*vim-faq* FAQ *** *eclim_workspace* How do I tell eclim which eclipse workspace to use? =================================================== To configure the workspace you can start eclimd like so: > $ eclimd -Dosgi.instance.area.default=@user.home/another_workspace < Note the system property osgi.instance.area.default, which is used to specify the location of your workspace. Also note the variable @user.home which will be replaced with your home directory at runtime. If you are running a unix variant (linux, mac osx, bsd, etc.) then you can specify the above system property in the .eclimrc file in your home directory. > $ echo "osgi.instance.area.default=@user.home/another_workspace" >> ~/.eclimrc < For Windows users there are a couple alternatives to the unsupported .eclimrc: - Your first option is to add a new environment variable: - Windows 2000: Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables Windows XP: Control Panel > Performance And Maintenance > System > Advanced > Environment Variables - Under "User variables..." click "New..." Variable Name: ECLIMD_OPTS Variable Value: -Dosgi.instance.area.default=@user.home/another_workspace - Then you can start eclimd as normal (via the eclimd.bat file). - The second option is to create a shortcut to the eclimd.bat file: - In Windows Explorer, open your eclipse folder. - Hold down the right mouse button and drag the eclimd.bat file to where you want the shortcut to exist (like your desktop) and release the right mouse button. - Choose "Create Shortcut(s) Here" - Right click the shortcut and choose "Properties" - On the "Shortcut" tab edit the "Target:" field and append: -Dosgi.instance.area.default=@user.home/another_workspace *eclim_proxy* How can I configure eclim to use a proxy? ========================================= The occasional eclim feature requires network access to function properly. For example, xml validation may require validating the file against a dtd or xsd located remotely. If you are behind a proxy then you may need to provide eclim with the necessary proxy settings. > $ eclimd -Dhttp.proxyHost=my.proxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 < If you are running a unix variant (linux, mac osx, bsd, etc.) then you can specify the above system property in the .eclimrc file in your home directory. > $ echo -e "http.proxyHost=my.proxy\nhttp.proxyPort=8080" >> ~/.eclimrc < If your proxy requires authentication, you'll need to supply the -Dhttp.proxyUser and -Dhttp.proxyPassword properties as well. On Windows systems you can use the same steps described above, for setting the workspace location, to also set the proxy settings. *eclim_memory* How do I specify jvm memory arguments for eclim (fix OutOfMemory errors). ========================================================================= If you are using the headless version of eclimd, then you have a couple options: 1. pass the necessary jvm args to eclimd. For example, to increase the heap size: > $ eclimd -Xmx256M < 2. if you are using a unix variant, then you can add the necessary vm args to a .eclimrc file in your home directory. > # increase heap size -Xmx256M # increase perm gen size -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m < On Windows systems you can use the same steps described above, for setting the workspace location, to also specify the jvm memory args. If you are using the headed version of eclimd, then setting the jvm memory arguments for eclim is the same procedure as setting them for eclipse. Details can be found on the eclipse wiki (http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse.ini). *eclim_troubleshoot* How do I troubleshoot features not functioning, or errors encountered? ====================================================================== For troubleshooting eclim, please see the dedicated troubleshooting guide (|guides-troubleshoot|). *eclim_full_headless* How can I run eclimd on a truly headless server? ================================================ Please see the headless guide (|guides-headless|). vim:ft=eclimhelp