" vim600: set foldmethod=marker: " " Vim plugin to assist in working with files under control of CVS or SVN. " " Version: Beta 26 " Maintainer: Bob Hiestand " License: " Copyright (c) 2008 Bob Hiestand " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy " of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to " deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the " rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or " sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is " furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in " all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR " IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, " FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE " AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER " LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING " FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS " IN THE SOFTWARE. " " Section: Documentation {{{1 " " Provides functions to invoke various source control commands on the current " file (either the current buffer, or, in the case of an directory buffer, the " directory and all subdirectories associated with the current buffer). The " output of the commands is captured in a new scratch window. " " This plugin needs additional extension plugins, each specific to a source " control system, to function. Those plugins should be placed in a " subdirectory of the standard plugin directory named 'vcscommand'. Several " options include the name of the version control system in the option name. " Such options use the placeholder text '{VCSType}', which would be replaced " in actual usage with 'CVS' or 'SVN', for instance. " " Command documentation {{{2 " " VCSAdd Adds the current file to source control. " " VCSAnnotate Displays the current file with each line annotated with the " version in which it was most recently changed. If an " argument is given, the argument is used as a revision " number to display. If not given an argument, it uses the " most recent version of the file on the current branch. " Additionally, if the current buffer is a VCSAnnotate buffer " already, the version number on the current line is used. " " VCSBlame Alias for 'VCSAnnotate'. " " VCSCommit[!] Commits changes to the current file to source control. " " If called with arguments, the arguments are the log message. " " If '!' is used, an empty log message is committed. " " If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command. " The first step opens a buffer to accept a log message. " When that buffer is written, it is automatically closed and " the file is committed using the information from that log " message. The commit can be abandoned if the log message " buffer is deleted or wiped before being written. " " VCSDelete Deletes the current file and removes it from source control. " " VCSDiff With no arguments, this displays the differences between " the current file and its parent version under source " control in a new scratch buffer. " " With one argument, the diff is performed on the " current file against the specified revision. " " With two arguments, the diff is performed between the " specified revisions of the current file. " " This command uses the 'VCSCommand{VCSType}DiffOpt' variable " to specify diff options. If that variable does not exist, " a plugin-specific default is used. If you wish to have no " options, then set it to the empty string. " " VCSGotoOriginal Jumps to the source buffer if the current buffer is a VCS " scratch buffer. If VCSGotoOriginal[!] is used, remove all " VCS scratch buffers associated with the original file. " " VCSInfo Displays extended information about the current file in a " new scratch buffer. " " VCSLock Locks the current file in order to prevent other users from " concurrently modifying it. The exact semantics of this " command depend on the underlying VCS. " " VCSLog Displays the version history of the current file in a new " scratch buffer. " " VCSRemove Alias for 'VCSDelete'. " " VCSRevert Replaces the modified version of the current file with the " most recent version from the repository. " " VCSReview Displays a particular version of the current file in a new " scratch buffer. If no argument is given, the most recent " version of the file on the current branch is retrieved. " " VCSStatus Displays versioning information about the current file in a " new scratch buffer. " " VCSUnlock Unlocks the current file in order to allow other users from " concurrently modifying it. The exact semantics of this " command depend on the underlying VCS. " " VCSUpdate Updates the current file with any relevant changes from the " repository. " " VCSVimDiff Uses vimdiff to display differences between versions of the " current file. " " If no revision is specified, the most recent version of the " file on the current branch is used. With one argument, " that argument is used as the revision as above. With two " arguments, the differences between the two revisions is " displayed using vimdiff. " " With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is " used to perform the vimdiff. When the scratch buffer is " closed, the original buffer will be returned to normal " mode. " " Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods, " additional vimdiff buffers may be added by passing a single " version argument to the command. There may be up to 4 " vimdiff buffers total. " " Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff " to only those 2 versions. Additionally, invoking the " command on a different file will close the previous vimdiff " buffers. " " Mapping documentation: {{{2 " " By default, a mapping is defined for each command. User-provided mappings " can be used instead by mapping to CommandName, for instance: " " nmap ,ca VCSAdd " " The default mappings are as follow: " " ca VCSAdd " cn VCSAnnotate " cc VCSCommit " cD VCSDelete " cd VCSDiff " cg VCSGotoOriginal " cG VCSGotoOriginal! " ci VCSInfo " cl VCSLog " cL VCSLock " cr VCSReview " cs VCSStatus " cu VCSUpdate " cU VCSUnlock " cv VCSVimDiff " " Options documentation: {{{2 " " Several variables are checked by the script to determine behavior as follow: " " VCSCommandCommitOnWrite " This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending commit to " take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written. If " set to zero, only the VCSCommit mapping will cause the pending commit to " occur. If not set, it defaults to 1. " " VCSCommandDeleteOnHide " This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary VCS result " buffers to automatically delete themselves when hidden. " " VCSCommand{VCSType}DiffOpt " This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command " of the underlying VCS. Each VCS plugin defines a default value. " " VCSCommandDiffSplit " This variable overrides the VCSCommandSplit variable, but only for buffers " created with VCSVimDiff. " " VCSCommandDisableMappings " This variable, if set to a non-zero value, prevents the default command " mappings from being set. " " VCSCommandDisableExtensionMappings " This variable, if set to a non-zero value, prevents the default command " mappings from being set for commands specific to an individual VCS. " " VCSCommandEdit " This variable controls whether to split the current window to display a " scratch buffer ('split'), or to display it in the current buffer ('edit'). " If not set, it defaults to 'split'. " " VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup " This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates VCS buffer management " mode. This mode means that the buffer variable 'VCSRevision' is set if " the file is VCS-controlled. This is useful for displaying version " information in the status bar. Additional options may be set by " individual VCS plugins. " " VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension " This variable, if set to a non-blank value, is appended to the name of the " VCS command output buffers. For example, '.vcs'. Using this option may " help avoid problems caused by autocommands dependent on file extension. " " VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction " This variable, if set, specifies a custom function for naming VCS command " output buffers. This function will be passed the following arguments: " " command - name of the VCS command being executed (such as 'Log' or " 'Diff'). " " originalBuffer - buffer number of the source file. " " vcsType - type of VCS controlling this file (such as 'CVS' or 'SVN'). " " statusText - extra text associated with the VCS action (such as version " numbers). " " VCSCommandSplit " This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that " may occur (such as with VCSVimDiff, when using a VCS command on a VCS " command buffer, or when the 'VCSCommandEdit' variable is set to 'split'. " If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of " one another. If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be " side-by-side. If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but " VCSVimDiff windows. " " Event documentation {{{2 " For additional customization, VCSCommand.vim uses User event autocommand " hooks. Each event is in the VCSCommand group, and different patterns " match the various hooks. " " For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q' " mapping to quit a VCS scratch buffer: " " augroup VCSCommand " au VCSCommand User VCSBufferCreated silent! nmap q :bwipeout " augroup END " " The following hooks are available: " " VCSBufferCreated This event is fired just after a VCS command " output buffer is created. It is executed " within the context of the new buffer. " " VCSBufferSetup This event is fired just after VCS buffer setup " occurs, if enabled. " " VCSPluginInit This event is fired when the VCSCommand plugin " first loads. " " VCSPluginFinish This event is fired just after the VCSCommand " plugin loads. " " VCSVimDiffFinish This event is fired just after the VCSVimDiff " command executes to allow customization of, " for instance, window placement and focus. " " Section: Plugin header {{{1 " loaded_VCSCommand is set to 1 when the initialization begins, and 2 when it " completes. This allows various actions to only be taken by functions after " system initialization. if exists('loaded_VCSCommand') finish endif let loaded_VCSCommand = 1 if v:version < 700 echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None