
567 lines
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Here you will find a comprehensive list of eclim commands that you can
use as a reference.
Global Commands
- |:PingEclim| - Pings eclimd server.
- |:ShutdownEclim| - Shuts down eclimd server.
- |:EclimSettings| - View / edit global settings.
- |:EclimDisable| - Temporarily disables communication with eclimd.
- |:EclimEnable| - Re-enables communication with eclimd.
- |:EclimHelp| [helptopic] - View eclim documentation in vim.
- |:EclimHelpGrep| /regex/ - Search the eclim documentation in vim.
Project Commands
- |:ProjectCreate| <folder> [-p <project_name>] -n <nature> ... [-d
<project_dependency> ...] - Create a new project.
- |:ProjectImport| <folder> - Import a project from an existing
eclipse project folder.
- |:ProjectList| - List current projects.
- |:ProjectSettings| [<project>] - View / edit project settings.
- |:ProjectDelete| <project> - Delete a project.
- |:ProjectRename| [<project>] <name> - Rename a project.
- |:ProjectMove| [<project>] <dir> - Move a project.
- |:ProjectRefresh| [<project> <project> ...] - Refresh supplied list
of projects against the current files on disk. If no project names
supplied, refresh the current project.
- |:ProjectRefreshAll| - Refresh all projects.
- |:ProjectInfo| [<project>] - Echos info for the current or supplied
- |:ProjectOpen| [<project>] - Opens a project.
- |:ProjectClose| [<project>] - Closes a project.
- |:ProjectNatures| [<project>] - View the configured natures for one
or all projects.
- |:ProjectNatureAdd| <project> [<nature> ...] - Add one or more
natures to a project.
- |:ProjectNatureRemove| <project> [<nature> ...] - Remove one or more
natures from a project.
- |:ProjectProblems| [<project>] - Populates vim's quickfix with all
eclipse build errors and warnings for the current, or specified
project, and all related projects.
- |:ProjectCD| - Changes the global current working directory to the
root directory of the current file's project (executes a :cd).
- |:ProjectLCD| - Changes the current working directory of the current
window to the root directory of the current file's project (executes
a :lcd).
- |:ProjectTree| [<project> <project> ...] - Opens navigable a tree
for one or more projects.
- |:ProjectsTree| - Opens a tree containing all projects.
- |:ProjectTab| <project> - Opens a new tab containing the project
tree and the tab local working directory set to the supplied
project's root.
- |:ProjectGrep| /<pattern>/ file_pattern [file_pattern ...] - Issues
a vimgrep starting at the root of the current project.
- |:ProjectGrepAdd| /<pattern>/ file_pattern [file_pattern ...] -
Issues a vimgrepadd starting at the root of the current project.
- |:ProjectLGrep| /<pattern>/ file_pattern [file_pattern ...] - Issues
a lvimgrep starting at the root of the current project.
- |:ProjectLGrepAdd| /<pattern>/ file_pattern [file_pattern ...] -
Issues a lvimgrepadd starting at the root of the current project.
- |:TrackerTicket| <ticket_id> - Opens the supplied ticket in your
configured web based tracking tool.
- |:ProjectTodo| - Searches project files for todo / fixme patterns
and adds them to the location list.
- |:Todo| - Searches the current file for todo / fixme patterns and
adds them to the location list.
Ant Commands
- |:Ant| [<target> ...] - Execute ant from the current project.
- |:AntDoc| [<element>] - Find and open the documentation for the
element under the cursor or the element supplied as an argument.
- :Validate (|validate-ant|) - Validate the current ant build file.
C/C++ Commands
- :Validate (|validate-c|) - Validate the current file.
- |:CSearch| [-p <pattern> -t <type> -s <scope> -x <context>] - Search
for classes, functions, methods, macros, etc.
- |:CSearchContext| - Find the element under the cursor based on its
- |:CProjectConfigs| [project] - Open a temp buffer to view/modify the
current projects cdt configurations.
