" C Call-Tree Explorer (CCTree) " " " Script Info and Documentation "============================================================================= " Copyright: Copyright (C) August 2008, Hari Rangarajan " Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code, " with or without modifications, provided that this copyright " notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free, " cctree.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no " warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no " event will the copyright holder be liable for any damamges " resulting from the use of this software. " " Name Of File: CCTree.vim " Description: C Call-Tree Explorer Vim Plugin " Maintainer: Hari Rangarajan " URL: http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=2368 " Last Change: December 24, 2008 " Version: 0.61 " "============================================================================= " " Description: " Plugin generates call-trees for any function or macro in real-time inside " Vim. " " Requirements: 1) Cscope " 2) Vim 7.xx " " Tested on Unix and the following Win32 versions: " + Cscope, mlcscope (WIN32) " http://www.geocities.com/shankara_c/cscope.html " http://www.bell-labs.com/project/wwexptools/packages.html " " " " Installation: " Copy this file to ~/.vim/plugins/ " or to /vimfiles/plugins/ (on Win32 platforms) " " It might also be possible to load it as a filetype plugin " ~/.vim/ftplugin/c/ " " Need to set :filetype plugin on " " " Usage: " Build cscope database, for example: " > cscope -b -i cscope.files " [Tip: add -c option to build uncompressed databases for faster " load speeds] " " Load database with command ":CCTreeLoadDB" " (Please note that it might take a while depending on the " database size) " " A database name, i.e., my_cscope.out, can be specified with " the command. If not provided, a prompt will ask for the " filename; default is cscope.out. " " To unload database, use command ":CCTreeUnLoadDB" " " Default Mappings: " Get reverse call tree for symbol < " Get forward call tree for symbol > " Increase depth of tree and update = " Decrease depth of tree and update - " " Open symbol in other window " Preview symbol in other window " " Command List: " CCTreeLoadDB " CCTreeUnLoadDB " CCTreeTraceForward " CCTreeTraceReverse " CCTreeRecurseDepthPlus " CCTreeRecurseDepthMinus " " " " Settings: " Customize behavior by changing the variable settings " " Cscope database file, g:CCTreeCscopeDb = "cscope.out" " Maximum call levels, g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth = 3 " Maximum visible(unfolded) level, g:CCTreeMinVisibleDepth = 3 " Orientation of window, g:CCTreeOrientation = "leftabove" " (standard vim options for split: [right|left][above|below]) " " Use Vertical window, g:CCTreeWindowVertical = 1 " Min width for window, g:CCTreeWindowMinWidth = 40 " g:CCTreeWindowWidth = -1, auto-select best width to fit " " Horizontal window, g:CCTreeWindowHeight, default is -1 " " " Display format, g:CCTreeDisplayMode, default 1 " " Values: 1 -- Ultra-compact (takes minimum screen width) " 2 -- Compact (Takes little more space) " 3 -- Wide (Takes copious amounts of space) " " For vertical splits, 1 and 2 are good, while 3 is good for " horizontal displays " " NOTE: To get older behavior, add the following to your vimrc " let g:CCTreeDisplayMode = 3 " let g:CCTreeWindowVertical = 0 " " Syntax