[vim] fix vimrc help
remove lid plugin. Never used. Outdated tool
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
" File: lid.vim
" Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
" Version: 2.4
" Last Modified: May 29 2003
" Overview
" --------
" The lid.vim Vim plugin provides a way to interact with the lid tool to
" lookup keywords in the ID database.
" For more information about id utilities (lid, aid, etc), visit the
" following pages:
" http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/id-utils/id-utils_toc.html
" http://www.gnu.org/software/idutils/idutils.html
" You can download the id-utils binaries for Windows (DJGPP version)
" from:
" ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/v2gnu/idu32b.zip
" Installation
" ------------
" 1. Copy the lid.vim file to the $HOME/.vim/plugin directory. Refer to
" ':help add-plugin', ':help add-global-plugin' and ':help runtimepath' for
" more details about Vim plugins.
" 2. Set the LID_Cmd variable to point to the lid utility path.
" 3. Restart Vim.
" 4. You can use the ":Lid" command to search for a keyword.
" This plugin will not work in 'compatible' mode. Make sure the 'compatible'
" option is not set.
" Usage
" -----
" You can lookup keywords in the ID database using the 'Lid' command. For
" example,
" :Lid<Enter>
" This will prompt you for the keyword to lookup. The default is the current
" keyword under the cursor. You can retrieve previously entered keywords
" using the up and down arrow keys. You can cancel the lookup by pressing the
" escape key.
" You can map a key to invoke the Lid command:
" nnoremap <silent> <F4> :Lid <C-R><C-W><CR>
" Add the above mapping to your ~/.vimrc file.
" You can also specify the keyword to the Lid command like this:
" :Lid <keyword>
" In the above command format, you can press the <Tab> key to expand
" keywords from a tags file.
" You can use the "-p" and "-v" option to the 'Lid' command to selectively
" display lines from the lid output. You can use the "-p" option to the 'Lid'
" command to list only those lid matches that contain a pattern. You can use
" the "-v" option to the 'Lid' command to list only those lid matches that
" does not contain a pattern. Only one of the "-p" or "-v" options can be used
" at a time.
" :Lid -p
" :Lid -v
" If you use the any one of the above options, you will prompted to enter the
" pattern you are interested in.
" The output of the lid command will be listed in the Vim quickfix window.
" 1. You can select a line in the quickfix window and press <Enter> or double
" click on a match to jump to that line.
" 2. You can use the ":cnext" and ":cprev" commands to the jump to the next or
" previous output line.
" 3. You can use the ":colder" and ":cnewer" commands to go between multiple
" Lid quickfix output windows.
" 4. The quickfix window need not be opened always to use the lid output.
" You can close the quickfix window and use the quickfix commands to jump
" to the lid matches. Use the ":copen" command to open the quickfix
" window again.
" For more information about other quickfix commands read ":help quickfix"
" Configuration
" -------------
" By changing the following variables you can configure the behavior of this
" plugin. Set the following variables in your .vimrc file using the 'let'
" command.
" The path to the lid executable is specified by the 'LID_Cmd' variable. By
" default, this variable is set to lid. You can change the lid executable path
" by setting the 'LID_Cmd' variable:
" let LID_Cmd = '/my/path/lid'
" By default, this plugin uses 'ID' as the name of the database. This is
" defined by the 'LID_File' variable. You can change the name/location of the
" ID database by setting the 'LID_File' variable:
" let LID_File = '/my/path/ID'
" You can also specify more than one ID file names in the LID_File variable.
" The ID file names should be separated by a ',' character.
" let LID_File = '/my/path1/ID,/my/path2/ID,/my/path3/ID'
" The plugin will use the first ID file name and run lid using that filename.
" If a match is found, it will return the results. If a match is not found,
" then the second ID file name will be used and this will be repeated till
" either a match is found or all the specified ID file names are processed.
