*vim-common-archive* Archive Viewer ************** Eclim includes a plugin which allows you to view the contents of archive files (jar, tar, tbz2, tgz, zip, and more). > $ vim myarchive.tar.gz < Unlike the tar and zip plugins that ship with vim, the eclim version gives you the option to view and navigate the archive in a tree or list interface, and supports nested archives. When viewing the archive you can switch layouts by using :AsList to switch from the tree layout to the list, and :AsTree to switch back. There are also various mappings depending on the view: - Tree - - View the file under the cursor in a new split window, or in the case of a directory, expand / collapse it. - o - For files, this has the same behavior as . For directories, it will fold / unfold open directories preserving the state of all the sub directories. - p - Jumps to the nearest parent directory. - P - Jumps to the furthest child in the currect branch of directories. - i - Prints the size and date for the file under the cursor. - List - - View the file under the cursor in a new split window. Configuration ============= Vim Variables *g:EclimArchiveViewerEnabled* - g:EclimArchiveViewerEnabled (Default: 1) When greater than 0, enables the eclim archive viewer (disabling the default vim tar and zip plugins). *g:EclimArchiveLayout* - g:EclimArchiveLayout (Default: none) When non existant or equal to 'tree', displays the archive as a tree. When set to 'list', display the archive as a flat list. vim:ft=eclimhelp