Coloring: " CCTreeSymbol is the symbol name " CCTreeMarkers include "|","+--->" " " CCTreeHiSymbol is the highlighted call tree functions " CCTreeHiMarkers is the same as CCTreeMarkers except " these denote the highlighted call-tree " " " CCTreeHiXXXX allows dynamic highlighting of the call-tree. " To observe the effect, move the cursor to the function to " highlight the current call-tree. This option can be " turned off using the setting, g:CCTreeHilightCallTree. " For faster highlighting, the value of 'updatetime' can be " changed " " Limitations: " The accuracy of the call-tree will only be as good as the cscope " database generation. " NOTE: Different flavors of Cscope have some known " limitations due to the lexical analysis engine. This results " in incorrectly identified function blocks, etc. " " History: " " Version 0.61: December 24, 2008 " 1. Fixed bug when processing include files " 2. Remove 'set ruler' option " " Version 0.60: November 26, 2008 " 1. Added support for source-file dependency tree " " Version 0.50: October 17, 2008 " 1. Optimizations for compact memory foot-print and " improved compressed-database load speeds " " Version 0.41: October 6, 2008 " 1. Minor fix: Compressed cscope databases will load " incorrectly if encoding is not 8-bit " " Version 0.4: September 28, 2008 " 1. Rewrite of "tree-display" code " 2. New syntax hightlighting " 3. Dynamic highlighting for call-trees " 4. Support for new window modes (vertical, horizontal) " 5. New display format option for compact or wide call-trees " NOTE: defaults for tree-orientation set to vertical " " Version 0.3: " September 21, 2008 " 1. Support compressed cscope databases " 2. Display window related bugs fixed " 3. More intuitive display and folding capabilities " " Version 0.2: " September 12, 2008 " (Patches from Yegappan Lakshmanan, thanks!) " 1. Support for using the plugin in Vi-compatible mode. " 2. Filtering out unwanted lines before processing the db. " 3. Command-line completion for the commands. " 4. Using the cscope db from any directory. " " Version 0.1: " August 31,2008 " 1. Cross-referencing support for only functions and macros " Functions inside macro definitions will be incorrectly " attributed to the top level calling function " " " Thanks: " " Arun Chaganty/Timo Tiefel (Ver 0.60 -- bug report) " Michael Wookey (Ver 0.4 -- Testing/bug report/patches) " Yegappan Lakshmanan (Ver 0.2 -- Patches) " " The Vim Community, ofcourse :) " "============================================================================= if !exists('loaded_cctree') && v:version >= 700 " First time loading the cctree plugin "let loaded_cctree = 1 else finish endif " Line continuation used here let s:cpo_save = &cpoptions set cpoptions&vim " Global variables " Modify in .vimrc to modify default behavior if !exists('CCTreeCscopeDb') let CCTreeCscopeDb = "cscope.out" endif if !exists('CCTreeRecursiveDepth') let CCTreeRecursiveDepth = 3 endif if !exists('CCTreeMinVisibleDepth') let CCTreeMinVisibleDepth = 3 endif if !exists('CCTreeOrientation') let CCTreeOrientation = "leftabove" endif if !exists('CCTreeWindowVertical') let CCTreeWindowVertical = 1 endif if !exists('CCTreeWindowWidth') " -1 is auto select best width let CCTreeWindowWidth = -1 endif if !exists('CCTreeWindowMinWidth') let CCTreeWindowMinWidth = 40 endif if !exists('CCTreeWindowHeight') let CCTreeWindowHeight = -1 endif if !exists('CCTreeDisplayMode') let CCTreeDisplayMode = 1 endif if !exists('CCTreeHilightCallTree') let CCTreeHilightCallTree = 1 endif " Plugin related local variables let s:pluginname = 'CCTree' let s:windowtitle = 'CCTree-Preview' " There could be duplicate keywords on different lines let s:CCTreekeyword = '' let s:CCTreekeywordLine = -1 " Definition of a keyword... let s:CCTreeKeywordRegEx = '[A-Za-z0-9_\\\.