" If more than one ID file is specified using the 'LID_File' variable, you can
" set the 'LID_Search_Multiple_ID_Files' variable to 1 to always search for a
" keyword in all the specified ID files. By default,
" 'LID_Search_Multiple_ID_Files' variable is set to one. All the specified ID
" files are searched for the keyword.
" let LID_Search_Multiple_ID_Files = 0
" By default, when you invoke the :Lid command the quickfix window will be
" opened with the lid output. You can disable opening the quickfix window,
" by setting the 'LID_OpenQuickfixWindow' variable to 1:
" let LID_OpenQuickfixWindow = 1
" You can manually open the quickfix window using the :cwindow command.
" The 'LID_Shell_Quote_Char' variable specifies the character to use to
" escape the keyword before passing it to the lid command. By default,
" for MS-Windows systems, no shell quote character is set. For other
" systems, "'" is used as the the shell quote character. You can change
" this by setting the 'LID_Shell_Quote_Char' variable:
" let LID_Shell_Quote_Char = '"'
" By default, the ID file specified by the LID_File variable will be used. If
" you set the 'LID_Prompt_ID_Filename' variable to 1, then every time the LID
" command will prompt for the location of the ID file. The default ID file
" location displayed will be the last used value. You can again set the
" 'LID_Prompt_ID_Filename' variable back to 0, to turn off this prompt. The
" last supplied ID file will be used for further Lid invocations.
" let LID_Prompt_ID_Filename = 1
" By default, when the lid output is displayed, the cursor will be
" automatically positioned at the first matching line. You can set the
" LID_Jump_To_Match variable to 0 to prevent this. In this case, only the
" output from LID will be displayed.
" let LID_Jump_To_Match = 0
" --------------------- Do not modify after this line ---------------------
if exists('loaded_lid') || &cp
let loaded_lid = 1
" The default location of the lid tool.
if !exists('LID_Cmd')
let LID_Cmd = 'lid'
" Name of the ID file to supply to lid
if !exists('LID_File')
let LID_File = 'ID'
" Combine matches from more than one ID file?
if !exists('LID_Search_Multiple_ID_Files')
let LID_Search_Multiple_ID_Files = 1
" Open the LID output window. Set this variable to zero, to not open
" the LID output window by default. You can open it manually by using
" the :cwindow command.
if !exists('LID_OpenQuickfixWindow')
let LID_OpenQuickfixWindow = 1
" Character to use to escape patterns and filenames before passing to lid.
if !exists('LID_Shell_Quote_Char')
if has('win32') || has('win16') || has('win95')
let LID_Shell_Quote_Char = ''
let LID_Shell_Quote_Char = "'"
" This option controls whether the user is asked for the ID file every
" time the Lid command is run. By default, the ID file specified by
" the LID_File variable is used.
if !exists('LID_Prompt_ID_Filename')
let LID_Prompt_ID_Filename = 0
" By default, when the lid output is displayed, the cursor will be
" automatically positioned at the first matching line. You can set the
" LID_Jump_To_Match variable to 0 to prevent this. In this case, only the
" output from LID will be displayed.
if !exists('LID_Jump_To_Match')
let LID_Jump_To_Match = 1
" Extract lines matching the supplied pattern from the supplied text
function! s:ExtractMatchingLines(txt, pattern)
let filter_output = ''
let t = a:txt
let len = strlen(t)
while t != ''
let one_line = strpart(t, 0, stridx(t, "\n"))
let t = strpart(t, stridx(t, "\n") + 1, len)
if one_line =~# a:pattern
let filter_output = filter_output . one_line . "\n"
return filter_output
" Remove lines matching the supplied pattern from the supplied text
function! s:RemoveMatchingLines(txt, pattern)
let filter_output = ''
let t = a:txt
let len = strlen(t)
while t != ''
let one_line = strpart(t, 0, stridx(t, "\n"))
let t = strpart(t, stridx(t, "\n") + 1, len)
if one_line !~# a:pattern
let filter_output = filter_output . one_line . "\n"
return filter_output
" Run lid using the supplied arguments
function! s:RunLid(...)
