History of Changes ****************** *1.5.6* 1.5.6 (Mar. 06, 2010) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Avoid possible gvim crashes when launched from the eclipse gui by disabling documentListen events if the current gvim version doesn't include the patch which resolves the crash. - Various bug fixes. Common: - Added a |:ProjectTab| command providing the ability to work on one or more projects each with a dedicated vim tab. - Added a |:Tcd| command to mimic :lcd but local to the tab instead of the window. - Added branch info to the footer of the project tree when using mercurial or git. Install: - Added support for automated installs (|install-automated|). Eclim: - Added initial support for using eclim via vim in cygwin. - The eclimd log file has been moved to: /.metadata/.log.eclimd - Added support for specifying that gvim should be refocused after executing an eclipse keybinding from vim using eclim#vimplugin#FeedKeys (|feedkeys|). - Moved user local eclim resources (templates, taglist scripts, etc) from ${vimfiles}/eclim/resources to ~/.eclim/resources. Note: The eclim installer will move your existing files from the old location to the new location, but you may want to back those files up just in case. *1.5.5* 1.5.5 (Feb. 22, 2010) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed error using :ProjectTree if the project name has non-word characters in it. Install: - Fixed issue downloading content.jar from eclipse update site. *1.5.4* 1.5.4 (Dec. 18, 2009) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed eclim client on OSX. - Fixed backspace key in the |:LocateFile| buffer. Common: - Added support for interactively switching scopes from the |:LocateFile| buffer. - Added new search scopes (buffers, quickfix, vcsmodified) to |:LocateFile|. *1.5.3* 1.5.3 (Dec. 12, 2009) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Various bug fixes. Install: - Fixed issues properly detecting write permissions on Windows machines. Docs: - Added a guide on running eclim on a headless server (|guides-headless|). Common: - Added full support for running multiple eclimd instances (|guides-multi-workspace|), each backed by a separate eclipse workspace. - Added 'K' mapping to |:ProjectTree| to set the tree root the either the project root of file system root depending on the context. Added 'D' mapping to create a new directory and 'F' to open a new or existing file by name. Note: the 'H' mapping to set the tree root to the user's home directory has been changed to '~'. - Added setting to allow |:ProjectTree| instances to be shared across vim tabs. - Updated :VcsWeb* commands (|vcs-web|) to support github, google code, and bitbucket. C/C++: - Improved |:CSearchContext| to search for declaration when on a definition, allowing you to jump back and forth between declaration and definition. - Added |:CCallHierarchy| to display the call hierarchy for the function or method under the cursor. Java: - Added |:JavaListInstalls| to list all the installed JDKs/JREs that eclipse is aware of. *1.5.2* 1.5.2 (Aug. 30, 2009) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Various bug fixes. Eclim: - Added |:ProjectRename| and |:ProjectMove| commands to allow renaming and moving of projects. - Added |:ProjectProblems| command to populate vim's quickfix with a list of all eclipse build errors and warnings for the current and all related projects. Note: To have problems reported for java projects created via eclim, you may need to recreate your java projects to ensure that the java builder is properly added. As of eclim 1.5.2, eclim's java project creation now adds the java builder. - Added |:HistoryDiffNext| and |:HistoryDiffPrev| commands to view history diffs while navigating the history stack. - Abbreviation support removed in favor of any one of the third party snippets plugins available on vim.org (snipMate, snippetsEmu, etc.). - Added support for hosting third party nailgun apps, like VimClojure (|guides-clojure-vimclojure|), in eclim via an ext dir (|eclimd-extdir|). Java: - Updated |:JavaImpl|, |:JavaDelegate|, and |:JUnitImpl| to better support generics. - Updated |:JUnitImpl| to support junit 4 method signatures. - Updated |:JavaImport| and |:JavaImportSort| to honor eclipse's import order preference and added the ability to edit that preference via |:ProjectSettings| and |:EclimSettings|. - Added initial refactoring (|vim-java-refactor|) support. *1.5.1* 1.5.1 (Jul. 18, 2009) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Several minor bug fixes. Install: - Installation on Mac OSX should hopefully work now without manually creating a symlink to your eclipse executable. Eclipse: - Fixed possible NPE when exiting or starting eclipse if a gvim tab was left open. Eclim: - Added initial support for linked folders in eclipse projects. - Added new g:EclimValidateSortResults setting to support sorting validation results (java (|vim-java-validate|), c/c++ (|vim-c-validate|), php (|vim-php-validate|), etc.) by priority (errors > warnings > etc.). C/C++: - Fixed :CSearch results on Windows platforms. 3. Re-implemented c/c++ project creation. Note: If you created any c or c++ projects via eclim (as opposed to creating the project via the eclipse project wizard), then you are strongly encouraged to recreate those projects using the following steps: 1. Delete the project using :ProjectDelete project_name 2. Remove the .cproject file at the root of your project. 