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Java Source Code Formatting
Eclim provides the ability to format java source code using the
eclipse formatter selected for your workspace.
Source code formatting is invoked in eclipse using the shortcut
<C-S-F>, or from the Source / Format menu. The eclim equivalent is
invoked using the :JavaFormat command described below.
- :JavaFormat - Formats the current visual selection (or the current
line, if nothing is selected). To format the whole file, use
Given the following file:
* @return
* Service
* for test Eclipse <C-F> formatting.
static String
if (abstractService == null)
throw new RuntimeException( "abstractService isn't initialized !");
return abstractService;
You can execute :%JavaFormat to format the code according to your
eclipse settings.
* @return
* Service for test Eclipse <C-F> formatting.
public static String getAbstractService() {
if (abstractService == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("abstractService isn't initialized !");
return abstractService;
Note: The formatting of the code is done externally with Eclipse and with
that comes a couple of caveats (|vim-issues|).
Currently source code formatting is only configurable via the eclipse
GUI. To do so, shutdown eclim, start the eclipse GUI and configure
your settings via:
Preferences : Java / Code Style / Formatter / Active Profile: / Edit