\/]\+' " Other state variables let s:currentkeyword = '' let s:currentdirection = '' let s:dbloaded = 0 let s:symhashtable = {} let s:save_statusline = '' let s:lastbufname = '' " Turn on/off debugs let s:tag_debug=0 " Use the Decho plugin for debugging function! DBGecho(...) if s:tag_debug Decho(a:000) endif endfunction function! DBGredir(...) if s:tag_debug Decho(a:000) endif endfunction let s:symlistindex = 0 let s:symlisttable = [] function! s:CCTreeSymbolListAdd(name) if !has_key(s:symhashtable, a:name) let s:symhashtable[a:name] = s:symlistindex call add(s:symlisttable, s:CCTreeSymbolDictCreate(a:name)) let s:symlistindex += 1 endif return s:symhashtable[a:name] endfunction function! s:CCTreeSymbolDictCreate(name) let retval = {} let retval['n'] = a:name let retval['c'] = "" let retval['p'] = "" return retval endfunction function! s:CCTreeSymbolMarkXRef(funcentryidx, newfuncidx) let s:symlisttable[a:funcentryidx]['c'] .= (a:newfuncidx. ",") let s:symlisttable[a:newfuncidx]['p'] .= (a:funcentryidx. ",") endfunction function! s:CCTreeInitStatusLine() let s:symlastprogress = 0 let s:symprogress = 0 let s:cursym = 0 let s:currentstatus = '' let s:statusextra = '' let s:save_statusline = &statusline setlocal statusline=%{CCTreeStatusLine()} endfunction function! s:CCTreeRestoreStatusLine() let &statusline = s:save_statusline endfunction function! s:CCTreeBusyStatusLineUpdate(msg) let s:currentstatus = a:msg redrawstatus endfunction function! s:CCTreeBusyStatusLineExtraInfo(msg) let s:statusextra = a:msg redrawstatus endfunction function! CCTreeStatusLine() return s:pluginname. " ". s:currentstatus. " -- ". s:statusextra endfunction let s:progresscurrent = 0 let s:progressmax = 0 function! s:CCTreeProgressBarInit(maxcount) let s:progressmax = a:maxcount let s:progress1percent = a:maxcount/100 let s:progresspercent = 0 endfunction function! s:CCTreeProgressBarTick(count) let s:progresscurrent += a:count if s:progress1percent < s:progresscurrent let s:progresscurrent = 0 let s:progresspercent += 1 call s:CCTreeBusyStatusLineExtraInfo("Processing ". s:progresspercent . \ "\%, total ". s:progressmax. " items") endif endfunction function! s:CCTreeWarningMsg(msg) echohl WarningMsg echo a:msg echohl None endfunction function! s:CCTreePreprocessFilter (val) call s:CCTreeProgressBarTick(1) return a:val =~ "^\t[`#$}]|^\k" endfunction function! s:CCTreeLoadDB(db_name) let curfuncidx = -1 let newfuncidx = -1 let curfileidx = -1 let newfileidx = -1 call s:CCTreeUnloadDB() let cscope_db = a:db_name if cscope_db == '' let cscope_db = input('Cscope database: ', g:CCTreeCscopeDb, 'file') if cscope_db == '' return endif endif if !filereadable(cscope_db) call s:CCTreeWarningMsg('Cscope database ' . cscope_db . ' not found') return endif call s:CCTreeBusyStatusLineUpdate('Loading database') let symbols = readfile(cscope_db) if empty(symbols) call s:CCTreeWarningMsg("Failed to read cscope database") call s:CCTreeRestoreStatusLine() return endif let symindex = 0 let symlocalstart = 0 let symlocalcount = 0 " Grab previous status line call s:CCTreeInitStatusLine() call s:CCTreeBusyStatusLineUpdate('Reading database') " Check if database was built uncompressed if symbols[0] !