finish endif let s:save_cpo=&cpo set cpo&vim " Section: Event group setup {{{1 augroup VCSCommand augroup END augroup VCSCommandCommit augroup END " Section: Plugin initialization {{{1 silent do VCSCommand User VCSPluginInit " Section: Constants declaration {{{1 let g:VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_EXACT = 1 let g:VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_INEXACT = -1 " Section: Script variable initialization {{{1 " plugin-specific information: {vcs -> [script, {command -> function}, {key -> mapping}]} let s:plugins = {} " temporary values of overridden configuration variables let s:optionOverrides = {} " state flag used to vary behavior of certain automated actions let s:isEditFileRunning = 0 " commands needed to restore diff buffers to their original state unlet! s:vimDiffRestoreCmd " original buffer currently reflected in vimdiff windows unlet! s:vimDiffSourceBuffer " unlet! s:vimDiffScratchList " Section: Utility functions {{{1 " Function: s:ReportError(mapping) {{{2 " Displays the given error in a consistent faction. This is intended to be " invoked from a catch statement. function! s:ReportError(error) echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand: ' . a:error|echohl None endfunction " Function: s:ExecuteExtensionMapping(mapping) {{{2 " Invokes the appropriate extension mapping depending on the type of the " current buffer. function! s:ExecuteExtensionMapping(mapping) let buffer = bufnr('%') let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer) if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType) throw 'Unknown VCS type: ' . vcsType endif if !has_key(s:plugins[vcsType][2], a:mapping) throw 'This extended mapping is not defined for ' . vcsType endif silent execute 'normal' ':' . s:plugins[vcsType][2][a:mapping] . "\" endfunction " Function: s:ExecuteVCSCommand(command, argList) {{{2 " Calls the indicated plugin-specific VCS command on the current buffer. " Returns: buffer number of resulting output scratch buffer, or -1 if an error " occurs. function! s:ExecuteVCSCommand(command, argList) try let buffer = bufnr('%') let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer) if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType) throw 'Unknown VCS type: ' . vcsType endif let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(buffer) let bufferName = bufname(originalBuffer) " It is already known that the directory is under VCS control. No further " checks are needed. Otherwise, perform some basic sanity checks to avoid " VCS-specific error messages from confusing things. if !isdirectory(bufferName) if !filereadable(bufferName) throw 'No such file ' . bufferName endif endif let functionMap = s:plugins[vcsType][1] if !has_key(functionMap, a:command) throw 'Command ''' . a:command . ''' not implemented for ' . vcsType endif return functionMap[a:command](a:argList) catch call s:ReportError(v:exception) return -1 endtry endfunction " Function: s:GenerateResultBufferName(command, originalBuffer, vcsType, statusText) {{{2 " Default method of generating the name for VCS result buffers. This can be " overridden with the VCSResultBufferNameFunction variable. function! s:GenerateResultBufferName(command, originalBuffer, vcsType, statusText) let fileName = bufname(a:originalBuffer) let bufferName = a:vcsType . ' ' . a:command if strlen(a:statusText) > 0 let bufferName .= ' ' . a:statusText endif let bufferName .= ' ' . fileName let counter = 0 let versionedBufferName = bufferName while buflisted(versionedBufferName) let counter += 1 let versionedBufferName = bufferName . ' (' . counter . ')' endwhile return versionedBufferName endfunction " Function: s:GenerateResultBufferNameWithExtension(command, originalBuffer, vcsType, statusText) {{{2 " Method of generating the name for VCS result buffers that uses the original " file name with the VCS type and command appended as extensions. function! s:GenerateResultBufferNameWithExtension(command, originalBuffer, vcsType, statusText) let fileName = bufname(a:originalBuffer) let bufferName = a:vcsType . ' ' . a:command if strlen(a:statusText) > 0 let bufferName .= ' ' . a:statusText endif let bufferName .= ' ' . fileName . VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension', '.vcs') let counter = 0 let versionedBufferName = bufferName while buflisted(versionedBufferName) let counter += 1 let versionedBufferName = '(' . counter . ') ' . bufferName endwhile return versionedBufferName endfunction " Function: s:EditFile(command, originalBuffer, statusText) {{{2 " Creates a new buffer of the given name and associates it with the given " original buffer. function! s:EditFile(command, originalBuffer, statusText) let vcsType = getbufvar(a:originalBuffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType') let nameExtension = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension', '') if nameExtension == '' let nameFunction = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction', 's:GenerateResultBufferName') else let nameFunction = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction', 's:GenerateResultBufferNameWithExtension') endif let resultBufferName = call(nameFunction, [a:command, a:originalBuffer, vcsType, a:statusText]) " Protect against useless buffer set-up let s:isEditFileRunning += 1 try let editCommand = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEdit', 'split') if editCommand == 'split' if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSplit', 'horizontal') == 'horizontal' rightbelow split else vert rightbelow split endif endif enew let b:VCSCommandCommand = a:command let b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer = a:originalBuffer let b:VCSCommandSourceFile = bufname(a:originalBuffer) let b:VCSCommandVCSType = vcsType setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal noswapfile let &filetype = vcsType . a:command if a:statusText != '' let b:VCSCommandStatusText = a:statusText endif if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDeleteOnHide', 0) setlocal bufhidden=delete endif silent noautocmd file `=resultBufferName` finally let s:isEditFileRunning -= 1 endtry endfunction " Function: s:SetupBuffer() {{{2 " Attempts to set the b:VCSCommandBufferInfo variable function! s:SetupBuffer() if (exists('b:VCSCommandBufferSetup') && b:VCSCommandBufferSetup) " This buffer is already set up. return endif if !isdirectory(@%) && (strlen(&buftype) > 0 || !filereadable(@%)) " No special status for special buffers other than directory buffers. return endif if !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup', 0) || s:isEditFileRunning > 0 unlet! b:VCSCommandBufferSetup return endif try let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%')) let b:VCSCommandBufferInfo = s:plugins[vcsType][1].GetBufferInfo() silent do VCSCommand User VCSBufferSetup catch /No suitable plugin/ " This is not a VCS-controlled file. let b:VCSCommandBufferInfo = [] endtry let b:VCSCommandBufferSetup = 1 endfunction " Function: s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(buffer) {{{2 " Resets the buffer setup state of the original buffer for a given VCS scratch " buffer. " Returns: The VCS buffer number in a passthrough mode. function! s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(buffer) checktime if a:buffer > 0 let origBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(a:buffer) " This should never not work, but I'm paranoid if origBuffer != a:buffer call setbufvar(origBuffer, 'VCSCommandBufferSetup', 0) endif endif return a:buffer endfunction " Function: s:OverrideOption(option, [value]) {{{2 " Provides a temporary override for the given VCS option. If no value is " passed, the override is disabled. function! s:OverrideOption(option, ...) if a:0 == 0 call remove(s:optionOverrides[a:option], -1) else if !has_key(s:optionOverrides, a:option) let s:optionOverrides[a:option] = [] endif call add(s:optionOverrides[a:option], a:1) endif endfunction " Function: s:WipeoutCommandBuffers() {{{2 " Clears all current VCS output buffers of the specified type for a given source. function! s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(originalBuffer, VCSCommand) let buffer = 1 while buffer <= bufnr('$') if getbufvar(buffer, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') == a:originalBuffer if getbufvar(buffer, 'VCSCommandCommand') == a:VCSCommand execute 'bw' buffer endif endif let buffer = buffer + 1 endwhile endfunction " Function: s:VimDiffRestore(vimDiffBuff) {{{2 " Checks whether the given buffer is one whose deletion should trigger " restoration of an original buffer after it was diffed. If so, it executes " the appropriate setting command stored with that original buffer. function! s:VimDiffRestore(vimDiffBuff) let s:isEditFileRunning += 1 try if exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer') if a:vimDiffBuff == s:vimDiffSourceBuffer " Original file is being removed. unlet! s:vimDiffSourceBuffer unlet! s:vimDiffRestoreCmd unlet! s:vimDiffScratchList else let index = index(s:vimDiffScratchList, a:vimDiffBuff) if index >= 0 call remove(s:vimDiffScratchList, index) if len(s:vimDiffScratchList) == 0 if exists('s:vimDiffRestoreCmd') " All scratch buffers are gone, reset the original. " Only restore if the source buffer is still in Diff mode let sourceWinNR = bufwinnr(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer) if sourceWinNR != -1 " The buffer is visible in at least one window let currentWinNR = winnr() while winbufnr(sourceWinNR) != -1 if winbufnr(sourceWinNR) == s:vimDiffSourceBuffer execute sourceWinNR . 'wincmd w' if getwinvar(0, '&diff') execute s:vimDiffRestoreCmd endif endif let sourceWinNR = sourceWinNR + 1 endwhile execute currentWinNR . 