*vim-java-ant-doc* Ant Documentation Lookup ************************ *:AntDoc* When editing an ant build file eclim defines a command named :AntDoc which will attempt to lookup and open in your configured browser (|g:EclimBrowser|) the documentation for the element under the cursor or, if supplied, the element passed to it. This command will only lookup element names, not attribute names or values. By default this plugin is configured to find all the standard ant tasks, types, etc, as well as those defined by the antcontrib (http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net) project. *:AntUserDoc* If you have other tasks that you wish to add to this plugin, you can do so by defining the global variable g:AntUserDocs. The value of this variable is expected to be a map of element names to the url where the documentation for that element can be found. The url also supports a substitution variable, which will be substituted with the lower case version of the element name. The following is an example which adds the tasks from the apache cactus project. > let s:cactus = \ 'http://jakarta.apache.org/cactus/integration/ant/task_.html' let g:AntUserDocs = { \ 'cactifywar' : s:cactus, \ 'cactifyear' : s:cactus, \ 'cactus' : s:cactus, \ 'runservertests' : s:cactus, \ 'webxmlmerge' : s:cactus, \ } < vim:ft=eclimhelp