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Ruby Search
Pattern Search
Pattern searching provides a means to widen a search beyond a single
element. A pattern search can be executed using the command
:RubySearch -p <pattern> [-t <type> -s <scope> -i]
All of the results will be placed into the current window's location
list (:help location-list) so that you can easily navigate the
Vim command completion is supported through out the command with the
exception of the pattern to search for.
:RubySearch <Tab>
:RubySearch -p MyClass* <Tab>
:RubySearch -p MyClass* -t <Tab>
:RubySearch -p MyClass* -t class <Tab>
:RubySearch -p MyClass* -t class -s <Tab>
:RubySearch -p MyClass* -t class -s project
- -p <pattern>: The pattern to search for.
- -t <type> (Default: all): The type of element to search for where
possible types include
- class
- method
- field
- -x <context> (Default: declarations): The context of the search,
where possible values include
- all - All occurances.
- declarations - Declarations matching the pattern or element.
- references - References of the pattern or element.
- -s <scope> (Default: all): The scope of the search where possible
values include
- all - Search the whole workspace.
- project - Search the current project, dependent projects, and
- -i: Ignore case when searching.
Element Search
Element searching allows you to place the cursor over just about any
element in a source file (method call, class name, constant) and
perform a search for that element. Performing an element search is
the same as performing a pattern search with the exception that you do
not specify the -p option since the element under the cursor will be
searched for instead.
If only one result is found and that result is in the current source
file, the cursor will be moved to the element found. Otherwise, on
single result matches, the value of |g:EclimRubySearchSingleResult|
will be consulted for the action to take. If there are multiple
results, the location list will be opened with the list of results.
As a convenience eclim also provides the command :RubySearchContext.
This command accepts no arguments and will perform the appropriate
search depending on the context of the element.
- If the cursor is on a the definition of a method, class, module,
etc. then a search will be performed for all uses of that element.
- Otherwise, it will search for the declaration of the element.
Vim Variables
- g:EclimRubySearchSingleResult (Default: 'split') - Determines what
action to take when a only a single result is found.
Possible values include:
- 'split' - open the result in a new window via "split".
- 'edit' - open the result in the current window.
- 'lopen' - open the location list to display the result.
Note: Search support depends on the eclipse dltk (
ruby plugin which should be installed for you when choosing ruby
support in the eclim installer.