let usage = 'Usage: Lid [[-p] [-v] [-?] [-h] [identifier]]'
" If the user wanted to select the ID file everytime, Lid is run,
" then ask for the location of the file. Use the last ID file as
" the default. First time, use the global value as the default.
if g:LID_Prompt_ID_Filename
if !exists('s:LID_last_ID_file')
let s:LID_last_ID_file = g:LID_File
let id_file = input('Location of ID file: ', s:LID_last_ID_file)
if id_file == ''
let s:LID_last_ID_file = id_file
let id_file = g:LID_File
let skip_pat = ''
let match_pat = ''
if a:0 == 0 || a:1 == '-p' || a:1 == '-v'
" Get the identifier from the user, if it is not already supplied
let id = input('Lookup identifier: ', expand('<cword>'))
if id == ''
" Process options
if a:0 != 0
if a:1 == '-p'
let match_pat = input('Include only lines containing: ', '')
elseif a:1 == '-v'
let skip_pat = input('Exclude lines containing: ', '')
elseif a:1 == '-?' || a:1 == '-h'
echomsg usage
return 1
let id = a:1
echo "\n"
let cmd_output = ''
while id_file != ''
if !g:LID_Search_Multiple_ID_Files && cmd_output != ''
let idx = stridx(id_file, ',')
if idx == -1
let one_file = id_file
let id_file = ''
let one_file = strpart(id_file, 0, idx)
let id_file = strpart(id_file, idx + 1)
if !filereadable(one_file)
let cmd = g:LID_Cmd . ' -R grep -f ' . one_file . ' '
let cmd = cmd . g:LID_Shell_Quote_Char . id . g:LID_Shell_Quote_Char
let output = system(cmd)
if v:shell_error && output != ''
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg output | echohl None
let cmd_output = cmd_output . output
if cmd_output == ''
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg 'Error: Identifier ' . id . ' not found' |
\ echohl None
" Extract lines containing the user specified pattern
if match_pat != ''
let cmd_output = s:ExtractMatchingLines(cmd_output, match_pat)
" No more remaining lines
if cmd_output == ''
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg 'Error: No matching lines containing "' . match_pat . '"'
echohl None
" Remove lines containing the user specified pattern
if skip_pat != ''
let cmd_output = s:RemoveMatchingLines(cmd_output, skip_pat)
" No more remaining lines
if cmd_output == ''
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg 'Error: No matching lines containing "' . skip_pat . '"'
echohl None
" Send the output to a temporary file to use with the :cfile command
let tmpfile = tempname()
exe 'redir! > ' . tmpfile
silent echon cmd_output
redir END
" Set the 'errorformat' to parse the lid output.
let old_efm = &efm
set efm=%f:%l:%m
execute 'silent! cfile ' . tmpfile
let &efm = old_efm
if !g:LID_Jump_To_Match
execute "normal \<C-O>"
" Open the lid output window
if g:LID_OpenQuickfixWindow == 1
" Open the quickfix window below the current window
botright copen
" Jump to the first match. Otherwise, the cursor will be in the quickfix
" window
if g:LID_Jump_To_Match
call delete(tmpfile)
" Define the Lid command to run lid
command! -nargs=? -complete=tag Lid call s:RunLid(<f-args>)
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
" F1 help
" F2 open file
" F3 search
" F3 autotags Update
" S-F3 autotags Add
" F4 open include file
" F5 find C symbol
" F6 go to definition
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
" F9 Search cscopeDB in .vim/cscope
" M-F10 diff tool
" F10 folding
" S-F10 unfolding
" F11 unhighlight search
" F12 paste mode
" C-left/right switch tab
@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ imap <M-S-F1> <Esc><M-S-F1>
" show current changes with F9
" show current changes with F10
command! DiffOrig
\ vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis | wincmd p | diffthis
map <M-F10> :DiffOrig<CR>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user