[vim] add plugin to try color scheme

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Maret 2012-03-20 10:42:05 +01:00
parent 768572fce0
commit 522923a8f1
2 changed files with 621 additions and 0 deletions

.vim/plugin/ScrollColor.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
" ScrollColors.vim - Colorsheme Scroller, Chooser, and Browser
" Author and maintainer: Yakov Lerner <iler_ml@fastmail.fm>
" Last Change: 2006-07-18
" This is colorscheme Scroller/Chooser/Browser.
" With this plugin, you walk through installed
" colorschemes using arrow keys.
" Drop ScrollColors.vim into your plugin directory.
" Type :SCROLL
" Use arrow keys to walk through colorschemes, ? for help, Esc to exit.
" 1. source ScrollColors.vim " or drop ScrollColors.vim into
" " your ~/.vim/plugins directory
" 2. Type :SCROLL
" 3. Use arrows to scroll thgough colorschemes.
" 4. When done, press Esc to exit. You will be prompted
" wether to
" You can download 140 colorschemes pack from:
" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=625
" Having 140 installed colorschemes is in no way prerequisite for
" ScrollColors. But with ScrollColors you can preview 140 colorschemes
" in couple of minutes.
" You can map two keys of your choice to NextColor and PrevColor actions.
" Choose pair of shortcut keys (for example <F2> and <f3>, or \n and \p)
" and map them as follows:
" map <silent><F3> :NEXTCOLOR<cr>
" map <silent><F2> :PREVCOLOR<cr>
if exists("g:scroll_colors") | finish | endif
let g:scroll_colors = 1
command! COLORSCROLL :call s:ColorScroller()
command! SCROLLCOLOR :call s:ColorScroller()
command! NEXTCOLOR :call s:NextColorscheme()
command! PREVCOLOR :call s:PrevColorscheme()
" Example of convenience mappings:
"map <silent><F3> :NEXTCOLOR<cr>
"map <silent><F2> :PREVCOLOR<cr>
"map <silent><F4> :SCROLLCOLOR<cr>
function! s:ScrollerHelp()
echo " "
echohl Title
echo "Color Scroller Help:"
echo "--------------------"
echohl NONE
echo "Arrows - change colorscheme"
echo "Esc,q,Enter - exit"
echo "h,j,k,l - change colorscheme"
echo "0,g - go to first colorscheme"
echo "$,G - go to last colorscheme"
echo "L - list colorschemes"
echo "PgUp,PgDown - jump by 10 colorschemes"
echo "# - go to colorscheme by index (1-N)"
echo "R - refresh colorscheme list"
echo "? - this help text"
echohl MoreMsg
echo "Press any key to continue"
echohl NONE
call getchar()
function! s:Align(s, width)
if strlen(a:s) >= a:width
return a:s." "
let pad=" "
let res=a:s
while strlen(res) < a:width
let chunk = (a:width - strlen(res) > strlen(pad) ? strlen(pad) : a:width - strlen(res))
let res = res . strpart(pad,0,chunk)
return res
function! s:ListColors()
echo " "
let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
let width=18
let pos=0
while list != ''
let str=substitute(list,"\n.*","","")
let list=substitute(list,"[^\n]*\n", "", "")
let aligned = s:Align(str, width)
if( pos+strlen(aligned)+1 >= &columns)
echo " "
let pos=0
echon aligned
let pos = pos + strlen(aligned)
echo "Press any key to continue"
call getchar()
function! s:CurrentColor()
return exists("g:colors_name") ? g:colors_name : ""
function! s:SetColor(name)
exe "color ".a:name
" if we do not assign a:colors_name, then
" bad things happen if file colors/name.vim conmtains wrong assignment inside.
" Wrong assignment inside happens when file was copied but
" assignment inside not fixed.
" Such wrong assignment cause up erratic switches unless
" we do our own assignment to g:colors_name
let g:colors_name=a:name
function! s:JumpByIndex(list,total)
let ans = input("Enter colorscheme number (1-".a:total.") : ")
let index = (ans<=0? 1 : 1+(ans-1)%a:total )
let name = s:EntryByIndex(a:list, index )
call s:SetColor(name)
function! s:JumpByIndex2(list,total, index)
let mod = (a:index <= 0? 1 : 1+(a:index-1)%a:total )
let name = s:EntryByIndex(a:list, mod )
call s:SetColor(name)
function! s:ExitDialog(old, action)
let ans = 0
if a:old == s:CurrentColor()
let ans=1
elseif a:action == ''
let ans = confirm("Keep this colorscheme ?", "&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel")
elseif action == 'keep'
ans = 1
elseif action == 'revert'
ans = 2
if ans == 1 || ans==0
" exit, keep colorscheme
let msg = (a:old == s:CurrentColor() ? '' : "(original: '".a:old."')")
