*vim-java-java* Java / Javac Support ******************** *:Java* Executing java ============== To run the configured main class for your project, you may use the :Java command, which executes java and displays the results in a temporary buffer. Note: Please note that this command is not intended to be a full replacement for the more advance support provided by eclipse, ant, or maven. The :Java will locate the main class to run using the following steps: 1. if the first argument is '%' (:Java %) then run the current class. 2. if the setting |org.eclim.java.run.mainclass| is set, then use the value as the fully qualified class name to run. 3. lastly, attempt to locate a class containing a static main method, if only one is found, use that class. Configuration ============= *org.eclim.java.run.mainclass* Eclim Settings - org.eclim.java.run.mainclass - Fully qualified name of the class containing the main method. *:Javac* Executing javac =============== To compile your project's source code, you may use the :Javac command, which will run javac on all source files found in your project's src directories as configured by your .classpath file. You may use the |org.eclim.java.compile.sourcepath| setting described below, if you wish to alter which directories are used. The resulting class files will be written to the output path as defined in your project's .classpath file. Note: Please note that this command is not intended to be a full replacement for javac support provided by more comprehensive build tools like ant or maven. Configuration ============= Eclim Settings *org.eclim.java.compile.sourcepath* - org.eclim.java.compile.sourcepath - The project relative source paths to be compiled by javac. This should be a space separated list of project relative source directories which you want javac to be executed against. When unset, all your configured source directories will be used. *:JavaListInstalls* Viewing list of known JDKs/JREs installed ========================================= To view a list of all the JDKs/JREs that eclipse is aware of, eclim provides the command :JavaListInstalls. vim:ft=eclimhelp