vim: update

update from SVN
This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Maret 2017-08-23 11:46:28 +02:00
parent 01da65f526
commit 8fbbcb7c10
1 changed files with 33 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -25,9 +25,11 @@
# It operates on the current, potentially unsaved buffer and does not create
# or save any files. To revert a formatting, just undo.
from __future__ import print_function
import difflib
import json
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import vim
@ -47,24 +49,38 @@ fallback_style = None
if vim.eval('exists("g:clang_format_fallback_style")') == "1":
fallback_style = vim.eval('g:clang_format_fallback_style')
def get_buffer(encoding):
if platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == '3':
return vim.current.buffer
return [ line.decode(encoding) for line in vim.current.buffer ]
def main():
# Get the current text.
buf = vim.current.buffer
encoding = vim.eval("&encoding")
buf = get_buffer(encoding)
text = '\n'.join(buf)
# Determine range to format.
if vim.eval('exists("l:lines")') == '1':
lines = vim.eval('l:lines')
lines = ['-lines', vim.eval('l:lines')]
elif vim.eval('exists("l:formatdiff")') == '1':
with open(, 'r') as f:
ondisk =;
sequence = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, ondisk, vim.current.buffer)
lines = []
for op in reversed(sequence.get_opcodes()):
if op[0] not in ['equal', 'delete']:
lines += ['-lines', '%s:%s' % (op[3] + 1, op[4])]
if lines == []:
lines = '%s:%s' % (vim.current.range.start + 1, vim.current.range.end + 1)
if vim.eval('exists("g:clang_style")') == '1':
style = vim.eval('g:clang_style')
lines = ['-lines', '%s:%s' % (vim.current.range.start + 1,
vim.current.range.end + 1)]
# Determine the cursor position.
cursor = int(vim.eval('line2byte(line("."))+col(".")')) - 2
if cursor < 0:
print 'Couldn\'t determine cursor position. Is your file empty?'
print('Couldn\'t determine cursor position. Is your file empty?')
# Avoid flashing an ugly, ugly cmd prompt on Windows when invoking clang-format.
@ -77,7 +93,7 @@ def main():
# Call formatter.
command = [binary, '-style', style, '-cursor', str(cursor)]
if lines != 'all':
command.extend(['-lines', lines])
command += lines
if fallback_style:
command.extend(['-fallback-style', fallback_style])
@ -85,25 +101,27 @@ def main():
p = subprocess.Popen(command,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=text)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=text.encode(encoding))
# If successful, replace buffer contents.
if stderr:
print stderr
if not stdout:
print ('No output from clang-format (crashed?).\n' +
'Please report to')
'No output from clang-format (crashed?).\n'
'Please report to'
lines = stdout.split('\n')
lines = stdout.decode(encoding).split('\n')
output = json.loads(lines[0])
lines = lines[1:]
sequence = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, vim.current.buffer, lines)
sequence = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, buf, lines)
for op in reversed(sequence.get_opcodes()):
if op[0] is not 'equal':
vim.current.buffer[op[1]:op[2]] = lines[op[3]:op[4]]
if output.get('IncompleteFormat'):
print 'clang-format: incomplete (syntax errors)'
print('clang-format: incomplete (syntax errors)')
vim.command('goto %d' % (output['Cursor'] + 1))