/*************************************************** Adafruit MQTT Library Arduino Yun Example Make sure your Arduino Yun is connected to a WiFi access point which has internet access. Also note this sketch uses the Console class for debug output so make sure to connect to the Yun over WiFi and open the serial monitor to see the console output. Works great with the Arduino Yun: ----> https://www.adafruit.com/products/1498 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries. MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution ****************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "Adafruit_MQTT.h" #include "Adafruit_MQTT_Client.h" /************************* Adafruit.io Setup *********************************/ #define AIO_SERVER "io.adafruit.com" #define AIO_SERVERPORT 1883 #define AIO_USERNAME "...your AIO username (see https://accounts.adafruit.com)..." #define AIO_KEY "...your AIO key..." /************ Global State (you don't need to change this!) ******************/ // Create a YunClient instance to communicate using the Yun's brighe & Linux OS. YunClient client; // Store the MQTT server, username, and password in flash memory. // This is required for using the Adafruit MQTT library. const char MQTT_SERVER[] PROGMEM = AIO_SERVER; const char MQTT_USERNAME[] PROGMEM = AIO_USERNAME; const char MQTT_PASSWORD[] PROGMEM = AIO_KEY; // Setup the MQTT client class by passing in the WiFi client and MQTT server and login details. Adafruit_MQTT_Client mqtt(&client, MQTT_SERVER, AIO_SERVERPORT, MQTT_USERNAME, MQTT_PASSWORD); /****************************** Feeds ***************************************/ // Setup a feed called 'photocell' for publishing. // Notice MQTT paths for AIO follow the form: /feeds/ const char PHOTOCELL_FEED[] PROGMEM = AIO_USERNAME "/feeds/photocell"; Adafruit_MQTT_Publish photocell = Adafruit_MQTT_Publish(&mqtt, PHOTOCELL_FEED); // Setup a feed called 'onoff' for subscribing to changes. const char ONOFF_FEED[] PROGMEM = AIO_USERNAME "/feeds/onoff"; Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe onoffbutton = Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe(&mqtt, ONOFF_FEED); /*************************** Sketch Code ************************************/ void setup() { Bridge.begin(); Console.begin(); Console.println(F("Adafruit MQTT demo")); // Setup MQTT subscription for onoff feed. mqtt.subscribe(&onoffbutton); } uint32_t x=0; void loop() { // Ensure the connection to the MQTT server is alive (this will make the first // connection and automatically reconnect when disconnected). See the MQTT_connect // function definition further below. MQTT_connect(); // Try to ping the MQTT server /* if (! mqtt.ping(3) ) { // MQTT pings failed, lets reconnect Console.println("Ping fail!"); } */ // this is our 'wait for incoming subscription packets' busy subloop Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe *subscription; while ((subscription = mqtt.readSubscription(1000))) { if (subscription == &onoffbutton) { Console.print(F("Got: ")); Console.println((char *)onoffbutton.lastread); } } // Now we can publish stuff! Console.print(F("\nSending photocell val ")); Console.print(x); Console.print("..."); if (! photocell.publish(x++)) { Console.println(F("Failed")); } else { Console.println(F("OK!")); } delay(1000); } // Function to connect and reconnect as necessary to the MQTT server. // Should be called in the loop function and it will take care if connecting. void MQTT_connect() { int8_t ret; // Stop if already connected. if (mqtt.connected()) { return; } Console.print("Connecting to MQTT... "); while ((ret = mqtt.connect()) != 0) { // connect will return 0 for connected Console.println(mqtt.connectErrorString(ret)); Console.println("Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds..."); mqtt.disconnect(); delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds } Console.println("MQTT Connected!"); }