*vim-java-correct* Java Code Correction ******************** *:JavaCorrect* Code correction in eclim is equivalent to the quick fix functionality of Eclipse. When you save a java source file, eclim validates (|vim-java-validate|) the file and notes which lines contain errors. To have eclim suggest possible corrections for an error, you simply place the cursor on the error line and issue :JavaCorrect. The result will be a small window opened at the bottom of Vim where any correction proposals will be noted. To apply a suggested change, simply move the cursor to the line describing the modification and hit . Upon doing so, the change will be applied to the source file. Example output of :JavaCorrect. > The serializable class Foo does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 0.1227: Add @SuppressWarnings 'serial' to 'Foo' ... @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Foo implements Serializable ... < To apply the above change you would hit on the line: > 0.1227: Add @SuppressWarnings 'serial' to 'Foo' < Note: The code correction is done externally with Eclipse and with that comes a couple caveats (|vim-issues|). vim:ft=eclimhelp