#include #include #include #include #define STATICIP 0 #define halt(s) { Serial.println(F( s )); while(1); } uint16_t checkFirmwareVersion(void); bool displayConnectionDetails(void); extern Adafruit_CC3000 cc3000; boolean CC3000connect(const char* wlan_ssid, const char* wlan_pass, uint8_t wlan_security) { Watchdog.reset(); // Check for compatible firmware if (checkFirmwareVersion() < 0x113) halt("Wrong firmware version!"); // Delete any old connection data on the module Serial.println(F("\nDeleting old connection profiles")); if (!cc3000.deleteProfiles()) halt("Failed!"); #ifdef STATICIP Serial.println(F("Setting static IP")); uint32_t ipAddress = cc3000.IP2U32(10, 0, 1, 19); uint32_t netMask = cc3000.IP2U32(255, 255, 255, 0); uint32_t defaultGateway = cc3000.IP2U32(10, 0, 1, 1); uint32_t dns = cc3000.IP2U32(8, 8, 4, 4); if (!cc3000.setStaticIPAddress(ipAddress, netMask, defaultGateway, dns)) { Serial.println(F("Failed to set static IP!")); while(1); } #endif // Attempt to connect to an access point Serial.print(F("\nAttempting to connect to ")); Serial.print(wlan_ssid); Serial.print(F("...")); Watchdog.disable(); // try 3 times if (!cc3000.connectToAP(wlan_ssid, wlan_pass, wlan_security, 3)) { return false; } Watchdog.enable(8000); Serial.println(F("Connected!")); uint8_t retries; #ifndef STATICIP /* Wait for DHCP to complete */ Serial.println(F("Requesting DHCP")); retries = 10; while (!cc3000.checkDHCP()) { Watchdog.reset(); delay(1000); retries--; if (!retries) return false; } #endif /* Display the IP address DNS, Gateway, etc. */ retries = 10; while (! displayConnectionDetails()) { Watchdog.reset(); delay(1000); retries--; if (!retries) return false; } Watchdog.reset(); return true; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Tries to read the CC3000's internal firmware patch ID */ /**************************************************************************/ uint16_t checkFirmwareVersion(void) { uint8_t major, minor; uint16_t version; if(!cc3000.getFirmwareVersion(&major, &minor)) { Serial.println(F("Unable to retrieve the firmware version!\r\n")); version = 0; } else { Serial.print(F("Firmware V. : ")); Serial.print(major); Serial.print(F(".")); Serial.println(minor); version = major; version <<= 8; version |= minor; } return version; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Tries to read the IP address and other connection details */ /**************************************************************************/ bool displayConnectionDetails(void) { uint32_t ipAddress, netmask, gateway, dhcpserv, dnsserv; if(!cc3000.getIPAddress(&ipAddress, &netmask, &gateway, &dhcpserv, &dnsserv)) { Serial.println(F("Unable to retrieve the IP Address!\r\n")); return false; } else { Serial.print(F("\nIP Addr: ")); cc3000.printIPdotsRev(ipAddress); Serial.print(F("\nNetmask: ")); cc3000.printIPdotsRev(netmask); Serial.print(F("\nGateway: ")); cc3000.printIPdotsRev(gateway); Serial.print(F("\nDHCPsrv: ")); cc3000.printIPdotsRev(dhcpserv); Serial.print(F("\nDNSserv: ")); cc3000.printIPdotsRev(dnsserv); Serial.println(); return true; } }