- |:CCallHierarchy| - Display the call hierarchy for the function or
method under the cursor.
Css Commands
- :Validate (|validate-css|) - Validate the current file.
Dtd Commands
- :Validate (|validate-dtd|) - Validate the current file.
Html Commands
- :Validate (|validate-html|) - Validate the current file.
- |:BrowserOpen| - Opens the current file in your configured browser.
Ivy Commands
- |:IvyRepo| <path> - Sets the necessary IVY_REPO classpath variable
for supporting automatic updates to .classpath files upon ivy.xml
- |:IvyDependencySearch| <artifact> - Searches online repository and
opens a window with results that can be added to the current ivy
file by hitting <Enter> on a result. Available when editing an
ivy.xml file.
Java Commands
- |:JavaGet| - Create a java bean getter method.
- |:JavaSet| - Create a java bean setter method.
- |:JavaGetSet| - Create both a java bean getter and setter method.
- |:JavaConstructor| - Creates class constructor, either empty or
based on selected class fields.
- |:JavaHierarchy| - View the type hierarchy tree.
- |:JavaImpl| - View implementable / overridable methods from super
classes and implemented interfaces.
- |:JavaDelegate| - View list of methods that delegate to the field
under the cursor.
- |:JUnitImpl| - Similar to :JavaImpl, but creates test methods.
- |:JUnitExecute| [testcase] - Allows you to execute test cases in
your favorite build tool.
- |:JUnitResult| [testcase] - Allows you to view the results of a test
- |:JavaImport| - Import the class under the cursor.
- |:JavaImportMissing| - Import all undefined types.
- |:JavaSearch| [-p <pattern>] [-t <type>] [-x <context>] [-s <scope>]
- Search for classes, methods, fields, etc. (With pattern supplied,
searches for the element under the cursor).
- |:JavaSearchContext| - Perform a context sensitive search for the
element under the cursor.
- |:JavaCorrect| - Suggest possible corrections for a source error.
- |:JavaRegex| - Opens a window for testing java regular expressions.
- |:JavaDocSearch| - Search for javadocs. Same usage as :JavaSearch.
- |:JavaDocComment| - Adds or updates the comments for the element
under the cursor.
- |:JavaRename| [new_name] - Rename the element under the cursor.
- |:Java| - Executes the java using your project's main class.
- |:Javac| - Executes the javac utility against all source files.
- |:Javadoc| [file, file, ...] - Executes the javadoc utility against
all or just the supplied source files.
- |:JavaListInstalls| - List known JDK/JRE installs.
- |:JavaFormat| - Formats java source code.
- |:Checkstyle| - Invokes checkstyle on the current file.
- |:Jps| - Opens window with information about the currently running
java processes.
- :Validate (|validate-java|) - Manually runs source code validation.
Java .classpath Commands
- |:NewSrcEntry| <dir> [<dir> ...] - Add a new source dir entry.
- |:NewProjectEntry| <project> [<project> ...] - Add a new project
- |:NewJarEntry| <file> [<file> ...] - Add a jar entry.
- |:NewVarEntry| <VAR/file> [<VAR/file> ...] - Add a new var entry.
- |:VariableList| List available classpath variables and their
corresponding values.
- |:VariableCreate| <name> <path> - Creates or updates the variable
with the supplied name.
- |:VariableDelete| <name> - Deletes the variable with the supplied
Javascript Commands
- :Validate (|validate-javascript|) - Validate the current javascript
Log4j Commands
- :Validate (|validate-log4j|) - Validate the current log4j xml
configuration file.
Maven Commands
- |:Maven| [<goal> ...] - Execute maven 1.x from the current project.
- |:Mvn| [<goal> ...] - Execute maven 2.x from the current project.
- |:MavenRepo| - Sets the necessary MAVEN_REPO classpath variable for
maven's (1.x) eclipse support.
- |:MvnRepo| - Sets the necessary M2_REPO classpath variable for
maven's (2.x) eclipse support.
