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Web Lookup Commands
Eclim provides a set of commands that allow you to open information in
the web browser or your choice.
The first of these commands is :OpenUrl which opens a url in your web
browser, or optionally in Vim via netrw (:help netrw).
When executing the command you may supply the url to open, or if
ommitted, it will open the url under the cursor. By default all urls
will open in your web browser, but you may optionally configure a list
of url patterns to be opened via the netrw plugin. The following
example is configured to open all dtd, xml, xsd, and text files via
let g:EclimOpenUrlInVimPatterns =
\ [
\ '\.\(dtd\|xml\|xsd\)$',
\ '\.txt$',
\ ]
For urls that match one of these patterns, you may also define how the
file is to be opened in Vim (split, edit, etc.).
let g:EclimOpenUrlInVimAction = 'split'
If a url you want to open matches one of these patterns, but you want
to force it to be opened in your browser, you can supply a bang (!) to
force it to do so:
Vim Variables
- g:EclimOpenUrlInVimPatterns (Default: []) - Defines a list of url
patterns to open in Vim via netrw.
- g:EclimOpenUrlInVimAction (Default: 'split') - Defines the command
used to open files matched by g:EclimOpenUrlInVimPatterns.
Web Search Commands
In addition to simply opening a url, eclim also provides a couple
helper functions which allow you to create simple commands or mappings
to search the web using your favorite search engine or to lookup a
word via an online reference.
2. eclim#web#SearchEngine This function provides the functionality
needed to create search engine commands or mappings.
command -range -nargs=* Google call eclim#web#SearchEngine(
\ 'http://www.google.com/search?q=<query>', <q-args>, <line1>, <line2>)
Adding the above command to your vimrc or similar provides you with
a new :Google command allowing you to start a search on google.com
(http://google.com) in your browser from vim. This command can be
invoked in a few ways.
1. First by supplying the word or words to search for as arguments
to the command.
:Google "vim eclim"
:Google vim eclim
:Google +vim -eclim
Note that you can supply the arguments to the command just as you
would when using the search input via google's homepage, allowing
you to utilize the full querying capabilities of google.
1. The second method is to issue the command with no arguments. The
command will then query google with the word under the cursor.
2. The last method is to visually select the text you want to search
for and then execute the command.
- eclim#web#WordLookup This function can be used to create commands or
mappings which lookup a word using an online reference like a
dictionary or thesaurus.
command -nargs=? Dictionary call eclim#web#WordLookup(
\ 'http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=<query>', '<args>')
Adding the above command to your vimrc or similar provides you with
a new :Dictionary command which can be used to look up a word on
dictionary.reference.com (http://dictionary.reference.com). You can
either supply the word to lookup as an argument to the command or it
will otherwise use the word under the cursor.