call s:FinalEcho( msg )
elseif ans == 2
" exit, revert colorscheme
call s:SetColor(a:old)
call s:FinalEcho('original color restored')
elseif ans == 3
" do not exit, continue browsing
return -1
function! s:ColorScroller()
let old = s:CurrentColor()
let list = s:GetColorschemesList()
let total = s:CountEntries(list)
let loop=0
if line("$") == 1 && getline(1) == "" && bufnr('$')==1
" if buffer is empty, open something
echo "We will open sample text with syntax highlighting."
echo "Watch for the guiding prompt in the bottom line."
echo "When the text will open, use Arrow keys to switch colorschemes, ? for help."
echo " "
echo "Press any key to continue"
call getchar()
:e $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/abc.vim
:setlocal ro
syntax on
if !exists("g:syntax_on")
syntax on
while 1
let index = s:FindIndex(list, s:CurrentColor())
echo "["
echohl Search
echon s:CurrentColor()
echohl NONE
if loop == 0
echon "] ColorScroller: "
echohl MoreMsg | echon "Arrows" | echohl NONE | echon "-next/prev; "
echohl MoreMsg | echon "Esc" | echohl NONE | echon "-exit; "
echohl MoreMsg | echon "?" | echohl NONE | echon "-help > "
echon "] "
echon " " . index . "/" . total . " "
echon s:Align("", 12-strlen(s:CurrentColor()))
echon "> ColorScroll > "
echon "Arrows,Esc,? > "
let key = getchar()
let c = nr2char(key)
if key == "\<Left>" || key == "\<Up>" || c ==# 'h' || c ==# 'j'
call s:PrevSilent()
elseif key == "\<Down>" || key == "\<Right>" || c ==# 'l' || c==# 'k' || c==# ' '
call s:NextSilent()
elseif c==# 'g' || c=='0' || c=='1'
call s:SetColor( s:GetFirstColors() )
elseif c=='$' || c==# 'G'
call s:SetColor( s:GetLastColors() )
elseif c ==# 'L'
" command 'L' list colors
call s:ListColors()
elseif c=='Z' || c=='z' || key == 13 || c=='q' || c=='Q' || c==':' || key == 27
if s:ExitDialog(old, '') != -1
elseif key == 12 " c=="\<C-L>"
elseif c == '#'
call s:JumpByIndex(list,total)
elseif key == "\<PageDown>"
call s:JumpByIndex2(list,total, (index-10>=1 ? index-10 : index-10+total))
elseif key == "\<PageUp>"
call s:JumpByIndex2(list,total, index+10)
elseif c == '?'
call s:ScrollerHelp()
elseif c == 'R'
call s:RefreshColorschemesList()
echo "Colorscheme list refreshed. Press any key to continue."
call getchar()
call s:ScrollerHelp()
let loop = loop + 1
" Get 1-based index of 'entry' in \n-separated 'list'
function! s:FindIndex(list,entry)
" we assume entry has no special chars or we could escape() it
let str = substitute("\n" . a:list . "\n", "\n" . a:entry . "\n.*$", "", "")
return 1 + s:CountEntries(str)
" Get list element by 1-based index
function! s:EntryByIndex(list,index)
let k=1
let tail=a:list
while tail != '' && k < a:index
let tail=substitute(tail, "^[^\n]*\n", "", "")
let k = k + 1
let tail = substitute(tail, "\n.*$", "", "")
return tail
function! s:MakeWellFormedList(list)
" make sure last \n is present
let str=a:list."\n"
" make sure leading \n are not present
let str=substitute(str, "^\n*", "", "")
" make sure entries are separated by exactly one \n
let str=substitute(str, "\n\\+", "\n", "g")
return str
function! s:CountEntries(list)
let str = s:MakeWellFormedList(a:list)
let str=substitute(str, "[^\n]\\+\n", ".", "g")
return strlen(str)
function! s:RemoveDuplicates(list)
let sep = "\n"
let res = s:MakeWellFormedList(a:list . "\n")
let beg = 0
while beg < strlen(res)
let end = matchend(res, sep, beg)
let str1 = strpart( res, beg, end - beg)
let res = strpart(res,0,end) . substitute("\n".strpart(res,end), "\n".str1,"\n","g")
let res = substitute(res, "\n\\+", "\n", "g")
let beg = end
return res
if v:version >= 700
" s:SortVar(): sort components of string @var separated
" by delimiter @sep, and returns the sorted string.
" For example, s:SortVar("c\nb\na", "\n") returns "a\nb\nc\n"
function! s:SortVar(list, sep)
let list = split( a:list, a:sep )
let sorted = sort(list)
let result = join( sorted, "\n" )
return result . "\n"
if v:version < 700
" s:SortVar(): sort components of string @var separated
" by delimiter @sep, and returns the sorted string.