'wincmd w' else " The buffer is hidden. It must be visible in order to set the " diff option. let currentBufNR = bufnr('') execute 'hide buffer' s:vimDiffSourceBuffer if getwinvar(0, '&diff') execute s:vimDiffRestoreCmd endif execute 'hide buffer' currentBufNR endif unlet s:vimDiffRestoreCmd endif " All buffers are gone. unlet s:vimDiffSourceBuffer unlet s:vimDiffScratchList endif endif endif endif finally let s:isEditFileRunning -= 1 endtry endfunction " Section: Generic VCS command functions {{{1 " Function: s:VCSCommit() {{{2 function! s:VCSCommit(bang, message) try let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%')) if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType) throw 'Unknown VCS type: ' . vcsType endif let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%')) " Handle the commit message being specified. If a message is supplied, it " is used; if bang is supplied, an empty message is used; otherwise, the " user is provided a buffer from which to edit the commit message. if strlen(a:message) > 0 || a:bang == '!' return s:VCSFinishCommit([a:message], originalBuffer) endif call s:EditFile('commitlog', originalBuffer, '') setlocal ft=vcscommit " Create a commit mapping. nnoremap VCSCommit :call VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer() silent 0put ='VCS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------' silent put ='VCS: Please enter log message. Lines beginning with ''VCS:'' are removed automatically.' silent put ='VCS: To finish the commit, Type cc (or your own VCSCommit mapping)' if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCommitOnWrite', 1) == 1 setlocal buftype=acwrite au VCSCommandCommit BufWriteCmd call s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer() silent put ='VCS: or write this buffer' endif silent put ='VCS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------' $ setlocal nomodified catch call s:ReportError(v:exception) return -1 endtry endfunction " Function: s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer() {{{2 " Wrapper for s:VCSFinishCommit which is called only from a commit log buffer " which removes all lines starting with 'VCS:'. function! s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer() setlocal nomodified let currentBuffer = bufnr('%') let logMessageList = getbufline('%', 1, '$') call filter(logMessageList, 'v:val !~ ''^\s*VCS:''') let resultBuffer = s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer) if resultBuffer >= 0 execute 'bw' currentBuffer endif return resultBuffer endfunction " Function: s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, originalBuffer) {{{2 function! s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, originalBuffer) let shellSlashBak = &shellslash try set shellslash let messageFileName = tempname() call writefile(a:logMessageList, messageFileName) try let resultBuffer = s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Commit', [messageFileName]) if resultBuffer < 0 return resultBuffer endif return s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(resultBuffer) finally call delete(messageFileName) endtry finally let &shellslash = shellSlashBak endtry endfunction " Function: s:VCSGotoOriginal(bang) {{{2 function! s:VCSGotoOriginal(bang) let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%')) if originalBuffer > 0 let origWinNR = bufwinnr(originalBuffer) if origWinNR == -1 execute 'buffer' originalBuffer else execute origWinNR . 'wincmd w' endif if a:bang == '!' let buffnr = 1 let buffmaxnr = bufnr('$') while buffnr <= buffmaxnr if getbufvar(buffnr, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') == originalBuffer execute 'bw' buffnr endif let buffnr = buffnr + 1 endwhile endif endif endfunction " Function: s:VCSVimDiff(...) {{{2 function! s:VCSVimDiff(...) try let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%')) if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType) throw 'Unknown VCS type: ' . vcsType endif let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%')) let s:isEditFileRunning = s:isEditFileRunning + 1 try " If there's already a VimDiff'ed window, restore it. " There may only be one VCSVimDiff original window at a time. if exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer') && s:vimDiffSourceBuffer != originalBuffer " Clear the existing vimdiff setup by removing the result buffers. call s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff') endif " Split and diff if(a:0 == 2) " Reset the vimdiff system, as 2 explicit versions were provided. if exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer') call s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff') endif let resultBuffer = s:plugins[vcsType][1].Review([a:1]) if resultBuffer < 0 echomsg 'Can''t open revision ' . a:1 return resultBuffer endif let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff' diffthis let s:vimDiffScratchList = [resultBuffer] " If no split method is defined, cheat, and set it to vertical. try call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit', VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDiffSplit', VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSplit', 'vertical'))) let resultBuffer = s:plugins[vcsType][1].Review([a:2]) finally call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit') endtry if resultBuffer < 0 echomsg 'Can''t open revision ' . a:1 return resultBuffer endif let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff' diffthis let s:vimDiffScratchList += [resultBuffer] else " Add new buffer call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandEdit', 'split') try " Force splitting behavior, otherwise why use vimdiff? call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit', VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDiffSplit', VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSplit', 