*vim-common-maximize* Window Maximize / Minimize ************************** When working with multiple windows in a single vim instance things can get cluttered and focusing on a subset of the windows can become difficult. To help solve this issue, eclim ships with a plugin which allows you to maximize one of the vim windows, or minimize one or more windows. *:MaximizeWindow* Maximize ======== To maximize a window you can use the command :MaximizeWindow which will toggle maximization of the current window. When a window is maximized all other windows will be minimized. Also, when moving to another window, that window will be maximized and the previous window minimized. By default some specialty windows will not be minimized, namely the taglist window, quick list, location list, eclim project tree, and mini buf explorer. Window name patterns to exclude may be added or removed by explicitly setting the variable |g:MaximizeExcludes|. *:MinimizeWindow* *:MinimizeRestore* Minimize ======== While :MaximizeWindow minimizes all but the current window, :MinimizeWindow will minimize the current window. Or if a space separated list of windows numbers is provided, then those windows will be minimized. Note: Minimize works in most cases, but there is at lease one case where it doesn't behave as desired. If you find such a case, feel free to send me the steps to reproduce it. To reset the current set of minimized windows, eclim also provides the command :MinimizeRestore. Configuration ============= Vim Variables *g:MaximizeExcludes* - g:MaximizeExcludes (Default: '(ProjectTree_*|__Tag_List__|-MiniBufExplorer-|command-line)') Regular expression used to match window buffer names to exclude from minimizing. *g:MaximizeSpecialtyWindowsRestore* - g:MaximizeSpecialtyWindowsRestore Setting used to force specialty windows, other than the quickfix and location list windows, to a pre-defined width or height. This variable is a multi-dimensional array where each entry in the outer array is an array containing a variable for the buffer title of the window of the specialty window, and the command to set it to the desired width or height. Default: > let g:MaximizeSpecialtyWindowsRestore = [ \ ['g:TagList_title', '"vertical resize " . g:Tlist_WinWidth'], \ [ \ 'g:EclimProjectTreeTitle', \ '"vertical resize " . g:EclimProjectTreeWidth' \ ], \ ] < *g:MaximizeMinWinHeight* - g:MaximizeMinWinHeight (Default: 0) Height that vertically minimized windows will be set to. *g:MaximizeMinWinWidth* - g:MaximizeMinWinWidth (Default: 0) Height that horizontally minimized windows will be set to. *g:MaximizeQuickfixHeight* - g:MaximizeQuickfixHeight (Default: 10) Height that the quickfix and location list windows will be kept at. *g:MaximizeStatusLineEnabled* - g:MaximizeStatusLineEnabled (Default: 0) When set to 1, enables the maximize status line which adds the buffer and window number to the status line (just after line and column numbers). Allows you to quickly determine a given window's number when using :MinimizeWindow. vim:ft=eclimhelp