~ "cscope.*\-c" let s:dbcompressed = 1 else let s:dbcompressed = 0 endif " Filter-out lines that doesn't have relevant information call filter(symbols, 'v:val =~ "^\t[`#$}@\~]"') call s:CCTreeProgressBarInit(len(symbols)) call s:CCTreeBusyStatusLineUpdate('Analyzing database') for a in symbols call s:CCTreeProgressBarTick(1) if a[1] == "`" if curfuncidx != -1 let newfuncidx = s:CCTreeSymbolListAdd(a[2:]) call s:CCTreeSymbolMarkXRef(curfuncidx, newfuncidx) endif elseif a[1] == "$" let curfuncidx = s:CCTreeSymbolListAdd(a[2:]) elseif a[1] == "#" call s:CCTreeSymbolListAdd(a[2:]) elseif a[1] == "}" let curfuncidx = -1 elseif a[1] == "~" let newfileidx = s:CCTreeSymbolListAdd(a[3:]) call s:CCTreeSymbolMarkXRef(curfileidx, newfileidx) elseif a[1] == "@" if a[2] != "" let curfileidx = s:CCTreeSymbolListAdd(a[2:]) endif endif endfor if s:dbcompressed == 1 call s:CCTreeBusyStatusLineUpdate('Uncompressing database') " inplace uncompression call s:Digraph_Uncompress(s:symlisttable, s:symhashtable) endif call s:CCTreeRestoreStatusLine() let s:dbloaded = 1 echomsg "Done building database" endfunction function! s:CCTreeUnloadDB() unlet s:symlisttable unlet s:symhashtable let s:dbloaded = 0 " Force cleanup call garbagecollect() let s:symlisttable = [] let s:symhashtable = {} endfunction function! s:CCTreeGetSymbolXRef(symname, direction) let symentryidx = s:symhashtable[a:symname] let symidslist = split(s:symlisttable[symentryidx][a:direction], ",") let xrefs = {} for asymid in symidslist let xrefs[s:symlisttable[asymid]['n']] = 1 endfor return xrefs endfunction function! s:CCTreeGetCallsForSymbol(symname, depth, direction) if (a:depth > g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth) return {} endif if !has_key(s:symhashtable, a:symname) return {} endif let calltree_dict = {} let calltree_dict['entry'] = a:symname for entry in keys(s:CCTreeGetSymbolXRef(a:symname, a:direction)) if !has_key(calltree_dict, 'childlinks') let calltree_dict['childlinks'] = [] endif let tmpDict = \s:CCTreeGetCallsForSymbol(entry, a:depth+1, a:direction) call add(calltree_dict['childlinks'], tmpDict) endfor return calltree_dict endfunction func! s:FindOpenBuffer(filename) let bnrList = tabpagebuflist(tabpagenr()) for bufnrs in bnrList if (bufname(bufnrs) == a:filename) let newWinnr = bufwinnr(bufnrs) exec newWinnr.'wincmd w' return 1 endif endfor " Could not find the buffer return 0 endfunction function! s:CCTreePreviewWindowLeave() call s:FindOpenBuffer(s:lastbufname) endfunction function! CCTreePreviewStatusLine() let rtitle= s:windowtitle. ' -- '. s:currentkeyword. \'[Depth: '. g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth.',' if s:currentdirection == 'p' let rtitle .= "(Reverse)" else let rtitle .= "(Forward)" endif return rtitle.']' endfunction function! s:CCTreePreviewWindowEnter() let s:lastbufname = bufname("%") if s:FindOpenBuffer(s:windowtitle) == 0 if g:CCTreeWindowVertical == 1 exec g:CCTreeOrientation." vsplit ". s:windowtitle set winfixwidth else exec g:CCTreeOrientation." split ". s:windowtitle set winfixheight endif setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal bufhidden=wipe setlocal noswapfile setlocal nonumber setlocal statusline=%=%{CCTreePreviewStatusLine()} syntax match CCTreePathMark /\s[|+]/ contained syntax match CCTreeArrow /-*[<>]/ contained syntax match CCTreeSymbol / [A-Za-z0-9_\.