3. Re-create the the project using :ProjectCreate /project/path/ -n c (or cpp) After that you will need to re-configure any src or include folders you may have added. *1.5.0* 1.5.0 (Jul. 12, 2009) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Many bug fixes and refinements. Eclipse: - Eclim now requires the latest version of eclipse (Galileo, 3.5.x). Ruby: - Added ruby support for code completion (|vim-ruby-complete|), searching (|vim-ruby-search|), and validation (|vim-ruby-validate|). Java: - Added ability to configure java indentation globally via |:EclimSettings| or per project using |:ProjectSettings|. *1.4.9* 1.4.9 (Jun. 14, 2009) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed possible installation issue on Windows. - Various other bug fixes. Eclim: - Vimplugin now supports auto starting eclimd view when gvim editor is opened from eclipse. - Handle possible key binding conflicts when using embedded gvim for two common gvim bindings (ctrl-w, ctrl-u). *1.4.8* 1.4.8 (May 30, 2009) ==================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed C/C++ element search. - Fixed possible issue with secondary python element search on Windows. - Various other bug fixes. Eclim: - Added |:ProjectImport| command. Maven - Switched repository searching to a new (hopefully more dependable) site. Python: - Added |:PythonSearchContext|. *1.4.7* 1.4.7 (May 02, 2009) ==================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed installation error on unix based operating systems. *1.4.6* 1.4.6 (May 02, 2009) ==================== Bug Fixes: - Various bug fixes. C/C++: - Added c/c++ support for code completion (|vim-c-complete|), searching (|vim-c-search|), and validation (|vim-c-validate|). Requires the eclipse cdt (http://eclipse.org/cdt/) plugin. Java: - Added command to run java (|java|). - Added command to run javac (|javac|). - Added command to run javadoc (|javadoc|). *1.4.5* 1.4.5 (Apr. 04, 2009) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed pdt and wst code completion when invoked from headed eclimd. - Fixed closing of gvim from eclipse to cleanup swap files. - Fixed python code completion and find support when editing files with dos line endings or multi-byte unicode characters. - Various other bug fixes. Eclim: - Added integration with eclipse's local history (|vim-common-history|) support. Java: - Added command to view type hierarchy (|javahierarchy|). - Added command to import all undefined types (|javaimportmissing|). *1.4.4* 1.4.4 (Jan. 10, 2009) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Various bug fixes. Java: - :Checkstyle (|vim-java-checkstyle|) command now creates a project classloader giving checkstyle access to any classes reachable via your project's .classpath file. Eclim: - Added the ability to run eclimd inside of eclipse (|eclimd-headed|). - Added support for embedding gvim inside of eclipse (|gvim-embedded|). - eclimd start scripts now available in the eclipse home. - Consolidated the various :LocateFile* commands into a single :LocateFile (|vim-common-util|) command with a new setting to specify the default means to open a result and various key bindings for opening via other means. Php: - Restored php support (|vim-php-index|) via the new eclipse pdt (http://eclipse.org/pdt/) 2.0. Vcs: - Added option to set the split orientation (|g:EclimVcsDiffOrientation|) (horizontal or vertical) used when executing diffs. - Added option to allow users to change the pattern (|g:EclimVcsTrackerIdPatterns|) used to match tracker ticket numbers in :VcsLog. *1.4.3* 1.4.3 (Nov. 15, 2008) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Various bug fixes. Installer: - Updated to make use of the new ganymede p2 provisioning system. Eclim: - Rewrote :LocateFile* (|vim-common-util|) commands to provide functionality similar to eclipse's "Open Resource" command or Textmate's "Find in Project". Python: - Added support for code completion (|vim-python-complete|). - Added support for finding an element definition (|vim-python-search|). - Improved |:PyLint| support. *1.4.2* 1.4.2 (Sep. 30, 2008) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed obtaining of character offset used by code completion and various other commands. - Fixed possible bug with :JavaCorrect when modifying the file after obtaining a list of suggestions, and then attempting to apply a suggestion that is no longer valid. Vcs: - Added support for git to :Vcs (|vim-common-vcs|) commands *1.4.1* 1.4.1 (Aug. 24, 2008) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed determining of project paths outside of the workspace on Windows. - Fixed creation of project inside of the workspace on Windows. - Fixed some issues with code completion, etc. in files containing multi byte characters. - Various other bug fixes. Eclim: - Added commands |:EclimDisable| and |:EclimEnable| to temporarily disable, and then re-enable, communication with eclimd. Java: - Added |:JavaFormat| command contributed by Anton Sharonov. - Added |:Checkstyle| support. *1.4.0* 1.4.0 (July 27, 2008) ===================== Eclipse: - Eclim now requires the latest version of eclipse (Ganymede, 3.4.x). License: - Eclim has switched from the Apache 2 license to the GPLv3. Bug Fixes: - Fixed possible issue on Windows determining workspace for users not using the default location. - Fixed sign placement (used by all validation plugins) on non-english vims. - Various other bug fixes. Eclim: - Added translation of html docs to vim doc format accessable via |:EclimHelp| and |:EclimHelpGrep|. - Added |:Todo| and |:ProjectTodo|. - Added |:TrackerTicket| for viewing tickets by id in your web based tracking system. - Renamed setting org.eclim.project.vcs.tracker to org.eclim.project.tracker. Django: - Added end tag completion (|htmldjango|) support for django templates. Php: - Support for php has been temporarily removed until the eclipse pdt team releases a Ganymede (3.4) compatible version. Vcs: - Removed :VcsAnnotateOff in favor of invoking :VcsAnnotate again to remove the annotations. - Added vcs editor (|vcseditor|) plugin which allows you to view diff of a file by hitting on a file name in the cvs, svn, or hg commit editor. - Removed :Trac* and :Viewvc* commands and replaced them with :VcsWeb* (|vcs-web|) commands Vim: - Added |:Only| as a configurable alternative to vim's :only command. - Added |:OtherWorkingCopyDiff|, |:OtherWorkingCopyEdit|, |:OtherWorkingCopySplit|, and |:OtherWorkingCopyTabopen|. *1.3.5* 1.3.5 (Mar. 11, 2008) ===================== Bug Fixes: - Fixed exclusion of plugins not chosen by the user for installation. - Various bug fixes. Eclim: - Added an archive (|vim-common-archive|) (jar, tar, etc.) viewer. Html: - Updated html validator to validate