#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import sys import re import os '''A simple compilation database generator, or cdg in short. It works by parsing the output of the GNU make command.''' file_name_regex = re.compile(r"[\w./+\-]+\.(s|cc?|cpp|cxx)\b", re.IGNORECASE) enter_dir_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*make(?:\[\d+\])?: Entering directory [`\'\"](?P.*)[`\'\"]\s*$", re.MULTILINE) leave_dir_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*make(?:\[\d+\])?: Leaving directory .*$", re.MULTILINE) compilers_regex = re.compile(r'\b(g?cc|[gc]\+\+|clang\+?\+?|icecc|s?ccache)\s') def parse(make_output): '''Parse the make output into a list of objects. Per https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html ''' result = [] pwd = "" path_stack = [] for line in make_output.replace('\r', '').split('\n'): line = line.strip() enter_dir_match = enter_dir_regex.match(line) if enter_dir_match: pwd = enter_dir_match.group('dir') path_stack.append(pwd) # logger.debug("stack after append: {}".format(path_stack)) continue elif leave_dir_regex.match(line): # logger.debug("stack before pop: {}".format(path_stack)) path_stack.pop() if path_stack: pwd = path_stack[-1] continue match = compilers_regex.search(line) if not match: continue # look backward and discard anything before delimiters i = match.start() while i > 0: j = i - 1 if line[j] in (' ', '\t', '\n', ';', '&'): break i -= 1 line = line[i:] file_match = file_name_regex.search(line) # logger.debug(line, file_match) if not file_match: continue # To workaround that there is no "entering directory..." if not pwd: pwd = os.getcwd() path_stack.append(pwd) # Special handling for projects like Redis, # which has output like "printf xxx; cc xxx" command = line ri = command.rfind(';') if -1 != ri: command = command[:ri] ri = command.rfind('&&') if -1 != ri: command = command[:ri] result.append({ "directory": pwd.strip(), "file": file_match.group(0).strip(), "command": command.strip(), }) return result def usage(): print('''Usage: {} [compilation-db-file] [compilation-db-file] is optional, which is `compile_commands.json` by default. Specify it if you want to write to another file, and specify `-` for stdout. This CLI program takes GNU make output from stdin from a pipe, parse it, and write the json string to a file. '''.format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) def main(): make_output = sys.stdin.read().strip() if not make_output: usage() db = json.dumps(parse(make_output), indent=2) + '\n' file_name = 'compile_commands.json' if len(sys.argv) == 1 else sys.argv[1] if '-' != file_name: with open(file_name, "w") as f: f.write(db) else: sys.stdout.write(db) if __name__ == '__main__': main()