\\\/]\+/ contained syntax region CCTreeSymbolLine start="^\s" end="$" contains=CCTreeArrow,CCTreePathMark,CCTreeSymbol oneline syntax match CCTreeHiArrow /-*[<>]/ contained syntax match CCTreeHiSymbol / [A-Za-z0-9_\.\\\/]\+/ contained syntax match CCTreeHiPathMark /\s[|+]/ contained syntax match CCTreeMarkExcl /^[!#]/ contained syntax match CCTreeMarkTilde /@/ contained syntax region CCTreeUpArrowBlock start="@" end=/[|+]/ contains=CCTreeMarkTilde contained oneline syntax region CCTreeHiSymbolLine start="!" end="$" contains=CCTreeMarkExcl, \ CCTreeUpArrowBlock, \ CCTreeHiSymbol,CCTreeHiArrow,CCTreeHiPathMark oneline syntax region CCTreeMarkedSymbolLine start="#" end="$" contains=CCTreeMarkExcl, \ CCTreeMarkTilde,CCTreePathMark, \ CCTreeArrow,CCTreeSymbol,CCTreeUpArrowBlock oneline let cpo_save = &cpoptions set cpoptions&vim call s:CCTreeBufferKeyMappingsCreate() nnoremap :CCTreePreviewBufferUsingTag nnoremap :CCTreeLoadBufferUsingTag nnoremap <2-LeftMouse> :CCTreeLoadBufferUsingTag let &cpoptions = cpo_save endif setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldexpr=s:CCTreeFoldExpr(getline(v:lnum)) setlocal foldtext=CCTreeFoldText() let &l:foldlevel=g:CCTreeMinVisibleDepth endfunction function! s:CCTreeBuildTreeForLevel(dict, level, treelist, lvllen) if !has_key(a:dict, 'entry') return endif if g:CCTreeDisplayMode == 1 let curlevellen = 1 elseif g:CCTreeDisplayMode == 2 let curlevellen = a:level + 2 elseif g:CCTreeDisplayMode == 3 let curlevellen = strlen(a:dict['entry']) + a:level + 2 endif let a:lvllen[a:level] = min([a:lvllen[a:level], curlevellen]) call add(a:treelist, [a:dict['entry'], a:level]) if has_key(a:dict, 'childlinks') for a in a:dict['childlinks'] call s:CCTreeBuildTreeForLevel(a, a:level+1, a:treelist, a:lvllen) endfor endif endfunction let s:calltreemaxdepth = 10 function! s:CCTreeBuildTreeDisplayItems(treedict, treesymlist) let treexinfo = repeat([255], s:calltreemaxdepth) call s:CCTreeBuildTreeForLevel(a:treedict, 0, a:treesymlist, treexinfo) return s:CCTreeBuildDisplayPrependText(treexinfo) endfunction function! s:CCTreeBuildDisplayPrependText(lenlist) let pptxt = " " let treepptext = repeat([" "], s:calltreemaxdepth) if s:currentdirection == 'p' let directiontxt = "< " elseif s:currentdirection == 'c' let directiontxt = "> " endif let treepptext[0] = pptxt."+".directiontxt for idx in range(1, s:calltreemaxdepth-1) if a:lenlist[idx] != 255 let pptxt .= repeat(" ", a:lenlist[idx-1]) let treepptext[idx] = pptxt."+" if g:CCTreeDisplayMode == 1 let arrows = '-' elseif g:CCTreeDisplayMode >= 2 let arrows = repeat("-", idx) endif let treepptext[idx] = pptxt."+".arrows.directiontxt let pptxt .= "|" endif endfor return treepptext endfunction function! s:CCTreeDisplayTreeList(pptxtlst, treelst) for aentry in a:treelst call setline(".", a:pptxtlst[aentry[1]]. aentry[0]) let b:maxwindowlen = max([strlen(getline("."))