#!/bin/bash VERSION=1.0 THIS_COMPUTER_IP="" UBOOT_IMG_NAME="apf6-u-boot.img" UBOOT_SPL_NAME="apf6-u-boot.spl" TFTP_SERVER_PATH="/tftpboot" BLOCK_SIZE=0x200 RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color images="" #images="apf6-boot.ext4;1 apf6-rootfs.ext4;2" #images="boot.ext4;1 rootfs.ext2;2" disk="" tty="" ubootimg="" ums=0 set -euo pipefail function waitForText { while read input do if [[ "$input" == *"$2"* ]]; then echo "$input" break; fi done < "$1" } function enterUboot { set +e fuser "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "$1 is in use, exiting" exit 1 fi set -e stty -F "$1" 115200 raw -echo -echoe -echok #-echoctl -echoke while read input do if [[ "$input" == *"BIOS>" ]]; then break; fi echo "" > "$1" done < "$1" } function waitboot { waitForText "$1" "U-Boot SPL" > /dev/null } function flash_uboot { if [ ! -e "$2" ]; then >&2 echo "Cannot access $2 img, exiting" exit 1 fi spl_img=${2%.*}.spl if [ ! -e "$spl_img" ]; then >&2 echo "Cannot access $spl_img img, exiting" exit 1 fi flashDiskNet "$1" "$spl_img;4 $2;3" echo "Done" echo "Please reboot the board" waitboot "$1" enterUboot "$1" echo "Setting u-boot env" echo "run flash_reset_env" > "$1" sleep 1 echo "setenv extrabootargs \"quiet\"; setenv bootdelay 0; setenv bootcmd \"run loadbootscript; run bootscript;\"; setenv bootscript \"echo running bootscript; source \${scriptaddr}\"; saveenv" > "$1" sleep 1 echo "Done" } function startUMS { echo " " > "$1" echo " " > "$1" echo "ums 0 mmc 0" > "$1" } function stopUMS { expect -c "send \003;" > "$1" } function detectUMS { sleep 3 umsDisk=$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL | grep "UMS disk" | cut -d' ' -f1) nbUms=$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL | grep "UMS disk" | cut -d' ' -f1 | wc -l) #nbUms=$(echo -n "$umsDisk"| wc -l) if [ "$nbUms" != "1" ]; then >&2 echo "Cannot auto detect disk, exiting" exit 1 fi echo "$umsDisk" } function flashDiskNet { local tty="$1" local images="$2" if [ "$tty" == "" ]; then echo "Flash disk by eth need tty option. Giving Up" exit 1 fi echo "images to flash $images" echo "setenv ipaddr; setenv serverip ${THIS_COMPUTER_IP}" > "$tty" sleep 0.5 for desc in $images; do image=$(echo "$desc" | cut -d';' -f1) part=$(echo "$desc" | cut -d';' -f2) crc_file=$(crc32 "$image" | cut -f1) echo "Flashing $image with CRC ${crc_file}" case "$part" in 1) cp "$image" $TFTP_SERVER_PATH/apf6-boot.ext4 echo "run update_boot" > "$tty" waitForText "$tty" "Flashing of boot image succeed" > /dev/null echo "mmc read \${loadaddr} 0x800 \${nbblocks}; crc32 \${loadaddr} \${filesize}" > "$tty" ;; 2) cp "$image" $TFTP_SERVER_PATH/apf6-rootfs.ext4 echo "run update_rootfs" > "$tty" waitForText "$tty" "Flashing of rootfs image succeed" > /dev/null echo "mmc read \${loadaddr} 0x18800 \${nbblocks}; crc32 \${loadaddr} \${filesize}" > "$tty" ;; 3) cp "$image" $TFTP_SERVER_PATH/$UBOOT_IMG_NAME echo "run download_uboot_img flash_uboot_img" > "$tty" waitForText "$tty" "Flashing of" > /dev/null echo "mmc read \${loadaddr} 0x8a \${nbblocks}; crc32 \${loadaddr} \${filesize}" > "$tty" ;; 4) cp "$image" $TFTP_SERVER_PATH/$UBOOT_SPL_NAME echo "run download_uboot_spl flash_uboot_spl" > "$tty" waitForText "$tty" "Flashing of" > /dev/null echo "mmc read \${loadaddr} 0x2 \${nbblocks}; crc32 \${loadaddr} \${filesize}" > "$tty" ;; *) echo "Unsupported partition $part" exit 1 ;; esac crc_computed=$(waitForText "$tty" "CRC32 for" | awk -F "==>" '{print $2}' | tr -d '[:space:]') echo "Computed checksum ${crc_computed}" if [ "$crc_computed" != "$crc_file" ]; then echo -e "${RED}CHECKSUM ERROR${NC} for $image (got \"$crc_computed\" but should be \"$crc_file\")" fi echo "done" done } function flashDisk { local tty="$1" local images="$2" echo "images to flash $images" if [ "$tty" != "" ]; then echo "Start UMS" startUMS "$tty" fi if [ "$disk" == "" ]; then disk=$(detectUMS) fi if [ "$disk" == "" ]; then >&2 echo "Cannot found disk, exiting" exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "/dev/$disk" ]; then >&2 echo "disk /dev/$disk not found. Giving up" exit 1 fi for desc in $images; do image=$(echo "$desc" | cut -d';' -f1) part=$(echo "$desc" | cut -d';' -f2) diskPath="/dev/${disk}${part}" echo "flashing $image on $diskPath" if [ ! -e "$image" ]; then >&2 echo "$image cannot be found" exit 1 fi if grep -qs $diskPath /proc/mounts; then echo "$diskPath mounted ! unmouting it" echo "Is disk automounted ? try to run \"gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false\" to disable it" umount $diskPath fi sudo dd if="$image" of="$diskPath" bs=4M status=progress oflag=direct # flush file system buffers. Force changed blocks to disk, update the super block. sync done if [ "$tty" != "" ]; then stopUMS "$tty" sleep 0.5 for desc in $images; do image=$(echo "$desc" | cut -d';' -f1) part=$(echo "$desc" | cut -d';' -f2) crc_file=$(crc32 "$image" | cut -f1) size=$(du -b "$image" | cut -f1) size_hex=$(printf "%x" "$size") part_addr=0 echo "Computing flashed $image CRC ${crc_file} of size 0x${size_hex}" nbblocks=$(( 0x$size_hex / $BLOCK_SIZE + 1)) nbblocks=$(printf "%x" "$nbblocks") if [ "$part" == "1" ]; then part_addr=0x800 else part_addr=0x18800 fi echo "mmc read \${loadaddr} ${part_addr} 0x${nbblocks}; crc32 \${loadaddr} 0x${size_hex}" > "$tty" crc_computed=$(waitForText "$tty" "CRC32 for" | awk -F "==>" '{print $2}' | tr -d '[:space:]') echo "Computed checksum ${crc_computed}" if [ "$crc_computed" != "$crc_file" ]; then echo -e "${RED}CHECKSUM ERROR${NC} for $image (got $crc_computed but should be $crc_file)" exit 1 fi done else echo "no tty given -> cannot computed CRC" fi if [ "$tty" != "" ]; then echo "Restart board for first boot" echo "reset" > "$tty" fi # wait for first boot to complete sleep 30 } echo "Version: $VERSION" while getopts "afb:s:d:t:u:" opt; do case $opt in a) echo "Flashing all images" ;; b) echo "Flashing boot image ${OPTARG}" images="${images} ${OPTARG};1" ;; s) echo "Flashing system image ${OPTARG}" images="${images} ${OPTARG};2" ;; d) echo "Using disk $OPTARG" disk=$OPTARG ;; t) echo "Using tty $OPTARG" tty=$OPTARG ;; u) echo "Flashing uboot $OPTARG" ubootimg=$OPTARG ;; f) echo "use UMS for flashing" ums=1 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$opt" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done if [ "$tty" == "" ] && [ "$ubootimg" != "" ]; then >&2 echo "TTY should be provided when flashing uboot" exit 1 fi if [ "$tty" != "" ]; then echo "Please reboot the board" enterUboot "$tty" fi if [ "$ubootimg" != "" ]; then flash_uboot "$tty" "$ubootimg" fi if [ "$images" != "" ]; then if [ $ums == 1 ]; then flashDisk "$tty" "$images" else flashDiskNet "$tty" "$images" fi fi echo "SOM programmation done" notify-send --urgency=low "Flashing PRIMA2 finished"