'vertical'))) try if(a:0 == 0) let resultBuffer = s:plugins[vcsType][1].Review([]) else let resultBuffer = s:plugins[vcsType][1].Review([a:1]) endif finally call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit') endtry finally call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandEdit') endtry if resultBuffer < 0 echomsg 'Can''t open current revision' return resultBuffer endif let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff' diffthis if !exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer') " New instance of vimdiff. let s:vimDiffScratchList = [resultBuffer] " This could have been invoked on a VCS result buffer, not the " original buffer. wincmd W execute 'buffer' originalBuffer " Store info for later original buffer restore let s:vimDiffRestoreCmd = \ 'call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&diff'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&diff').')' \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldcolumn'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldcolumn').')' \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldenable'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldenable').')' \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldmethod'', '''.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldmethod').''')' \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldlevel'', '''.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldlevel').''')' \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&scrollbind'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&scrollbind').')' \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&wrap'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&wrap').')' \ . '|if &foldmethod==''manual''|execute ''normal zE''|endif' diffthis wincmd w else " Adding a window to an existing vimdiff let s:vimDiffScratchList += [resultBuffer] endif endif let s:vimDiffSourceBuffer = originalBuffer " Avoid executing the modeline in the current buffer after the autocommand. let currentBuffer = bufnr('%') let saveModeline = getbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline') try call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', 0) silent do VCSCommand User VCSVimDiffFinish finally call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', saveModeline) endtry return resultBuffer finally let s:isEditFileRunning = s:isEditFileRunning - 1 endtry catch call s:ReportError(v:exception) return -1 endtry endfunction " Section: Public functions {{{1 " Function: VCSCommandGetVCSType() {{{2 " Sets the b:VCSCommandVCSType variable in the given buffer to the " appropriate source control system name. " " This uses the Identify extension function to test the buffer. If the " Identify function returns VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_EXACT, the match is considered " exact. If the Identify function returns VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_INEXACT, the " match is considered inexact, and is only applied if no exact match is found. " Multiple inexact matches is currently considered an error. function! VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer) let vcsType = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType') if strlen(vcsType) > 0 return vcsType endif let matches = [] for vcsType in keys(s:plugins) let identified = s:plugins[vcsType][1].Identify(a:buffer) if identified if identified == g:VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_EXACT let matches = [vcsType] break else let matches += [vcsType] endif endif endfor if len(matches) == 1 call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType', matches[0]) return matches[0] elseif len(matches) == 0 throw 'No suitable plugin' else throw 'Too many matching VCS: ' . join(matches) endif endfunction " Function: VCSCommandChdir(directory) {{{2 " Changes the current directory, respecting :lcd changes. function! VCSCommandChdir(directory) let command = 'cd' if exists("*haslocaldir") && haslocaldir() let command = 'lcd' endif execute command escape(a:directory, ' ') endfunction " Function: VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir() {{{2 " Go to the directory in which the given file is located. function! VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName) let oldCwd = getcwd() let newCwd = fnamemodify(resolve(a:fileName), ':p:h') if strlen(newCwd) > 0 call VCSCommandChdir(newCwd) endif return oldCwd endfunction " Function: VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(vcsBuffer) {{{2 " Attempts to locate the original file to which VCS operations were applied " for a given buffer. function! VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(vcsBuffer) let origBuffer = getbufvar(a:vcsBuffer, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') if origBuffer if bufexists(origBuffer) return origBuffer else " Original buffer no longer exists. throw 'Original buffer for this VCS buffer no longer exists.' endif else " No original buffer return a:vcsBuffer endif endfunction " Function: VCSCommandRegisterModule(name, file, commandMap) {{{2 " Allows VCS modules to register themselves. function! VCSCommandRegisterModule(name, path, commandMap, mappingMap) let s:plugins[a:name] = [a:path, a:commandMap, a:mappingMap] if !empty(a:mappingMap) \ && !