#Search on Google google() { emulate -L zsh ${=BROWSER} "http://www.google.com/search?&num=100&q=$*" } #Search French Wiktionary wikdic_fr() { emulate -L zsh ${=BROWSER} http://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/${(C)1// /_} } #Search English Wiktionary wikdic_en() { emulate -L zsh ${=BROWSER} http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/${(C)1// /_} } #Search French Wikipedia wiki_fr() { emulate -L zsh ${=BROWSER} "http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=$*" } #Search English Wikipedia wiki_en() { emulate -L zsh ${=BROWSER} "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=$*" } #French conjugaison verbe() { emulate -L zsh ${=BROWSER} "http://www.la-conjugaison.fr/du/verbe/${*}.php" } weather() { emulate -L zsh [[ -n "$1" ]] || { print 'Usage: weather ' >&2 print 'List of stations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airports_by_ICAO_code'>&2 return 1 } local VERBOSE="yes" # TODO: Make this a command line switch local ODIR=`pwd` local PLACE="${1:u}" local DIR="${HOME}/.weather" local LOG="${DIR}/log" [[ -d ${DIR} ]] || { print -n "Creating ${DIR}: " mkdir ${DIR} print 'done' } print "Retrieving information for ${PLACE}:" print cd ${DIR} && wget -T 10 --no-verbose --output-file=$LOG --timestamping http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/decoded/$PLACE.TXT if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then if [[ -n "$VERBOSE" ]] ; then cat ${PLACE}.TXT else DATE=$(grep 'UTC' ${PLACE}.TXT | sed 's#.* /##') TEMPERATURE=$(awk '/Temperature/ { print $4" degree Celcius / " $2" degree Fahrenheit" }' ${PLACE}.TXT | tr -d '(') echo "date: $DATE" echo "temp: $TEMPERATURE" fi else print "There was an error retrieving the weather information for $PLACE" >&2 cat $LOG cd $ODIR return 1 fi cd $ODIR } battery() { if [[ $BATTERY -gt 0 ]] ; then PERCENT="${${"$(acpi 2>/dev/null)"}/(#b)[[:space:]]#Battery <->: [^0-9]##, (<->)%*/${match[1]}}" if [[ -z "$PERCENT" ]] ; then PERCENT='acpi not present' else if [[ "$PERCENT" -lt 20 ]] ; then PERCENT="warning: ${PERCENT}%%" else PERCENT="${PERCENT}%%" fi fi fi } mgrep () { find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -path ./out -prune -o -regextype posix-egrep -iregex '(.*\/Makefile|.*\/Makefile\..*|.*\.make|.*\.mak|.*\.mk)' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@" } cgrep () { find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -type f \( -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.hpp' \) -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@" } jgrep () { find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -type f -name "*\.java" -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@" } cjgrep () { find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -type f \( -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.hpp' -o -name "*.java" \) -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@" } resgrep () { for dir in `find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -name res -type d` do find $dir -type f -name '*\.xml' -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@" done } sgrep() { find -E . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -type f -iregex '.*\.(c|h|cc|cpp|S|java|xml|sh|mk|aidl)' -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@" } mangrep() { find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -path ./out -prune -o -type f -name 'AndroidManifest.xml' -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@" } sepgrep() { find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -path ./out -prune -o -name sepolicy -type d -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n -r --exclude-dir=\.git "$@" } gettop () { local TOPFILE=$1; if [ -n "$TOP" -a -f "$TOP/$TOPFILE" ]; then echo $TOP; else if [ -f $TOPFILE ]; then PWD= /bin/pwd; else local HERE=$PWD; T=; while [ \( ! \( -f $TOPFILE \) \) -a \( $PWD != "/" \) ]; do \cd ..; T=`PWD= /bin/pwd`; done; \cd $HERE; if [ -f "$T/$TOPFILE" ]; then echo $T; fi; fi; fi } crootgit () { local TOPFILE=.git/config; T=$(gettop $TOPFILE); if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop $TOPFILE); else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP."; fi } croot () { local TOPFILE=build/core/envsetup.mk; T=$(gettop $TOPFILE); if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop $TOPFILE); else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP."; fi } function zsh_stats() { fc -l 1 | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n20 } function secure_chromium { echo "make sure to have run \"ssh -TND 4711 $USER@host\" before" port=4711 export SOCKS_SERVER=localhost:$port export SOCKS_VERSION=5 chromium-browser & exit } apush() { adb root && adb wait-for-device && adb remount && adb wait-for-device && adb push $1 $2 } sdocker (){ DOCKER_SSH_AUTH=$HOME/docker_ssh_auth AOSP_IMAGE=${AOSP_IMAGE:-$HOME/Project} if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME" return fi if [ -n "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then $(ls -l $HOME/docker_ssh_auth 2> /dev/null | grep $SSH_AUTH_SOCK > /dev/null) if [ $? ]; then unlink $DOCKER_SSH_AUTH > /dev/null ln -s $SSH_AUTH_SOCK $DOCKER_SSH_AUTH fi SSH_AUTH_ARGS="-v $DOCKER_SSH_AUTH:/tmp/ssh_auth -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh_auth" fi AOSP_ARGS=${AOSP_ARGS:--it} img=$(docker ps | grep $1 | awk '{print $1}'); if [ -z $img ]; then img=$(docker ps -a | grep $1 | awk '{print $1}' | head -1); if [ -z $img ]; then echo "Running a new container" docker run ${AOSP_ARGS} ${=SSH_AUTH_ARGS} -v ${AOSP_IMAGE}:/aosp/Project $1 else echo "Starting $img" docker start -i -a $img fi else echo "Attach to $img" docker exec -it $img /bin/bash fi } _sdocker () { local cur cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(docker images | tail -n +2 | grep -v "" | awk '{print $1}')" -- ${cur} ) ) } complete -o default -F _sdocker sdocker _flash_all () { local cur cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(ls *.img 2>/dev/null)" -- ${cur} ) ) } complete -o default -F _flash_all flash_all