+1, b:maxwindowlen]) exec "normal o" endfor endfunction " Provide dynamic call-tree highlighting using " syntax highlight tricks " " There are 3 types of lines, marked with the start character [\s, !, #] " Also @ is used to mark the path that is going up function! s:CCTreeMarkCallTree(treelst, keyword) let declevel = -1 for idx in range(line("."), 1, -1) " Find our keyword if declevel == -1 if a:treelst[idx-1][0] == a:keyword let declevel = a:treelst[idx-1][1] endif endif " Skip folds if declevel != -1 && foldclosed(idx) == -1 let curline = getline(idx) if declevel == a:treelst[idx-1][1] let linemarker = '!' let declevel -= 1 else let linemarker = '#' endif let pos = match(curline, '[+|]', 0, declevel+1) " Unconventional change char let curline = linemarker.strpart(curline, 1, pos-2).'@'. \ strpart(curline, pos, 1). strpart(curline, pos+1) call setline(idx, curline) endif endfor endfunction function! s:CCTreeDisplayTreeInWindow(atree) let incctreewin = 1 if (bufname('%') != s:windowtitle) call s:CCTreePreviewWindowEnter() let incctreewin = 0 endif setlocal modifiable 1,$d let b:treelist = [] let b:maxwindowlen = g:CCTreeWindowMinWidth let treemarkertxtlist = s:CCTreeBuildTreeDisplayItems(a:atree, b:treelist) call s:CCTreeDisplayTreeList(treemarkertxtlist, b:treelist) if g:CCTreeWindowVertical == 1 if g:CCTreeWindowWidth == -1 exec "vert resize". b:maxwindowlen else exec "vertical resize". g:CCTreeWindowWidth endif else if g:CCTreeWindowHeight != -1 let &winminheight = g:CCTreeWindowHeight exec "resize".g:CCTreeWindowHeight endif endif exec "normal gg" " Need to force this again let &l:foldlevel=g:CCTreeMinVisibleDepth setlocal nomodifiable if (incctreewin == 0) call s:CCTreePreviewWindowLeave() endif endfunction function! s:CCTreeFoldExpr(line) let lvl = b:treelist[v:lnum-1][1] if lvl == 0 let lvl = 1 endif return '>'.lvl endfunction function! CCTreeFoldText() let line = substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '[!@#]', ' ' , 'g') return line. " (+". (v:foldend - v:foldstart). \ ')'. repeat(" ", winwidth(0)) endfunction function! s:CCTreeStoreState(symbol, direction) let s:currentkeyword = a:symbol let s:currentdirection = a:direction endfunction function! s:CCTreeDBIsLoaded() if s:dbloaded == 0 call s:CCTreeWarningMsg('CCTree database not loaded') return 0 endif return 1 endfunction " Trick to get the current script ID map xx xx let s:sid = substitute(maparg('xx'), '\(\d\+_\)xx$', '\1', '') unmap xx function! s:CCTreeTraceTreeForSymbol(sym_arg, direction) if s:CCTreeDBIsLoaded() == 0 return endif let symbol = a:sym_arg if symbol == '' let symbol = input('Trace symbol: ', expand(''), \ 'customlist,' . s:sid . 'CCTreeCompleteKwd') if symbol == '' return endif endif let atree = s:CCTreeGetCallsForSymbol(symbol, 0, a:direction) call s:CCTreeStoreState(symbol, a:direction) call s:CCTreeUpdateForCurrentSymbol() endfunction function! s:CCTreeUpdateForCurrentSymbol() if s:currentkeyword != '' let atree = s:CCTreeGetCallsForSymbol(s:currentkeyword, 0, s:currentdirection) call s:CCTreeDisplayTreeInWindow(atree) endif endfunction function! s:CCTreeGetCurrentKeyword() let curline = line(".") if foldclosed(curline) == -1 let curkeyword = matchstr(getline("."), s:CCTreeKeywordRegEx) if curkeyword != '' if curkeyword != s:CCTreekeyword || curline != s:CCTreekeywordLine let s:CCTreekeyword = curkeyword let s:CCTreekeywordLine = line(".") return 1 endif endif endif return -1 endfunction function! s:CCTreeLoadBufferFromKeyword() if s:CCTreeGetCurrentKeyword() == -1 return endif try exec 'wincmd p' catch call s:CCTreeWarningMsg('No buffer to load file') finally if (cscope_connection() > 0) try exec "cs find g ".s:CCTreekeyword catch " cheap hack exec "cs find f ".s:CCTreekeyword endtry else try " Ctags is smart enough to figure the path exec "tag ".fnamemodify(s:CCTreekeyword, ":t") catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E426/ call s:CCTreeWarningMsg('Tag '. s:CCTreekeyword .' not found') wincmd p endtry endif endtry endfunction function! s:CCTreePreviewBufferFromKeyword() call s:CCTreeGetCurrentKeyword() if s:CCTreekeyword == '' return endif silent! wincmd P if !