
79 lines
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Executable File

@file MQ135.h
@author G.Krocker (Mad Frog Labs)
@license GNU GPLv3
First version of an Arduino Library for the MQ135 gas sensor
TODO: Review the correction factor calculation. This currently relies on
the datasheet but the information there seems to be wrong.
@section HISTORY
v1.0 - First release
#ifndef MQ135_H
#define MQ135_H
#if ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
/// The load resistance on the board, in KOhms
#define MQ135_RLOAD 10.0
/// Calibration sensor resistance at atmospheric CO2 level, in KOhms
#define MQ135_RZERO 76.63
/// Parameters for calculating ppm of CO2 from sensor resistance
//#define PARA 116.6020682
//#define PARB (-2.769034857)
/// Correlation parameters from Davide Gironi <>
#define PARA 56.0820
#define PARB (-5.9603)
/// Parameters to model temperature and humidity dependence
#define CORA 0.00035
#define CORB 0.02718
#define CORC 1.39538
#define CORD 0.0018
/// Atmospheric CO2 level for calibration purposes, in PPM.
/// See
#define MQ135_ATMOCO2 397.16
/// Test voltage applied to the A pins of MQ-135, in volts. Usually, it's equal to power supply voltage.
#define MQ135_VC 5.0
/// analogRead reference voltage, in volts. By default it's a power supply voltage on Arduino. Can be changed with analogReference().
#define MQ135_VREF 5.0
class MQ135 {
uint8_t _pin;
// Calibration sensor resistance at atmospheric CO2 level, in KOhms
float _rzero;
// Atmospheric CO2 level for calibration purposes, in PPM, see
float _atmoco2;
// analogRead reference voltage, in volts
float _vref;
// Load resistance on board, in KOhms
float _rload;
// Test voltage applied to the A pins of MQ-135, in volts
float _vc;
MQ135(uint8_t pin, float rload = MQ135_RLOAD, float rzero = MQ135_RZERO,
float atmoco2 = MQ135_ATMOCO2, float vref = MQ135_VREF,
float vc = MQ135_VC);
float getCorrectionFactor(float t, float h);
float getResistance();
float getCorrectedResistance(float t, float h);
float getPPM();
float getCorrectedPPM(float t, float h);
float getRZero();
float getCorrectedRZero(float t, float h);