" if compiled with --enable-cscope if has("cscope") if exists("g:loaded_cscope_plus") || &cp finish endif set tags+=./tags " in file directory set tags+=tags " in current directory "for when programming in build dir set tags+=../tags function! GetLocalCscopeDb(pathname) if !isdirectory(a:pathname) || a:pathname == $HOME || a:pathname == '/' return endif let s:cscopefile = a:pathname."/cscope.out" if filereadable(s:cscopefile) echo "Add cscope db for ".a:pathname execute "cscope add ".s:cscopefile." ".a:pathname endif unlet s:cscopefile call GetLocalCscopeDb(fnamemodify(a:pathname, ":h")) endfunction command! LoadLocalCscopeDb :call GetLocalCscopeDb(expand("%:p:h")) function! GetCscopeDb(pathname) if !isdirectory(a:pathname) || a:pathname == $HOME || a:pathname == '/' return endif let l:has_link = 0 let l:tag_found = 0 if resolve(a:pathname) != a:pathname let l:has_link = 1 endif let s:cscopefile = $HOME."/.vim/cscope/".substitute(a:pathname, '/', '_', 'g').".cscope" if filereadable(s:cscopefile) execute "cscope add ".s:cscopefile let l:tag_found = 1 endif if l:tag_found == 0 && l:has_link == 1 let s:cscopefile = $HOME."/.vim/cscope/".substitute(resolve(a:pathname), '/', '_', 'g').".cscope" if filereadable(s:cscopefile) execute "cscope add ".s:cscopefile let l:tag_found = 1 endif endif unlet s:cscopefile call GetCscopeDb(fnamemodify(a:pathname, ":h")) endfunction function! GenerateCscopeDb() let path = input('Create cscope db for: ', getcwd(), 'dir') echohl WarningMsg echo "Please wait, generating cscope db..." let file = tempname() let cscopefile = $HOME."/.vim/cscope/".substitute(path, '/', '_', 'g').".cscope" call system("cd ".path."; find . -name '*.c' -or -name '*.h' > ".file."; cscope -b -i ".file." -f ".cscopefile) call delete(file) redraw echo "Please wait, generating cscope db... Done" echohl None call GetCscopeDb(path) endfunction command! GenerateCscopeDb :call GenerateCscopeDb() " Open out/verbose.log.gz then run this cmd. It should produce a compile_commands.json. This is for case when SOONG variable " Does not work (see " https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/soong/+/HEAD/docs/compdb.md) function! GenerateCompileDbFromAOSP() let @a="" %s/\[\d*\/\d*\] \/bin\/bash -c "\(.*\)"/\=setreg('A', submatch(1), 'V')/gn call system("compiledb ", @a) endfunction command! GenerateCompileDbFromAOSP :call GenerateCompileDbFromAOSP() endif " Let autotags find all cscodepeDb " LoadLocalCscopeDb "" if has("cscope") "" map :call GetCscopeDb(expand("%:p:h")) "" map :call GenerateCscopeDb() "" map :call GetLocalCscopeDb(expand("%:p:h")) "" endif " cat Makefile | grep '\-I\/' | tr '[:space:]' '\n' | grep '\-I/' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ' " build tags database with shift+F8 or alt+F8 to ignore /usr/include " --c++-kinds=+p : Adds prototypes in the database for C/C++ files. " --fields=+iaS : Adds inheritance (i), access (a) and function " signatures (S) information. " --extra=+q : Adds context to the tag name. Note: Without this " option, the script cannot get class members. if !exists("g:build_cmd") let g:build_cmd="make" endif " More tools can be found here: https://github.com/Sarcasm/notes/blob/master/dev/compilation-database.rst func! MenuCB(id, result) if a:result == 1 silent exec "!echo '==Building ctags database==' && ctags --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --totals -R --c++-kinds=+p --exclude=.ccls-cache" silent exec "!echo '==Adding system headers==' && find -exec gcc -M '{}' \\; 2>&- | tr '[:space:]' '\\n' | grep '^/.*' | sort -u | ctags --c-kinds=+px --c++-kinds=+px --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -aL-" silent exec "!echo '==Building cscope database==' && cscope -bR" silent "cscope reset" silent "cscope add cscope.out" exec 'redraw!' elseif a:result == 2 silent exec "!echo '==Building ctags database==' && ctags --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --totals -R --c++-kinds=+p" silent exec "!echo '==Building cscope database==' && cscope -bkR" silent "cscope reset" silent "cscope add cscope.out" exec 'redraw!' elseif a:result == 3 call AutotagsUpdate() elseif a:result == 4 call AutotagsAdd() elseif a:result == 5 execute "!" . g:build_cmd . " --dry-run --always-make | grep -wE 'gcc|g++|cc|clang|clang++' | grep -w '\\-c' | jq -nR '[inputs|{directory:\".\", command:., file: match(\" [^ ]+$\").string[1:]}]' > compile_commands.json" elseif a:result == 6 "https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear execute "!bear --" g:build_cmd "--always-make" elseif a:result == 7 "https://github.com/nickdiego/compiledb execute "!compiledb -n" g:build_cmd elseif a:result == 8 "https://github.com/rizsotto/scan-build execute "!analyze-build" elseif a:result == 9 execute "!make clean > /dev/null && LANG=C make -nw | python ~/.vim/plugin/cdg.py " elseif a:result == 10 echo "Add -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON to cmake. On modify build option with ccmake" endif endfunc command! ShowMenuCodeDb \ :call popup_menu(['tag/csope', 'tag/cscope Kernel', 'Autotags update', 'Autotags add dependancy','simple compile_commands', 'bear', "compiledb", "analyse build", "rebuild with make parsing", "cmake option"], #{ \ title: "Code database for ".g:build_cmd, \ callback: 'MenuCB', highlight: 'Question', padding: [1,1,0,1]} ) if v:version >= 800 " or 820? noremap :ShowMenuCodeDb else noremap :call MenuCB(0, 1) endif map :call MenuCB(0, 2)