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Headless eclipse server
The most mature usage scenario that eclim provides, is the running of
a headless eclipse server and communicating with that server inside of
vim. Starting and stopping of the headless eclipse instance is
detailed below.
Warning: While the headless server is running, opening an eclipse gui is
strongly discouraged. Doing so has the potential to corrupt
eclipse's persisted state, leading to errors on the next headless
Starting eclimd
Linux / Mac / BSD (and other unix based systems): To start eclimd from
linux, simply execute the eclimd script found in your eclipse root
directory: $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclimd
Note: When starting the eclim daemon, you must start it as the same user
who will be running vim.
Windows: The easiest way to start eclimd in windows is to double click
on the eclimd.bat file found in your eclipse root directory:
Note: Even though an eclipse gui is not started in eclim's headless mode,
eclipse still requires a running X server to function. To run
eclimd on a truely headless server, please see the headless guide
Stopping eclimd
To cleanly shutdown eclim use any one of the following.
- From Vim:
- From a console:
$ $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclim -command shutdown
- Lastly you can use Ctrl-C at the console if you are running eclimd
in the foreground, or issue a kill to the eclimd java process.
$ kill *pid*
You will need to kill the java process since killing the eclimd or
eclipse process will not do so. While eclim provides a shutdown
hook to support a clean shutdown when the java process is killed in
this manner, it is still recommended that you utilize one of the
first two methods instead, and reserve this as a last resort. Also
note that when killing the java process eclipse will pop up an alert
dialog notifying you that the java process was terminated underneath
it. This is nothing to be alarmed about.
Headed eclipse server
For users that find themselves periodically needing the eclipse gui,
or otherwise wanting to keep the gui open while using eclim, there is
support for running the eclim server inside of a headed eclipse
Starting eclimd
The eclim daemon inside of eclipse is implemented as an eclipse view.
To open the view, go to the Window menu and select:
Show View -> Other -> Eclim -> eclimd
The view will be opened in a new tab in the same pane as the
"Problems" tab, as shown below.
Note: By default, if you open an instance of gvim from within eclipse, the
eclimd view will be opened for you if necessary. This behavior is
configurable via the Vimplugin preferences.
Stopping eclimd
As long as the eclimd tab is open then the eclim daemon will be
running. Stopping the eclim daemon is just a matter of closing the
eclimd tab. Also note that leaving the tab open and closing eclipse
will shutdown the daemon as well, and on the next start of eclipse the
tab will be opened, but the eclim daemon will not start until the tab
is forced to display itself. In other words, the daemon will not start
until the eclimd tab is the active tab in that group.
Embedded gvim
Note: Please note that this feature is currently considered alpha. Please
post any issues on the eclim user
( mailing list.
Another feature provided by eclim for those who prefer to work inside
of the eclipse gui, is the embedding of gvim inside of eclipse. This
feature is provided by an eclim local fork of vimplugin
( The feature adds a new editor to eclipse
which allows you to open files in gvim by right clicking the file name
in the eclipse tree and then selecting:
Open With -> Vim
The eclim installer should take care of locating your gvim
installation for use inside of eclipse, but in the event that it could
not locate it, you can set the location and other settings via the
vimplugin preferences located under the Windows menu at:
Preferences -> Vimplugin
Note: If you have vimplugin installed you should remove it prior to using
the eclim version.
Note: Some users have reported issues with the embedded gvim's command
line being cut off or possible rendering issues when scrolling
through the file. If you experience either of these issues, try
adding the following to your vimrc file, which should hopefully
resolve those problems:>
set guioptions-=m " turn off menu bar
set guioptions-=T " turn off toolbar
Eclipse/Vim key shortcuts in embedded gvim
Depending on your OS and windowing system, when the embedded gvim has
focus, you will fall into one of two groups:
1. In the first group of users, all key presses are received by
eclipse prior to sending them to gvim.