&previewwindow wincmd p endif exec "ptag ".s:CCTreekeyword endfunction function! s:CCTreeSanitizeCallDepth() let error = 0 if g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth >= s:calltreemaxdepth g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth = s:calltreemaxdepth let error = 1 elseif g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth < 1 g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth = 1 let error = 1 endif if error == 1 call s:CCTreeWarningMsg('Depth out of bounds') endif return error endfunction function! s:CCTreeRecursiveDepthIncrease() let g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth += 1 if s:CCTreeSanitizeCallDepth() == 0 call s:CCTreeUpdateForCurrentSymbol() endif endfunction function! s:CCTreeRecursiveDepthDecrease() let g:CCTreeRecursiveDepth -= 1 if s:CCTreeSanitizeCallDepth() == 0 call s:CCTreeUpdateForCurrentSymbol() endif endfunction " Use this function to determine the correct "g" flag " for substitution function! s:CCTreeGetSearchFlag(gvalue) let ret = (!a:gvalue)* (&gdefault) + (!&gdefault)*(a:gvalue) if ret == 1 return 'g' endif return '' endfunc function! s:CCTreeClearMarks() let windict = winsaveview() silent! exec "1,$s/[!#@]/ /e".s:CCTreeGetSearchFlag(1) call winrestview(windict) endfunction function! s:CCTreeCursorHoldHandle() if g:CCTreeHilightCallTree && s:CCTreeGetCurrentKeyword() != -1 setlocal modifiable call s:CCTreeClearMarks() call s:CCTreeMarkCallTree(b:treelist, s:CCTreekeyword) setlocal nomodifiable endif endfunction " CCTreeCompleteKwd " Command line completion function to return names from the db function! s:CCTreeCompleteKwd(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) if a:arglead == '' return keys(s:symhashtable) else return filter(keys(s:symhashtable), 'v:val =~? a:arglead') endif endfunction augroup CCTreeGeneral au! autocmd CursorHold CCTree-Preview call s:CCTreeCursorHoldHandle() augroup END "Standard display highlight link CCTreeSymbol Function highlight link CCTreeMarkers LineNr highlight link CCTreeArrow CCTreeMarkers highlight link CCTreePathMark CCTreeArrow highlight link CCTreeHiPathMark CCTreePathMark " highlighted display highlight link CCTreeHiSymbol TODO highlight link CCTreeHiMarkers StatusLine highlight link CCTreeHiArrow CCTreeHiMarkers highlight link CCTreeUpArrowBlock CCTreeHiArrow highlight link CCTreeMarkExcl Ignore highlight link CCTreeMarkTilde Ignore " Define commands command! -nargs=? -complete=file CCTreeLoadDB call s:CCTreeLoadDB() command! -nargs=0 CCTreeUnLoadDB call s:CCTreeUnloadDB() command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:CCTreeCompleteKwd \ CCTreeTraceForward call s:CCTreeTraceTreeForSymbol(, 'c') command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:CCTreeCompleteKwd CCTreeTraceReverse \ call s:CCTreeTraceTreeForSymbol(, 'p') command! -nargs=0 CCTreeLoadBufferUsingTag call s:CCTreeLoadBufferFromKeyword() command! -nargs=0 CCTreePreviewBufferUsingTag call