*vim-python-django* Django ****** *:DjangoManage* Django manage.py ================ For each project you create with the django framework, django provides you with a manage.py which can be used to perform various tasks. To make the invocation of the manage.py script even easier, eclim provides the command :DjangoManage which can be invoked from any file in the same directory as your manage.py or in any of the child directories. :DjangoManage supports all the same commands as manage.py and supports command line completion of command names and app names where supported. Several of the manage.py commands simply perform an action without generating much if any output. However there is also a set of commands which generate sql statements. For all of these commands, instead of just running the command in a shell, :DjangoManage will run the command and populate a new buffer with the resulting output and set the proper file type. Configuration ============= Vim Variables *g:EclimPythonInterpreter* - g:EclimPythonInterpreter = 'python' *g:EclimDjangoAdmin* - g:EclimDjangoAdmin = 'django-admin.py' Django python support ===================== *:DjangoTemplateOpen* Locating templates The command :DjangoTemplateOpen supports finding and opening a template referenced under the cursor. Ex. > # w/ cursor on 'mytemplates/mytemplate.html' return render_to_response('mytemplates/mytemplate.html', ...) < *:DjangoViewOpen* Locating views The command :DjangoViewOpen supports finding and opening a view referenced under the cursor. Ex. > # w/ cursor on 'myproject.myapp.views' or 'my_view' on the second line. urlpatterns = patterns('myproject.myapp.views', (r'^$', 'my_view'), ) < *:DjangoContextOpen* Contextually locate file The command :DjangoContextOpen supports executing :DjangoViewOpen, :DjangoTemplateOpen, or :PythonFindDefinition depending on the context of the text under the cursor. *htmldjango* Django html template support ============================ Syntax Vim ships with a syntax file for django html template files, but eclim builds on that base to support highlighting of user defined tags and filters (see the configuration section below. Indent Using the same settings as the enhanced syntax file, eclim also ships with an indent script which provides indentation support all of the default django tags and any user defined tags that have been configured. Match It Again, using the same set of variables, eclim sets the necessary variables to allow proper matchit.vim support for django default and user defined tags. End Tag Completion Using the |g:HtmlDjangoUserBodyElements| setting along with the pre-configured default list of body elements, eclim includes support for auto completion of ending template tags when you type an '{%e' or '{% e'. *:DjangoFind* Contextual Find While editing django html templates, the command :DjangoFind which will attempt to locate the relevant resource depending on what is under the cursor. - If on a user defined tag, attempt to find the tag definition within the python tag definition file. Ex. > {# w/ cursor on 'mytag' #} {% mytag somearg %} < - If on a user defined filter, attempt to find the filter definition within the python filter definition file. Ex. > {# w/ cursor on 'myfilter' #} {{ somevalue|myfilter }} < - If on the tag/filter definition portion of of a 'load' tag, attempt to find the definition file. Ex. > {# w/ cursor on 'mytags' #} {% load mytags %} < - If on a reference to a template for ethier an 'extends' or 'include' tag, attempt to find that template file. Ex. > {# w/ cursor on 'include/mytemplate.html' #} {% include "include/mytemplate.html" %} < - If on static file reference, as defined in a 'src' or 'href' attribute of an element, attempt to find that static file. Ex. > {# w/ cursor on '/css/my.css' #} < Note: this functionality requires that g:EclimDjangoStaticPaths is set to a list of absolute or django project relative (relative to directory containing manage.py and settings.py) directories. Ex. > let g:EclimDjangoStaticPaths = ["../static/"] < Configuration ============= Vim Variables *g:HtmlDjangoUserBodyElements* - g:HtmlDjangoUserBodyElements - List of lists, where each list contains the name of the start and end tag, as well as any intermediary tags of any custom tags which have a body. Ex. > let g:HtmlDjangoUserBodyElements = [ \ ['repeat', 'endrepeat'], \ ['try', 'except', 'finally', 'endtry'], \ ] < This setting is used for indentation of the custom tag's body, as well as arguments for proper matchit support, end tag completion, and syntax highlighting. *g:HtmlDjangoUserTags* - g:HtmlDjangoUserTags - This setting is a list of any non-body tags which don't require indentation or matchit support. The items configured here will be used for syntax highlighting. *g:HtmlDjangoUserFilters* - g:HtmlDjangoUserFilters - This settings contains a list of any user defined django filters. It is currently used for syntax highlighting. *g:HtmlDjangoCompleteEndTag* - g:HtmlDjangoCompleteEndTag (Default: 1) - When set to 0, disables the auto completion of end tags. *g:EclimDjangoStaticPaths* - g:EclimDjangoStaticPaths - Used as a list of directories to search when looking for static files (js, css, etc). Expected to be a list of absolute or django project relative (relative to directory containing manage.py and settings.py) directories. Ex. > let g:EclimDjangoStaticPaths = ["../static/"] < *g:EclimDjangoFindAction* - g:EclimDjangoFindAction (Default: "split") - For :DjangoFind and :DjangoTemplateOpen, used as the action to perform on the file found. vim:ft=eclimhelp