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDisableMappings', 0) \ && !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDisableExtensionMappings', 0) for mapname in keys(a:mappingMap) execute 'noremap ' . mapname ':call ExecuteExtensionMapping(''' . mapname . ''')' endfor endif endfunction " Function: VCSCommandDoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, [options]) {{{2 " General skeleton for VCS function execution. The given command is executed " after appending the current buffer name (or substituting it for " , if such a token is present). The output is captured in a " new buffer. " " The optional 'options' Dictionary may contain the following options: " allowNonZeroExit: if non-zero, if the underlying VCS command has a " non-zero exit status, the command is still considered " successfuly. This defaults to zero. " Returns: name of the new command buffer containing the command results function! VCSCommandDoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options) let allowNonZeroExit = 0 if has_key(a:options, 'allowNonZeroExit') let allowNonZeroExit = a:options.allowNonZeroExit endif let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%')) if originalBuffer == -1 throw 'Original buffer no longer exists, aborting.' endif let path = resolve(bufname(originalBuffer)) " Work with netrw or other systems where a directory listing is displayed in " a buffer. if isdirectory(path) let fileName = '.' else let fileName = fnamemodify(path, ':t') endif if match(a:cmd, '') > 0 let fullCmd = substitute(a:cmd, '', fileName, 'g') else let fullCmd = a:cmd . ' "' . fileName . '"' endif " Change to the directory of the current buffer. This is done for CVS, but " is left in for other systems as it does not affect them negatively. let oldCwd = VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(path) try let output = system(fullCmd) finally call VCSCommandChdir(oldCwd) endtry " HACK: if line endings in the repository have been corrupted, the output " of the command will be confused. let output = substitute(output, "\r", '', 'g') if v:shell_error && !allowNonZeroExit if strlen(output) == 0 throw 'Version control command failed' else let output = substitute(output, '\n', ' ', 'g') throw 'Version control command failed: ' . output endif endif if strlen(output) == 0 " Handle case of no output. In this case, it is important to check the " file status, especially since cvs edit/unedit may change the attributes " of the file with no visible output. checktime return 0 endif call s:EditFile(a:cmdName, originalBuffer, a:statusText) silent 0put=output " The last command left a blank line at the end of the buffer. If the " last line is folded (a side effect of the 'put') then the attempt to " remove the blank line will kill the last fold. " " This could be fixed by explicitly detecting whether the last line is " within a fold, but I prefer to simply unfold the result buffer altogether. if has('folding') normal zR endif $d 1 " Define the environment and execute user-defined hooks. silent do VCSCommand User VCSBufferCreated return bufnr('%') endfunction " Function: VCSCommandGetOption(name, default) {{{2 " Grab a user-specified option to override the default provided. Options are " searched in the window, buffer, then global spaces. function! VCSCommandGetOption(name, default) if has_key(s:optionOverrides, a:name) && len(s:optionOverrides[a:name]) > 0 return s:optionOverrides[a:name][-1] elseif exists('w:' . a:name) return w:{a:name} elseif exists('b:' . a:name) return b:{a:name} elseif exists('g:' . a:name) return g:{a:name} else return a:default endif endfunction " Function: VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup() {{{2 " Global function for deactivating the buffer autovariables. function! VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup() let g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup = 0 silent! augroup! VCSCommandPlugin endfunction " Function: VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup() {{{2 " Global function for activating the buffer autovariables. function! VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup() let g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup = 1 augroup VCSCommandPlugin au! au BufEnter * call s:SetupBuffer() augroup END " Only auto-load if the plugin is fully loaded. This gives other plugins a " chance to run. if g:loaded_VCSCommand == 2 call s:SetupBuffer() endif endfunction " Function: VCSCommandGetStatusLine() {{{2 " Default (sample) status line entry for VCS-controlled files. This is only " useful if VCS-managed buffer mode is on (see the VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup " variable for how to do this). function! VCSCommandGetStatusLine() if exists('b:VCSCommandCommand') " This is a result buffer. Return nothing because the buffer name " contains information already. return '' endif if exists('b:VCSCommandVCSType') \ && exists('g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup') \ && g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup \ && exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo') return '[' . join(extend([b:VCSCommandVCSType], b:VCSCommandBufferInfo), ' ') . ']' else return '' endif endfunction " Section: Command definitions {{{1 " Section: Primary commands {{{2 com! -nargs=* VCSAdd call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Add', [])) com! -nargs=* VCSAnnotate call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Annotate', []) com! -nargs=* VCSBlame call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Annotate', []) com! -nargs=? -bang VCSCommit call s:VCSCommit(, ) com! -nargs=* VCSDelete call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Delete', []) com! -nargs=* VCSDiff call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Diff', []) com! -nargs=0 -bang VCSGotoOriginal call s:VCSGotoOriginal() com! -nargs=* VCSInfo call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Info', []) com! -nargs=* VCSLock call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Lock', [])) com! -nargs=* VCSLog call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Log', []) com! -nargs=* VCSRemove call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Delete', []) com! -nargs=0 VCSRevert call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Revert', [])) com! -nargs=? VCSReview call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Review', []) com! -nargs=* VCSStatus call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Status', []) com! -nargs=* VCSUnlock call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Unlock', [])) com! -nargs=0 VCSUpdate call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Update', [])) com! -nargs=* VCSVimDiff call s:VCSVimDiff() " Section: VCS buffer management commands {{{2 com! VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup call VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup() com! VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup() " Allow reloading VCSCommand.vim com! VCSReload let savedPlugins = s:plugins|let s:plugins = {}|aunmenu Plugin.VCS|unlet! g:loaded_VCSCommand|runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim|for plugin in values(savedPlugins)|execute 'source' plugin[0]|endfor|unlet savedPlugins " Section: Plugin command mappings {{{1 nnoremap VCSAdd :VCSAdd nnoremap VCSAnnotate :VCSAnnotate nnoremap VCSCommit :VCSCommit nnoremap VCSDelete :VCSDelete nnoremap VCSDiff :VCSDiff nnoremap VCSGotoOriginal :VCSGotoOriginal nnoremap VCSClearAndGotoOriginal :VCSGotoOriginal! nnoremap VCSInfo :VCSInfo nnoremap VCSLock :VCSLock nnoremap VCSLog :VCSLog nnoremap VCSRevert :VCSRevert nnoremap VCSReview :VCSReview nnoremap VCSStatus :VCSStatus nnoremap VCSUnlock :VCSUnlock nnoremap VCSUpdate :VCSUpdate nnoremap VCSVimDiff :VCSVimDiff " Section: Default mappings {{{1 if !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDisableMappings', 0) if !hasmapto('VCSAdd') nmap ca VCSAdd endif if !hasmapto('VCSAnnotate') nmap cn VCSAnnotate endif if !hasmapto('VCSClearAndGotoOriginal') nmap cG VCSClearAndGotoOriginal endif if !hasmapto('VCSCommit') nmap cc VCSCommit endif if !hasmapto('VCSDelete') nmap cD VCSDelete endif if !hasmapto('VCSDiff') nmap cd VCSDiff endif if !hasmapto('VCSGotoOriginal') nmap cg VCSGotoOriginal endif if !hasmapto('VCSInfo') nmap ci VCSInfo endif if !hasmapto('VCSLock') nmap cL VCSLock endif if !hasmapto('VCSLog') nmap cl VCSLog endif if !hasmapto('VCSRevert') nmap cq VCSRevert endif if !hasmapto('VCSReview') nmap cr VCSReview endif if !hasmapto('VCSStatus') nmap cs VCSStatus endif if !hasmapto('VCSUnlock') nmap cU VCSUnlock endif if !hasmapto('VCSUpdate') nmap cu VCSUpdate endif if !hasmapto('VCSVimDiff') nmap cv VCSVimDiff endif endif " Section: Menu items {{{1 amenu &Plugin.VCS.&Add VCSAdd amenu &Plugin.VCS.A&nnotate VCSAnnotate amenu &Plugin.VCS.&Commit VCSCommit amenu &Plugin.VCS.Delete VCSDelete amenu &Plugin.VCS.&Diff VCSDiff amenu &Plugin.VCS.&Info VCSInfo amenu &Plugin.VCS.&Log VCSLog amenu &Plugin.VCS.Revert VCSRevert amenu &Plugin.VCS.&Review VCSReview amenu &Plugin.VCS.&Status VCSStatus amenu &Plugin.VCS.&Update VCSUpdate amenu &Plugin.VCS.&VimDiff VCSVimDiff " Section: Autocommands to restore vimdiff state {{{1 augroup VimDiffRestore au! au BufUnload * call s:VimDiffRestore(str2nr(expand(''))) augroup END " Section: Optional activation of buffer management {{{1 if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup', 0) call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup() endif " Section: VIM shutdown hook {{{1 " Close all result buffers when VIM exits, to prevent them from being restored " via viminfo. " Function: s:CloseAllResultBuffers() {{{2 " Closes all vcscommand result buffers. function! s:CloseAllResultBuffers() " This avoids using bufdo as that may load buffers already loaded in another " vim process, resulting in an error. let buffnr = 1 let buffmaxnr = bufnr('$') while buffnr <= buffmaxnr if getbufvar(buffnr, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') != "" execute 'bw' buffnr endif let buffnr = buffnr + 1 endwhile endfunction augroup VCSCommandVIMShutdown au! au VimLeavePre * call s:CloseAllResultBuffers() augroup END " Section: Plugin completion {{{1 let loaded_VCSCommand = 2 silent do VCSCommand User VCSPluginFinish let &cpo = s:save_cpo