s:CCTreePreviewBufferFromKeyword() command! -nargs=0 CCTreeRecurseDepthPlus call s:CCTreeRecursiveDepthIncrease() command! -nargs=0 CCTreeRecurseDepthMinus call s:CCTreeRecursiveDepthDecrease() function! s:CCTreeGetKeyword() let keyw = expand("") let keyf = expand("") if keyw != keyf if has_key(s:symhashtable, keyf) return keyf elseif has_key(s:symhashtable, keyw) return keyw endif else return keyw endif return '' endfunction function! s:CCTreeBufferKeyMappingsCreate() let func_expr = ''.s:sid.'CCTreeGetKeyword()' exec 'nnoremap < :CCTreeTraceReverse ='.func_expr.'' exec 'nnoremap > :CCTreeTraceForward ='.func_expr.'' nnoremap = :CCTreeRecurseDepthPlus nnoremap - :CCTreeRecurseDepthMinus endfunction augroup CCTreeMaps au! " Header files get detected as cpp? " This is a bug in Vim 7.2, a patch needs to be applied to the runtime c " syntax files " For now, use this hack to make *.h files work autocmd FileType * if &ft == 'c'|| &ft == 'cpp' |call s:CCTreeBufferKeyMappingsCreate()| endif augroup END " Cscope Digraph character compression/decompression routines " the logic of these routines are based off the Cscope source code let s:dichar1 = " teisaprnl(of)=c" let s:dichar2 = " tnerpla" function! s:Digraph_DictTable_Init () let dicttable = [] let index = 0 for dc1 in range(strlen(s:dichar1)) for dc2 in range(strlen(s:dichar2)) call add(dicttable, s:dichar1[dc1].s:dichar2[dc2]) endfor endfor return dicttable endfunction function! s:Digraph_Uncompress_Slow (value, dicttable) let retval = "" for idx in range(strlen(a:value)) let charext = char2nr(a:value[idx])-128 if charext >= 0 let retval .= a:dicttable[charext] else let retval .= a:value[idx] endif endfor return retval endfunction function! s:Digraph_Uncompress_Fast (value, dicttable) let dichar_list = split(a:value, '[^\d128-\d255]\{}') let retval = a:value for adichar in dichar_list let retval = substitute(retval, '\C'.adichar, a:dicttable[char2nr(adichar)-128], "g") endfor return retval endfunction function! s:Digraph_Uncompress_filter_loop(compressedsym, symlist, symhash, cmpdict) let idx = a:symhash[a:compressedsym] let uncmpname = s:Digraph_Uncompress_Fast(a:compressedsym, a:cmpdict) let a:symhash[uncmpname] = idx let a:symlist[idx]['n'] = uncmpname call s:CCTreeProgressBarTick(1) return 0 endfunction function! s:Digraph_Uncompress (symlist, symhash) let compressdict = s:Digraph_DictTable_Init() call s:CCTreeProgressBarInit(len(a:symhash)) " The encoding needs to be changed to 8-bit, otherwise we can't swap special " 8-bit characters; restore after done let encoding_save=&encoding let &encoding="latin1" for compressedsym in keys(a:symhash) let idx = a:symhash[compressedsym] let uncmpname = s:Digraph_Uncompress_Fast(compressedsym, compressdict) let a:symhash[uncmpname] = idx " free the old entry unlet a:symhash[compressedsym] let a:symlist[idx]['n'] = uncmpname call s:CCTreeProgressBarTick(1) endfor let &encoding=encoding_save endfunction function! s:Digraph_Compress(value, dicttable) let index = 0 let retval = "" while index < strlen(a:value) let dc1 = stridx(s:dichar1, a:value[index]) if dc1 != -1 let dc2 = stridx(s:dichar2, a:value[index+1]) if dc2 != -1 let retval .= nr2char(128 + (dc1*8) + dc2) " skip 2 chars let index += 2 continue endif endif let retval .= a:value[index] let index += 1 endwhile return retval endfunction " restore 'cpo' let &cpoptions = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save