For this group, when typing a possible key shortcut (ctrl-n for
example), eclipse will first evaluate that key stroke to see if
there are any eclipse key bindings registered. If there are, then
eclipse will run the associated command and the key stroke is never
sent to gvim. If no key binding is found, then eclipse will pass
the key stroke through to gvim. What this means for you is that
for any gvim key mappings that you use that have an eclipse key
binding, they will not be evaluated inside of gvim. So, if you
encounter this issue, you'll need to remap the keys in vim or
eclipse. To remove the key binding from the eclipse side, simply
open the "Keys" preferences page:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys
Then find the entry in the list that corresponds with the key
binding you want to remove, select it, and hit the "Unbind Command"
Note: By default eclim will auto-remove a couple of the standard
eclipse bindings whenever an embedded gvim editor has focus and
then restore them with a non-gvim editor gains focus:
- Ctrl+W: in eclipse this closes a tab, but in gvim this is
needed to switch windows (ex. ctrl-w j).
- Ctrl+U: in eclipse this run "Execute", but in gvim this is
needed to run code completion (ex. ctrl-x ctrl-u).
1. In the second group, all key presses are received by gvim and not
evaluated at all by eclipse.
For this group of users, you may have an eclipse key shortcut that
you like to use (Shift+Ctrl+R for example), but when you hit that
key combination, it will be evaluated by gvim instead of eclipse.
To remedy this situation, eclim provides a means to map eclipse
shortcuts inside of gvim. To register a shortcut, simply add your
mappings to your vimrc, gvimrc, or other standard gvim file like
" maps Ctrl-F6 to eclipse's Ctrl-F6 key binding (switch editors)
nmap <silent> <c-f6> :call eclim#vimplugin#FeedKeys('Ctrl+F6')<cr>
" maps Ctrl-F7 to eclipse's Ctrl-F7 key binding (switch views)
nmap <silent> <c-f7> :call eclim#vimplugin#FeedKeys('Ctrl+F7')<cr>
" maps Ctrl-F to eclipse's Ctrl-Shift-R key binding (find resource)
nmap <silent> <c-f> :call eclim#vimplugin#FeedKeys('Ctrl+Shift+R')<cr>
" maps Ctrl-M to eclipse's Ctrl-M binding to maximize the editor
nmap <silent> <c-m> :call eclim#vimplugin#FeedKeys('Ctrl+M', 1)<cr>
The value supplied to the FeedKeys function must be an eclipse
compatible key binding string as found in:
Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Keys
Be sure to notice the extra argument to the FeedKeys function in
the last mapping. Supplying 1 as the arg will result in the
refocusing of gvim after the eclipse key binding has been executed.
On unix platforms (linux, mac, bsd) eclim supports an optional
.eclimrc file located in your home directory. In this file you may
supply any system properties or vm args which you would like passed to
eclimd at startup. The format of this file is the same as the
standard java properties file format with the exception of any vm args
which you would like to include.
# Specifies the port that nailgun / eclimd listens on for client requests.
# Specifies the workspace directory to use
# See $ECLIPSE_HOME/configuration/config.ini for other osgi properties.
# increase heap size
# increase perm gen size
The eclim client will also utilize this file, but only to determine
the nailgun server port should you choose to change the default.
Note: Your system must have sed available so that eclim can process your
.eclimrc file.
Both the eclim and eclimd scripts also support a -f argument allowing
you to specify an alternate location for your .eclimrc:
$ eclimd -f ~/.my_eclimrc
$ eclim -f ~/.my_eclimrc -command ping
eclimd logging
Eclimd utilizes log4j for all of its logging. As such, the logging
can be configured via the
$ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclim_version/log4j.xml file.
By default, eclimd writes all logging info to both the console and to
a log file in your workspace: <workspace>/.metadata/.log.eclimd
Hosting third party nailgun apps in eclimd
Since nailgun provides a simple way to alleviate the startup cost of
the jvm, other projects utilize it as well. However, running several
nailgun servers isn't ideal, so eclim supports hosting other nailgun
apps via an ext dir where you can drop in jar files which will be made
available to eclim's nailgun server.
The ext dir that eclim reads from is located in your vim files
Linux / BSD / OSX:
For an example of utilizing the ext dir, please take a look at the
VimClojure (|guides-clojure-vimclojure|) guide.