" For example, s:SortVar("c\nb\na", "\n") returns "a\nb\nc\n"
function! s:SortVar(list, sep)
let res=s:MakeWellFormedList(a:list . "\n")
while 1
let disorder=0
let index1=0
let len=strlen(res)
while 1
let index2=matchend(res, a:sep, index1)
if index2 == -1 || index2>=len
let index3=matchend(res, a:sep, index2)
if index3 == -1
let index3=len
let str1=strpart(res, index1, index2-index1)
let str2=strpart(res, index2, index3-index2)
if str1 > str2
let disorder=1
" swap str1 and str2 in res
let res=strpart(res,0,index1).str2.str1.strpart(res,index3)
let index1=index1 + strlen(str2)
let index1=index1 + strlen(str1)
if !disorder
return res
endif " v:version < 700
let s:list = ""
function! s:GetColorschemesList()
if s:list == ""
let s:list = s:RefreshColorschemesList()
return s:list
function! s:RefreshColorschemesList()
let x=globpath(&rtp, "colors/*.vim")
let y=substitute(x."\n","\\(^\\|\n\\)[^\n]*[/\\\\]", "\n", "g")
let z=substitute(y,"\\.vim\n", "\n", "g")
let sorted = s:SortVar(z, "\n")
let s:list = s:RemoveDuplicates(sorted)
return s:list
function! s:GetFirstColors()
let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
let trim=substitute(list, "^\n\\+", "", "")
return substitute(trim, "\n.*", "", "")
function! s:GetLastColors()
let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
let trim=substitute(list, "\n\\+$", "", "")
return substitute(trim, "^.*\n", "", "")
function! s:FinalEcho(suffix)
let list = s:GetColorschemesList()
let total = s:CountEntries(list)
let index = s:FindIndex(list, s:CurrentColor())
echon "["
echohl Search
echon s:CurrentColor()
echohl NONE
echon "] colorscheme #".index ." of " . total.". "
echon a:suffix
function! s:GetNextColor(color)
let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
if ("\n".list) =~ ("\n".s:CurrentColor()."\n")
let next=substitute("\n".list."\n", ".*\n".a:color."\n", "", "")
let next = substitute(next, "\n.*", "", "")
return next=='' ? s:GetFirstColors() : next
return s:GetFirstColors()
function! s:GetPrevColor(color)
let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
if ("\n".list) =~ ("\n".a:color."\n")
let prev=substitute("\n".list."\n", "\n".a:color."\n.*", "", "")
let prev=substitute(prev, "^.*\n", "", "")
return prev=='' ? s:GetLastColors() : prev
return s:GetLastColors()
function! s:NextSilent()
let old = s:CurrentColor()
let next = s:GetNextColor(s:CurrentColor())
call s:SetColor( next )
function! s:PrevSilent()
let old = s:CurrentColor()
let prev = s:GetPrevColor(s:CurrentColor())
call s:SetColor( prev )
function! s:NextColorscheme()
let old = s:CurrentColor()
let next = s:GetNextColor(s:CurrentColor())
call s:SetColor( next )
call s:FinalEcho('previous: '.old)
function! s:PrevColorscheme()
let old = s:CurrentColor()
let prev = s:GetPrevColor(s:CurrentColor())
call s:SetColor( prev )
call s:FinalEcho('previous: '.old)
command! CN :call s:NextColorscheme()
command! CP :call s:PrevColorscheme()
map \n :CN<cr>
map \p :CP<cr>
map \c :echo g:colors_name<cr>
" 2006-07-18 fixed bug with Align() -> s:Align() (affected L command)
" 2006-07-18 added colorlist cache (s:list)
" 2006-07-18 added R key to refresh colorlist
" 2006-07-19 for vim7, sort using builtin sort() (bubblesort is slow)

.vim/plugin/color_sample_pack.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
" Maintainer: Robert Melton ( iam -at- robertmelton -dot- com)
" Last Change: 2010 Jan 20th
" default schemes
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Blue :colo blue<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.DarkBlue :colo darkblue<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Default :colo default<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Delek :colo delek<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Desert :colo desert<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.ElfLord :colo elflord<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Evening :colo evening<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Koehler :colo koehler<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Morning :colo morning<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Murphy :colo murphy<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Pablo :colo pablo<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.PeachPuff :colo peachpuff<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Ron :colo ron<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Shine :colo shine<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Torte :colo torte<CR>
amenu T&hemes.-s1- :
" 37 new themes
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Adaryn :colo adaryn<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Adrian :colo adrian<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Anotherdark :colo anotherdark<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.BlackSea :colo blacksea<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Colorer :colo colorer<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Darkbone :colo darkbone<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.DarkZ :colo darkz<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Herald :colo herald<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Jammy :colo jammy<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Kellys :colo kellys<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Lettuce :colo lettuce<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Maroloccio :colo maroloccio<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Molokai :colo molokai<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Mustang :colo mustang<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.TIRBlack :colo tir_black<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Twilight :colo twilight<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Two2Tango :colo two2tango<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Wuye :colo wuye<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Dark.Zmrok :colo zmrok<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Light.BClear :colo bclear<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Light.Satori :colo satori<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Light.Silent :colo silent<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Light.SoSo :colo soso<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Light.SummerFruit256 :colo summerfruit256<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Light.TAqua :colo taqua<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Light.TCSoft :colo tcsoft<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Light.VYLight :colo vylight<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.Aqua :colo aqua<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.Clarity :colo clarity<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.CleanPHP :colo cleanphp<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.Denim :colo denim<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.Guardian :colo guardian<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.Moss :colo moss<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.Nightshimmer :colo nightshimmer<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.NoQuarter :colo no_quarter<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.RobinHood :colo robinhood<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.SoftBlue :colo softblue<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&New.&Other.Wood :colo wood<CR>
" 30 removed themes