- |:MavenDependencySearch| <artifact> - Searches online repository and
opens a window with results that can be added to the current project
file by hitting <Enter> on a result. Available when editing a maven
1.x project.xml file.
- |:MvnDependencySearch| <artifact> - Searches online repository and
opens a window with results that can be added to the current pom
file by hitting <Enter> on a result. Available when editing a maven
2.x pom.xml file.
Php Commands
- |:PhpSearch| [-p <pattern> -t <type> -s <scope> -x <context>] -
Search for classes, methods, and constants.
- |:PhpSearchContext| - Find the element under the cursor based on its
- :Validate (|validate-php|) - Manually runs source code validation.
Python Commands
- |:PythonFindDefinition| - Find the element under the cursor.
- |:PythonSearchContext| - Find the element under the cursor based on
its context.
- :Validate (|validate-python|) - Validates the current file using
pyflakes (
- |:PyLint| - Runs pylint ( on the current
- |:PythonRegex| - Opens a window for testing python regular
- |:DjangoManage| - Invokes django's from any file in the
same directory as your or in any of the child directories.
- |:DjangoFind| - Available when editing a django html template file.
Finds tag/filter definition, other template files, and static files.
- |:DjangoTemplateOpen| - Available when editing a python file. Finds
the template referenced under the cursor.
- |:DjangoViewOpen| - Available when editing a python file. When
within a django url patterns definition, finds the view referenced
under the cursor.
- |:DjangoContextOpen| - Available when editing a python file.
Executes :DjangoViewOpen, :DjangoTemplateOpen, or
:PythonSearchContext depending on the context of the text under the
Ruby Commands
- |:RubySearch| [-p <pattern> -t <type> -s <scope> -x <context>] -
Search for modules, classes, methods, etc.
- |:RubySearchContext| - Find the element under the cursor based on
its context.
- :Validate (|validate-ruby|) - Manually runs source code validation.
Vim Commands
- |:FindCommandDef| [<command>] - Finds a command definition.
- |:FindCommandRef| [<command>] - Finds references of a command.
- |:FindFunctionDef| [<function>] - Finds a function definition.
- |:FindFunctionRef| [<function>] - Finds references of a function.
- |:FindVariableDef| [<variable>] - Finds the definition of a global
- |:FindVariableRef| [<variable>] - Finds references of a global
- |:FindByContext| - Finds command, function, or variable based on the
context of the element under the cursor.
- |:VimDoc| [<keyword>] - Opens the vim help for a keyword.
WebXml Commands
- :Validate (|validate-webxml|) - Validate the current web.xml file.
Wsdl Commands
- :Validate (|validate-wsdl|) - Validate the current file.
Xml Commands
- |:DtdDefinition| [<element>] - Open the current xml file's dtd and
jump to the element definition if supplied.
- |:XsdDefinition| [<element>] - Open the current xml file's xsd and
jump to the element definition if supplied.
- :Validate (|validate-xml|) [<file>] - Validates the supplied xml
file or the current file if none supplied.
- |:XmlFormat| - Reformats the current xml file.
Xsd Commands
- :Validate (|validate-xsd|) - Validate the current file.
Version Control Commands
Note: Currently cvs, subversion, mercurial, and git are supported by the
following commands where applicable.
- |:VcsAnnotate| - Toggles annotation of the currently versioned file
using vim signs.
- |:VcsInfo| - Echos vcs info about the current versioned file.
- |:VcsLog| - Opens a buffer with log information for the current
- |:VcsChangeSet| [revision] - Opens a buffer with change set
information for the supplied repository version or the current
revision of the currently open file.
- |:VcsDiff| [revision] - Performs a vertical diffsplit of the current
file against the last committed revision of the current file or the
revision supplied.
- |:VcsCat| [revision] - Splits the current file with the contents of
the last committed version of the current file or the supplied
- |:VcsWebLog| - Opens the log for the currently versioned file in the
configured vcs web app.
