*vim-java-import* Automated Imports ***************** *:JavaImport* The automated import functionality is pretty straightforward. Simply place the cursor over the element to import and issue the command: :JavaImport and one of the following events will occur: - If only one matching element is found, its import statement will be placed in the file. - If multiple matching elements are found, you will be prompted to choose the element you wish to import from a list. - If an element with the same name is already imported, the element is in java.lang, or the element is in the same package as the current src file, then a simple prompt will alert you that the element does not need to be imported. *:JavaImportMissing* If you have numerous elements that you wish to import, you can also use: :JavaImportMissing which will look for all undefined types and attempt to find possible imports for them. If there is a single result then that result will be imported. In the event of multiple results for a given type, then you will be prompted to choose the result to import, just like when using :JavaImport. In addition to importing elements, this plugin provides two additional commands: *:JavaImportSort* - :JavaImportSort - Sorts the import statements in alphabetical order with java and javax imports first. *:JavaImportClean* - :JavaImportClean - Removes any unused import statements. If the current file is not in an Eclipse project, then a Vim only implementation is invoked, that behaves the same as the server side version, except it does not take into account object names that are commented out. Configuration ============= Vim Variables *g:EclimJavaImportExclude* - g:EclimJavaImportExclude - List of patterns to exclude from import results. Ex. > let g:EclimJavaImportExclude = [ "^com\.sun\..*", "^sun\..*", "^sunw\..*" ] < *g:EclimJavaImportPackageSeparationLevel* - g:EclimJavaImportPackageSeparationLevel (Default: -1) - Used to determine how imports are grouped together (or spaced apart). The number represents how many segments of the package name to use to determine equality, where equal imports are grouped together and separated from other groups with a blank line. - -1: Use the entire package name. Only imports from the same full package are grouped together. - 0: Don't look at any package segments. All imports are grouped together with no spacing. - n: Look at the first n segments of the package name. Ex. > let g:EclimJavaImportPackageSeparationLevel = 2 < Eclim Settings *org.eclipse.jdt.ui.importorder* - org.eclipse.jdt.ui.importorder (Default: java;javax;org;com) - Semicolon separated list of package names which specify the sorting order for import statements. This settings is the same setting used by the eclipse gui in the "Organize Imports" preference dialog. vim:ft=eclimhelp