[user] name = Mathieu Maret email = mathieu.maret@gmail.com [color] ui = auto diff = auto status = auto branch = auto [pack] threads = 0 [alias] lg = log -M --decorate --graph st = status ci = commit co = checkout br = branch df = diff dc = diff --cached lg = log -p lol = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit lola = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all ls = ls-files dt=difftool # to have diff with meld #[diff "odf"] # textconv=odt2txt #[diff "odt"] # textconv=odt2txt [difftool "meld"] path = /usr/bin/meld trustExitCode = false [difftool] prompt = false [diff] tool = meld [mergetool "meld"] path = /usr/bin/meld trustExitCode = false [mergetool] keepBackup = false [merge] tool = meld [push] default = simple