- |:VcsWebAnnotate| [revision] - Opens the annotated view for the
currently versioned file in the configured vcs web app.
- |:VcsWebChangeSet| [revision] - Opens the change set for the
currently versioned file in the configured vcs web app.
- |:VcsWebDiff| [revision, revision] - Opens a diff view for the
currently versioned file in the configured in the configured vcs web
Misc. Commands
- |:LocateFile| [file] - Locates a relative file and opens it.
- |:Split| file [file ...] - Behaves like the 'split' command, but
allows multiple files to be supplied.
- |:SplitRelative| file [file ...] - Like :Split this command provides
splitting of multiple files, but this command splits file relative
to the file in the current buffer.
- |:Tabnew| file [file ...] - Behaves like :Split, but issues a
:tabnew on each file.
- |:TabnewRelative| - file [file ...] - Behaves like :SplitRelative,
but issues a :tabnew on each file.
- |:EditRelative| file - Behaves like :SplitRelative, but issues an
'edit' and only supports one file at a time.
- |:ReadRelative| file - Behaves like :SplitRelative, but issues a
'read' and only supports one file at a time.
- |:ArgsRelative| file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] - Behaves like
:SplitRelative, but executes 'args'.
- |:ArgAddRelative| file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] - Behaves like
:SplitRelative, but executes 'argadd'.
- |:VimgrepRelative| /regex/ file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] -
Executes :vimgrep relative to the current file.
- |:VimgrepAddRelative| /regex/ file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] -
Executes :vimgrepadd relative to the current file.
- |:LvimgrepRelative| /regex/ file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] -
Executes :lvimgrep relative to the current file.
- |:LvimgrepAddRelative| /regex/ file_pattern [ file_pattern ...] -
Executes :lvimgrepadd relative to the current file.
- |:CdRelative| dir - Executes :cd relative to the current file.
- |:LcdRelative| dir - Executes :lcd relative to the current file.
- |:Tcd| dir - Like :lcd but sets the tab's local working directory.
- |:DiffLastSaved| - Performs a diffsplit with the last saved version
of the currently modifed file.
- |:SwapWords| - Swaps two words (with cursor placed on the first
word). Supports swapping around non-word characters like commas,
periods, etc.
- |:Sign| - Toggles adding or removing a vim sign on the current line.
- |:Signs| - Opens a new window containing a list of signs for the
current buffer.
- |:SignClearUser| - Removes all vim signs added via :Sign.
- |:SignClearAll| - Removes all vim signs.
- |:QuickFixClear| - Removes all entries from the quick fix window.
- |:LocationListClear| - Removes all entries from the location list
- |:MaximizeWindow| - Toggles maximization of the current window.
- |:MinimizeWindow| [winnr ...] - Minimizes the current window or the
windows corresponding to the window numbers supplied.
- |:MinimizeRestore| - Restore all minimized windows.
- |:Buffers| - Opens a temporary window with a list of all the
currently listed buffers, allowing you to open or remove them.
- |:Only| - Closes all but the current window and any windows excluded
by g:EclimOnlyExclude.
- |:OtherWorkingCopyDiff| <project> - Diffs the current file against
the same file in another project (one which has the same project
relative path).
- |:OtherWorkingCopyEdit| <project> - Like :OtherWorkingCopyDiff,
except open the file in the current window.
- |:OtherWorkingCopySplit| <project> - Like :OtherWorkingCopyDiff,
except open the file in a new window.
- |:OtherWorkingCopyTabopen| <project> - Like :OtherWorkingCopyDiff,
except open the file in a new tab.
- |:History| - View the local history entries for the current file.
- |:HistoryClear| - Clear the local history entries for the current
- |:HistoryDiffNext| - Diff the current file against the next entry in
the history stack.
- |:HistoryDiffPrev| - Diff the current file against the previous
entry in the history stack.
- |:OpenUrl| [url] - Opens a url in your configured web browser.