# Adafruit MQTT Library example with support This example illustrates Publish an arbitrary data packet using the Adafruit MQTT library to an MQTT feed which can then be parsed by the included python subscriber client. ## Installing and configuring Mosquitto (minimal working setup) ####On a Raspberry Pi/Linux: ```bash sudo apt-get install mosquitto cd /etc/mosquitto/ #See Common Setup Instructions Below ``` ####On a Mac: ```bash brew install mosquitto cd /usr/local/etc/mosquitto #See Common Setup Instructions Below ``` ####Common ```bash sudo nano mosquitto.conf ``` scroll about two thirds of the way down until you see: ```bash # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Default authentication and topic access control # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ``` You should see `#password_file` about a paragraph after that. Change ```bash #password_file ``` To ```bash password_file pwfile ``` Now `ctrl-x` to save and exit. ## Using Example Python Subscriber: Install dependents if haven't already ```bash cd ../Adafruit_MQTT_Library/examples/mqtt_arbitrary_buffer/python_subscriber pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Run python script with default values ```bash python subscriber.py ``` Use help to see a list of modifiable options ```bash python subscriber.py -h ```