Welcome to Eclim **************** *overview* Overview ======== The primary goal of eclim is to bring Eclipse (http://eclipse.org) functionality to the Vim (http://vim.org) editor. The initial goal was to provide Eclipse's java functionality in vim, but support for various other languages (c/c++, php, python, ruby, css, html, xml, etc.) have been added and several more are planned. Eclim is less of an application and more of an integration of two great projects. The first, Vim, is arguably (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editor_wars) one of the best text editors in existence. The second, Eclipse, provides many great tools for development in various languages. Each provides many features that can increase developer productivity, but both still leave something to be desired. Vim lacks native Java support and many of the advanced features available in Eclipse. Eclipse, on the other hand, still requires the use of the mouse for many things, and when compared to Vim, provides a less than ideal interface for editing text. That is where eclim comes into play. Instead of trying to write an IDE in Vim or a Vim editor in Eclipse, eclim provides an Eclipse plug-in that exposes Eclipse features through a server interface, and a set of Vim plug-ins that communicate with Eclipse over that interface. This functionality can be leveraged in three primary ways, as illustrated below. [image] 1. The first scenario (|eclimd-headless|) is for those for which vim is their primary editing interface. In this scenario you run a headless instance of eclipse which all vim instances can then communicate with to provide the various eclipse features. 2. The second scenario (|eclimd-headed|) is for those who prefer using vim as their main interface, but frequently end up jumping back to eclipse for any features not provided by eclim. In this case you can run the eclim server inside of the eclipse gui and then interact with it via external vim instances just like the first scenario. 3. The last scenario (|gvim-embedded|) is for those who wish to use the eclipse interface full time, but want to use gvim as an embedded eclipse editor. Just like the previous use case, the eclim server is run inside of the eclipse gui and the embedded gvim will interact with it just like external vim instances would. Emacs Users =========== Development of an emacs client (http://github.com/senny/emacs-eclim) for eclim has been started over on github. *license* License ======= Eclim is released under the GPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html). *news* News ==== 2010-03-06 ---------- Eclim 1.5.6 is now available. You can view the release notes (|id1|) for more info. 2010-02-22 ---------- Eclim 1.5.5 is now available. This is a bug fix release for the eclim installer. You can view the release notes (|id2|) for more info. 2009-12-18 ---------- Eclim 1.5.4 is now available. This is primarily a bug fix release for OSX users. You can view the release notes (|id3|) for more info. 2009-12-12 ---------- Eclim 1.5.3 is now available. You can view the release notes (|id4|) for more info. 2009-08-30 ---------- Eclim 1.5.2 is now available. You can view the release notes (|id5|) for more info. 2009-07-18 ---------- Eclim 1.5.1 is now available. This is primarily a bug fix release You can view the release notes (|id6|) for more info. 2009-07-12 ---------- Eclim 1.5.0 is now available. The most notable changes are: - Eclim has been upgraded to support Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo). Note: Eclim now requires Eclipse 3.5. - Ruby support has been added using the eclipse dltk (http://eclipse.org/dltk/). You can view the release notes (|id7|) for more info. 2009-06-14 ---------- Eclim 1.4.9 is now available. This is primarily a bug fix release, with a few refinements. You can view the release notes (|id8|) for more info. 2009-05-30 ---------- Eclim 1.4.8 is now available. This is primarily a bug fix release with a few enhancements. You can view the release notes (|id9|) for more info. 2009-05-02 ---------- Eclim 1.4.7 is now available. This is a bug fix release which resolves an installation on unix based operating systems. 2009-05-02 ---------- Eclim 1.4.6 is now available. The major highlight of this release is support for c/c++ using the eclipse cdt (http://eclipse.org/cdt/) plugin. You can view the release notes (|id11|) for more info. 2009-04-04 ---------- Eclim 1.4.5 is now available. This is primarily a bug fix release. You can view the release notes (|id13|) for more info. 2009-01-10 ---------- Eclim 1.4.4 is now available. Highlights of this release include: - re-enabled php support - added ability to run eclimd inside of eclipse gui - added support for embedding gvim in eclipse You can view the release notes (|id14|) for more info. 2008-11-15 ---------- Eclim 1.4.3 is now available. This release focuses on updating the installer to support ganymede's p2 for upgrading / installing external dependencies and adding additional python support. You can view the release notes (|id15|) for more info. 2008-09-30 ---------- Eclim 1.4.2 is now available. This is primary a bug fix release. You can view the release notes (|id16|) for more info. 2008-08-24 ---------- Eclim 1.4.1 is now available. This is primary a bug fix release, but there are some new features included as well. You can view the release notes (|id17|) for more info. 2008-07-27 ---------- Eclim 1.4.0 is now available. Please note that eclim now requires the latest version of eclipse (http://eclipse.org) (Ganymede, 3.4.x). Also note that the eclipse pdt plugin which serves as the base for eclim's php support has not yet been released for the latest version of eclipse. For this reason php support has been temporarily removed from this release and will hopefully return soon after the pdt team release a Ganymede (3.4) compatible version. Another major change worth noting, is that eclim is now licensed under the GPLv3. This was done to give eclim the freedom to integrate with other GPL projects in the future. You can view the release notes (|id18|) for more info. 2008-03-11 ---------- Eclim 1.3.5 is now available. You can view the release notes (|id19|) for more info. 2008-02-05 ---------- Eclim 1.3.4 is now available. This release fixes a few minor bugs, improves the installer to account for eclipse installs with per user plugin locations, and adds php support. You can view the release notes (|id20|) for more info. 2007-12-15 ---------- Eclim 1.3.3 is now available. This release fixes some installer issues. If you have already installed 1.3.2, then there is no need to upgrade to 1.3.3. 2007-12-04 ---------- Eclim 1.3.2 is now available. You can view the release notes (|id22|) for more info. 2007-07-13 ---------- Eclim 1.3.1 is now available. This is only a bug fix release. You can view the release notes (|id23|) for more info. 2007-07-01 ---------- Eclim 1.3.0 is now available. The most notable changes are: - Eclim has been upgraded to support Eclipse 3.3. Note: Eclim now requires Eclipse 3.3 and JDK 1.5. - A new graphical installer (|installer|) built on the formic (http://github.com/ervandew/formic/) installer framework. - New functionality based on and requiring the eclipse wst (http://eclipse.org/webtools/). - Many more changes (|id24|). View the release notes (|id24|) for more info. vim:ft=eclimhelp