# My Dot Files This repo contains a set of tools and configuration files used for development. Especially for Android Rom development ## Install tool First get git submodule: ``` git submodule update --init ``` add scripts path into your PATH Then install_config.sh will produce a list of link to copy/past in a terminal. This allow you to select the config files you want For example, for vim, this will produce the following content ``` ln -s PATH_TO_THIS_REPO/.vim ~/.vim ln -s PATH_TO_THIS_REPO/.vimrc ~/.vimrc ``` ## Vim Vim plugins are managed by vundle. So at first lunch you have to run in vim ``` :PluginInstall ``` ## Dependencies * openbox * vim * ctags * cscope * xbacklight * gmrun * tint2 * xfce4-notifyd * gnome-terminal * polkit-gnome * numlockx * gnome-screensaver