" DxO make you enjoy the right click button! " Custom right click menu to call cscope functions " if exists("loaded_dxomenu") finish endif let loaded_dxomenu = 1 set mousemodel=popup function! PopulateMenu() exe "amenu PopUp.-Sep- :" exe "amenu PopUp.File :cscope find f =expand('')" exe "amenu PopUp.Symbol :cscope find s =expand('')" exe "amenu PopUp.Definition :cscope find g =expand('')" exe "amenu PopUp.Call :cscope find c =expand('')" exe "amenu PopUp.Text :cscope find t =expand('')" exe "amenu PopUp.Egrep :cscope find e =expand('')" exe "amenu PopUp.GoBack " exe "amenu PopUp.-Sep- :" exe "amenu PopUp.DatabaseUpdate :call AutotagsUpdate()" exe "amenu PopUp.AddExtDatabase :call AutotagsAdd()" exe "amenu PopUp.-Sep- :" exe "amenu PopUp.ToggleTagList :TlistToggle" exe "amenu PopUp.-Sep- :" endfunc if has("vim_starting") augroup LoadBufferPopup au! VimEnter * call PopulateMenu() au VimEnter * au! LoadBufferPopup augroup END else call PopulateMenu() endif