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.DwBlue :colo dw_blue<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.DwCyan :colo dw_cyan<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.DwGreen :colo dw_green<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.DwOrange :colo dw_orange<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.DwPurple :colo dw_purple<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.DwRed :colo dw_red<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.DwYellow :colo dw_yellow<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Fruity :colo fruity<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Leo :colo leo<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Matrix :colo matrix<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Metacosm :colo metacosm<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Northland :colo northland<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Railscasts2 :colo railscasts2<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Synic :colo synic<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Wombat256 :colo wombat256<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Dark.Xoria256 :colo xoria256<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Autumn2 :colo autumn2<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Buttercream :colo buttercream<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Fine_blue :colo fine_blue<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Impact :colo impact<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Oceanlight :colo oceanlight<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Print_bw :colo print_bw<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Pyte :colo pyte<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Spring :colo spring<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Light.Winter :colo winter<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Other.Astronaut :colo astronaut<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Other.Bluegreen :colo bluegreen<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Other.Navajo :colo navajo<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Other.Olive :colo olive<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Other.Tabula :colo tabula<CR>
amenu T&hemes.De&precated.&Other.Xemacs :colo xemacs<CR>
" Themepack Themes
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Asu1dark :colo asu1dark<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Brookstream :colo brookstream<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Calmar256-dark :colo calmar256-dark<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Camo :colo camo<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Candy :colo candy<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Candycode :colo candycode<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dante :colo dante<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Darkspectrum :colo darkspectrum<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Desert256 :colo desert256<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.DesertEx :colo desertEx<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dusk :colo dusk<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Earendel :colo earendel<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Ekvoli :colo ekvoli<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Fnaqevan :colo fnaqevan<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Freya :colo freya<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Golden :colo golden<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Inkpot :colo inkpot<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Jellybeans :colo jellybeans<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Lucius :colo lucius<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Manxome :colo manxome<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Moria :colo moria<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Motus :colo motus<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Neon :colo neon<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Neverness :colo neverness<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Oceanblack :colo oceanblack<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Railscasts :colo railscasts<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Rdark :colo rdark<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Relaxedgreen :colo relaxedgreen<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Rootwater :colo rootwater<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Tango :colo tango<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Tango2 :colo tango2<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Vibrantink :colo vibrantink<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Vividchalk :colo vividchalk<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Wombat :colo wombat<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Zenburn :colo zenburn<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Autumn :colo autumn<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Autumnleaf :colo autumnleaf<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Baycomb :colo baycomb<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Biogoo :colo biogoo<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Calmar256-light :colo calmar256-light<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Chela_light :colo chela_light<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Dawn :colo dawn<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Eclipse :colo eclipse<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Fog :colo fog<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Fruit :colo fruit<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Habilight :colo habilight<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Ironman :colo ironman<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Martin_krischik :colo martin_krischik<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Nuvola :colo nuvola<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.PapayaWhip :colo PapayaWhip<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Sienna :colo sienna<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Simpleandfriendly :colo simpleandfriendly<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Tolerable :colo tolerable<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Light.Vc :colo vc<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Aiseered :colo aiseered<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Borland :colo borland<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Breeze :colo breeze<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Chocolateliquor :colo chocolateliquor<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Darkblue2 :colo darkblue2<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Darkslategray :colo darkslategray<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Marklar :colo marklar<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Navajo-night :colo navajo-night<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Night :colo night<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Oceandeep :colo oceandeep<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Peaksea :colo peaksea<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Sea :colo sea<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Other.Settlemyer :colo settlemyer<CR>