattern] - Attempts to locate the supplied file
pattern or if no argument is supplied, opens a temporary window
where the text you type is turned into a pattern and search results
are presented as you type.
While in this completion mode the following key bindings are
- <esc> - close the search window without selecting a file
- <tab> or <down> - cycle forward through the results
- <shift><tab> or <up> - cycle backwards through the results
- <enter> - open the selected file using the default action
- <ctrl>e - open the selected file via :edit
- <ctrl>s - open the selected file via :split
- <ctrl>t - open the selected file via :tabnew
- <ctrl>l - switch the locate scope
- <ctrl>h - toggle the help buffer
By default, the search string accepted by the completion mode is
intended to be just portions of the file name you are looking for,
which is then automatically expanded in an effort to help you find
the file with the fewest keystrokes possible.
The argument version of :LocateFile on the other hand, accepts a
hybrid glob/regex pattern. The glob portion allows you to use * and
** to match portions of a path or traverse multiple directories.
You can mix * and ** with standard perl compatible regex operators
to construct your search pattern.
If you prefer the more explicit patterns supported by the argument
version of :LocateFile over the default "fuzzy" pattern supported by
the completion version of :LocateFile, then you can turn off the
fuzzy matching support using the g:EclimLocateFileFuzzy variable
described below.
By default, all searching by both variants of this command is
limited to the current project and any projects listed as
dependencies, but you can widen the search scope to include all open
projects by setting g:EclimLocateFileScope to 'workspace', which is
the default scope when :LocateFile is executed outside of a project.
In addition to the 'project' and 'workspace' scopes, :LocateFile
also supports the following scopes:
- buffers: search listed buffers
- quickfix: search the quickfix results
- vcsmodified: search files reported by your vcs as modified or
Note: For performance reasons, locating files in the 'project' and
'workspace' scopes depends on eclipse being aware of all your
project files. For the most part this is handled automatically as
you create and edit files within vim. However, actions you take
outside of vim or eclipse (moving/removing files, updates from a
version control system, etc.) will not be visible until you force
a project refresh via |:ProjectRefresh|.
Vim Settings
- g:EclimLocateFileDefaultAction (Default: 'split') - Determines the
command used to open the file when hitting <enter> on an entry in
the locate file results.
- g:EclimLocateFileScope (Default: 'project') - Determines the scope
for which to search for files.
- 'project': search only the current project and its dependencies.
- 'workspace': search the entire workspace (all open projects).
- 'buffers': search listed buffers
- 'quickfix': search the quickfix results
- 'vcsmodified': search files reported by your vcs as modified or
- g:EclimLocateFileFuzzy (Default: 1) - Determines whether or not
'fuzzy' searching will be used on the no arugment version of
- :Split file [file ...] - Behaves like the 'split' command, but
allows multiple files to be supplied. Supports '*' and '**'
- :SplitRelative file [file ...] - Like :Split this command provides
splitting of multiple files, but this command splits files relative
to the file in the current buffer. Supports '*' and '**' wildcards.
- :Tabnew file [file ...] - Behaves like :Split, but issues a :tabnew
on each file. Supports '*' and '**' wildcards.
- :TabnewRelative file [file ...] - Behaves like :SplitRelative, but
issues a :tabnew on each file. Supports '*' and '**' wildcards.
- :EditRelative file - Like :SplitRelative except issues an 'edit' and
only supports one file at a time.
- :ReadRelative file - Like :SplitRelative except issues a 'read' and
only supports one file at a time.
- :ArgsRelative file_pattern [file_pattern ...] - Like :SplitRelative
except executes 'args'.
- :ArgAddRelative file_pattern [file_pattern ...] - Like
:SplitRelative except executes 'argadd'.
- :VimgrepRelative /regex/ file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] - Executes
:vimgrep relative to the current file.
- :VimgrepAddRelative /regex/ file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] -
Executes :vimgrepadd relative to the current file.
- :LvimgrepRelative /regex/ file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] -
Executes :lvimgrep relative to the current file.
- :LvimgrepAddRelative /regex/ file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] -
Executes :lvimgrepadd relative to the current file.
- :CdRelative dir - Executes :cd relative to the current file.
- :LcdRelative dir - Executes :lcd relative to the current file.
- :Tcd dir - Mimics vim's :lcd command but sets the current working
directory local to the current tab instead of just the current
- :DiffLastSaved - Performs a diffsplit with the last saved version of
the currently modifed file.
- :SwapWords - Swaps two words (with cursor placed on the first word).
Supports swapping around non-word characters like commas, periods,
- :Sign - Toggles adding or removing a vim sign on the current line.
- :Signs - Opens a new window containing a list of signs for the
current buffer. Hitting <enter> on one of the signs in the list
will take you to that sign in the corresponding buffer.
- :SignClearUser - Removes all vim signs added via :Sign.
- :SignClearAll - Removes all vim signs.
- :QuickFixClear - Removes all entries from the quick fix window.
- :LocationListClear - Removes all entries from the location list
- :Buffers - Opens a temporary window with a list of all the currently
listed buffers in vim (like :buffers). From this list you can open
any of the files using one of the following shortcuts:
- E (shift-e) - Open the file with 'edit'.
- S (shift-s) - Open the file with 'split'.
- T (shift-t) - Open the file with 'tabnew'.
- D (shift-d) - Deletes the buffer and removes it from the list.
- ? - View the help buffer.
In addition to the above mappings you can also use <return> to
execute the configured default action on the buffer under the
To configure the default action you can set the following variable:
g:EclimBuffersDefaultAction (defaults to 'split')
By default entries will be sorted by path name, but you may change
the sorting via these two variables:
Vim Settings
- g:EclimBuffersSort (defaults to 'path') Supports one of 'path',
'status' (active or hidden), 'bufnr'.
- g:EclimBuffersSortDirection (defaults to 'asc') Supports one of
'asc' or 'desc'.
- :Only - Alternative for vim's :only command. The purpose of this
command and the original vim version is to close all but the current
window. Unfortunately there is no way to tell the vim version to
exclude some windows you may wish to keep open (taglist, quickfix,
etc.). The eclim version provides that ability via the
g:EclimOnlyExclude variable.
Vim Settings
g:EclimOnlyExclude (defaults to
- :OtherWorkingCopyDiff <project> - Diffs the current file against the
same file in another project (one which has the same project
relative path). This is most useful if you find yourself doing
branch development and want to view the differences of the current
file against one of the other branches. Supports command line tab
completion of project names which contain a file with the same
relative path as the current file: :OtherWorkingCopyDiff <tab>.
- :OtherWorkingCopyEdit <project> - Like :OtherWorkingCopyDiff, except
open the file in the current window.
- :OtherWorkingCopySplit <project> - Like :OtherWorkingCopyDiff,
except open the file in a new window.
- :OtherWorkingCopyTabopen <project> - Like :OtherWorkingCopyDiff,
except open the file in a new tab.