*vim-java-format* Java Source Code Formatting *************************** Eclim provides the ability to format java source code using the eclipse formatter selected for your workspace. Source code formatting is invoked in eclipse using the shortcut , or from the Source / Format menu. The eclim equivalent is invoked using the :JavaFormat command described below. *:JavaFormat* - :JavaFormat - Formats the current visual selection (or the current line, if nothing is selected). To format the whole file, use :%JavaFormat. Given the following file: > /** * @return * * Service * for test Eclipse formatting. */ public static String getAbstractService () { if (abstractService == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "abstractService isn't initialized !"); } return abstractService; } < You can execute :%JavaFormat to format the code according to your eclipse settings. > /** * @return * * Service for test Eclipse formatting. */ public static String getAbstractService() { if (abstractService == null) { throw new RuntimeException("abstractService isn't initialized !"); } return abstractService; } < Note: The formatting of the code is done externally with Eclipse and with that comes a couple of caveats (|vim-issues|). Configuration ============= Currently source code formatting is only configurable via the eclipse GUI. To do so, shutdown eclim, start the eclipse GUI and configure your settings via: > Preferences : Java / Code Style / Formatter / Active Profile: / Edit < vim:ft=eclimhelp